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Scary Guy

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Everything posted by Scary Guy

  1. http://scary-guy.livejournal.com/4548.html
  2. I don't need to be in a club to be apathetic, I can do it fine all by my self.
  3. Who the hell knows, his daddy helped him become pres, he probably got him into that too.
  4. Bush is stupid enough as it is. I knew about them fixing women who were deemed as "febleminded" Although both retardation and genius are the result of mutation. I've got this one friend in Whyoming, he's a certifiable genius but his mom is as dumb as a rock. A big ugly rock that likes to eat things.
  5. Hey, you might hate to admit it, but many of the people HERE are white trash as well. I'm white trash deep down myself. I've got real hillbilly blood in me. Just say kill the stupid, it covers all races and cultures.
  6. AHAHA, earlier today I was excited about getting to 1,000 posts finally. Now I'm almost to 2,000, thanks Troy
  7. Yeah you and me both, I was hoping. Mr. Clean is doing good, saw him Thursday
  8. lol my dad won't go south of 8 mile for anything, unless it's on the express way to go south of Detroit. Depending on where you go I bet there are some places in Detroit that haven't seen white people in a loooong time (unless they're like me and got lost driving heh). I'd also like to bitch about people getting pulled over for possibly having drugs. Like thats the only reason white people would be down there at 3 AM.
  9. I go into detroit and I feel like a white zit. I don't think the racial population difference has a bunch to do with it.
  10. Actuallly one of the "people of color" that I know is Isac, the christian streight edge african american. I happen to be a moral-less streight edge white trash atheist.
  11. I know at least 4, I've seen 5 or 6 total. I just remember hearing the term "black is beautiful" and thinking of all my goth friends. Then I heard it in a song in greg's truck (refrencing goths instead of african americans). "I am black and you are white" maybe your friend is actually colorblind
  12. I can read it pretty well actually. Even if you isolate the words you can still read them unless when the letters are rearranged they have different meanings.
  13. K I just switched from Family Guy to that Simpsons episode where they have the squatters and they trick them out of their own house.
  14. Didn't make it out, ride fell through and no way in hell am I driving.
  15. I was thinking more of Glen Quagmire from Family Guy Social worker: "Glen honey, I got a question for you. What do you do for a living? Quagmire: "I got a question for you. Why are you still here?"
  16. We'll I'm going only if I can find a ride, since my truck is 3 wheels into the grave. Right now it looks like I'm only going if I get a ride with Glitz Batty, and I NEED to go to pick up buttons. If not with her there is about a 5% chance I'll find a ride with someone else, and a 50% chance I just say fuck it.
  17. Pulse State is playing in the Red Room there... I'm trying to find a way there without having to use my truck.
  18. I love being a night person, I just hate day people. Stupid LCC won't let us play late. City Club could be open till 6 AM every night if they wanted to. All other goth clubs have to close at 2 AM. Today I went to bed at 4 AM which is early for me, and I woke up at 8 AM which pissed me off because it's way too early for me to be up. What pisses me off even more is DRIVING IN THE SUN! Oh yeah there are no 24 hour banks, there are no 24 hour computer stores (near by). At least I don't live in Caro. The ONLY thing open is a Speedway gas station and I needed camping supplies. House parties till dawn are a good start of fixing this problem. I was also thinking of one day moving to NYC "the city that never sleeps." People in Detroit don't sleep either though, they're too scared to LOL. OK I think I could use a nap soon.
  19. I'll be at Mephisto's :D BTW how is Luna cheaper? I'm working on the prices, it's just hard when you have to convince TWO bosses. Also what do you mean the music is better at Luna :( It's ok I know I suck as a DJ Also depends on which floor you're on and what DJ is spinning. This is why we have 4 DJs a night and two different floors. If you don't like the music, try the other floor, or wait a while for the next DJ to come on. We also do requests.
  20. Good to see you out and about. Way to shock the shit out of me too. Long hair? It's been that longo since I've seen you? lol. Last time I saw you, you really did look like your profile pic.
  21. Gothabilly mostly Also cybergoth at least in part. Still working on that.
  22. I remember it from 1998, you know, before he sold out his side with 1,000 banner ads.
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