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Scary Guy

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Everything posted by Scary Guy

  1. I mean unofficial threads exist, and really at this point anyone can post about anything as things are a lot less strict. For example I do this all the time. Theoretically the administration is here watching, but the only one I really see post or in the online list at all is Tron. Which means that if the others are watching they aren't logged in. I don't know how hard it is to make a new account, but there's a considerable lack of fresh blood here. However that kind of makes the need for moderation low, for better or worse. I've probably scared off a few as well just being my opinionated asshole self. Apparently those supposed adults can't exist in the same space as someone they disagree with. Whatever, it's their loss. The funny thing is Troy probably would have banned me too if we didn't see eye to eye on most things (actually he did three times, but I think that was due to pressure from other users.)
  2. I just found out that CDPR was going to spin out my GOG account into one on their site. Opted out of that pretty fucking quickly. If I need less of anything it's people having my account info. But they did it mostly right, they asked and offered an option to opt out. Would have been better had it been opt-in instead though.
  3. What you really need to do is have a spare car key in your wallet, and a hide-a-key in a inconspicuous place or leave one with a neighbor you trust. If you're ever locked out of your car you can easily get in, and the same goes for your home. Also it protects against things like this:
  4. You should have gone to Happy Endings last month since that's pretty much all they played. They usually throw in a healthy helping of it anyway but I guess they decided to do a tribute night that night. That's assuming you're still in the area and go out these days.
  5. Don't care, my 5.11 boots are comfy. I'll only wear the fancy ones my ex got me if I know I'll be able to sit down somewhere. If I stand in them too long my heels hurt. I don't look down on anyone for prioritizing comfort over all else. With footwear, a comfy shoe can even help to prevent back issues later on (or they may already have them.) For example, when I go to Asylum I do a LOT of walking around Windsor as @Serxera likes to park in BFE (which is fine (it'll be more fine when it's warmer out)) So I like a comfy boot for that. Honestly I'd also rather stand around and talk to people than sit off in a corner brooding anyway... usually. Then again absolutely no one should take any fashion advice from me. Though I've never cared what anyone else thinks of my garb. It may be unorthodox, but I like it and that's the only thing that matters (because other people's opinions don't matter.)
  6. Generally it's better to just start a new thread rather than go off-topic.
  7. My father woke me up because bullshit that I didn't need to be involved in happened. His truck died and he needed my friend to tow him. I got up to tell him exactly what my friend did, it's probably just the battery from the cold. He said bring it in if it still doesn't turn over though. Then little things here and there keeping me awake. I'm about to go back the hell to sleep though. Everything/everyone can wait until I've decided I'm fully rested (which may just be 2025.)
  8. I know, and I'm pretty sure you were talking to me right before since I was there all but five minutes. I tried to kept it vague intentionally as I'm not trying to throw shade on anyone since I'm mostly an interloper here. But as someone who has people who can't stand to be in the same room as them I fully feel this. I just hope they aren't "dealt with" too severely. They've always been pretty decent to me, and I could see being in their position. I want them to continue to be a part of the scene they enjoy, but again it isn't my call. If it were though, I think a good admonishing would be in order though. Anyway thank you both and much <3 to you for your candor in the matter.
  9. I found the earliest post I could. I'm going to bump it. I don't really celebrate them, but they seem important to you. Either way I hope you have many more of them in the future. I hope you and yours continue to do well.
  10. Well myself and @Serxera got kicked out by proxy since there was some drama with Chelsea and a DJ (or his wife.) She even called and tried to make sure things were cool before hand. It's been over 10 years but I guess things are still not cool. Whatever, we got some food and went back. Thought for a second about "Shrek Rave" but decided against it since it's overpriced and we'd probably hate the music anyway. Not sure what they're doing now but I decided to just stay home. I'll go hang out at his place tomorrow anyway. But it was good seeing everyone for those five minutes. Looking forward to next month.
  11. Yeah, I noticed when I came in and got blinded since DarkReader pretty much just inverts the colors turning white into black. Now I'm just hoping I don't eventually get killed at some zebra crossing for my transgressions against the visual spectrum. Anyway it shouldn't be too hard getting the fancy backgrounds back either. Icons and the rest of the theme will be some work though. Just be sure to write down the changes made so you can make them again if (when) the software upgrades and breaks them.
  12. The site's theme breaking and reverting to default does in fact count as a change :P I am pretty sure you meant under the hood back end changes though.
  13. It was a really good show. I got there a bit early and no one was there yet, so I went into the nearby bar, got a soda, and called Todd to confirm. He'd just pulled up so that was convenient. We had some good discussion about construction and dogs and whatnot. Played some great tracks and then went home. Traffic was light both ways too so that was nice. He said he looks forward to having me back and I look forward to going.
  14. The site seems slower as well, on top of the glaringly obvious changes. The login fields are still incorrect as well so my password app still fills them in wrong. Well I don't care what it looks like, I'm not here for the facade. I also force a dark theme with DarkReader anyway.
  15. Going through music for the show tonight.
  16. That's fucking hilarious. Right now I'm working on the SAM Discord and talking with a member.
  17. Also what punks say is true though. Cops just hate the night because it's black. All my life I've preferred the night time as it's dark, quiet, and peaceful. But I can tolerate the day if I really need to, though I try to avoid it as much as I can.
  18. No, you're right. You should use the official F-Droid client on your phone instead of downloading the APK directly for the app. Not that I trust F-Droid completely either, but I do trust it more than any other online store. For example, I've disabled Google Play on my phone.
  19. There's one I saw on F-Droid that may be of interest: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/edu.cmu.pocketsphinx.demo/ Not that I trust it completely, but I trust it more than anything else currently out there.
  20. Is that different than the typical boolean search commands? I figured AI would be better at showing you the content you actually want to see. However I haven't tried it and they aren't interested in showing you anything you actually want to see anyway. All you get are ads and blogspam.
  21. https://authorandpunisher.com https://sanctuarydetroit.com/event/13360153/author-punisher-morne-glassing-obselite/ FUCKING GO!
  22. Hosted by DJ Fuck You Todd, it's been around for a good number of years. I haven't been there in a while, so tune in while I play good shit and talk as politely as I can about the local scene and music in general: https://www.crbradio.com/shows/tattoo-music-lounge/
  23. I don't have dates at all, but off the top of my head I know Love and Rockets, and there was that infamous VNV Nation/Apoptygma Berzerk show. I have no idea how those aren't on the history page. Also The Gothsicles played my birthday party among multiple other shows there. I should look over my playlists too since for most of the bands I'd write down who was on before/after my sets (and those give exact dates too.) Probably have some of the fliers I did as well. I wonder if Industrial Detroit also has a list somewhere? Oh https://www.concertarchives.org/venues/leland-city-club is neat. The statement "Leland City Club has had 21 concerts" is obviously complete bullshit though and it is woefully lacking data. Also, does this count as modern anthropology?
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