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Scary Guy

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Everything posted by Scary Guy

  1. I took my friend to Corwell last year so he could get his elbow worked on. If you need a third opinion this guy is apparently amazing, but he's at 13/Woodward.
  2. The upload size here sucks. I'd use Imgur or some other hosting site and then just link to it from here. Works well for me when I need it to anyway.
  3. We're never getting a real choice. All we get is the illusion of choice. Again we need to get rid of the first past the post and electoral college voting systems and gerrymandering. Maybe then we could have an honest and fair election.
  4. Hey, sometimes it's better that way. I've got a friend in a loveless marriage who would give his left nut to trade places with you. It's way better to be alone than resented and treated like shit constantly. But yes, it hurts for a while and that is a shitty time for her to have done that. On the plus side there are plenty of other women out there, and women dig foreign guys.
  5. See, this is what I hate about the divide, is both sides think for sure that their side is going to win and everyone hates the other guy. The left is trying as hard as they can to scrub off Trumps name from every state ballot they can in 2024, and throwing a ton of (well deserved) legal cases at him to deal with. At the same time gas is cheaper than it has been in a long time. They are really working to polish that turd Biden and they are going to Weekend at Bernie's him into a second WH term. On the other side, Trump has a bunch of idiots and they think there is no way that their guy can lose. There may or may not be anything to the whole Hunter thing but either way they'll try as hard as they can to make it look like something. They will write in his name but I don't think it will be enough with all that the left is doing. I'm predicting a Biden win, but not by much. As far as Trump having fans goes, a LOT of people like the brash, careless energy he oozes. They hear his values and somehow think they're virtuous. They literally want Hitler 2.0 and don't think he's that bad, completely forgetting that the Germans wanted Hitler 1.0 and didn't think he was that bad either and look where they ended up, still living that shame down too and those Nazi fucks that exist today aren't helping. Sorry, I got on a rant again.
  6. Well if I wasn't sick I'd be at Eastern Palace for Happy Endings, but since it looks like I will be I will just stay home. Our calendar system is stupid and much better systems exist, but no we have to use this one because tradition/religion or some bullshit with July and August shoehorned in there throwing off the names of the months of September onward. Also, fuck Smalls.
  7. https://www.amazon.com/Sleeper-Mattress-Loveseat-Guestroom-Apartment-Charcoal/dp/B0CBMHKDNJ Might not be the style of leather you want, but it checks the boxes. It just says Futon because no one knows the proper names for anything anymore. If you want American made or not on Amazon that might take me a bit longer, but I literally spent less than five minutes looking.
  8. Agreed, but the lefties that are all "ride or die" with Biden are also annoying. Just because he's the less shit of the two shit options doesn't mean that he's not still a shit option. But our voting system sucks so we just get to choose between two demented/senile 80 year olds who aren't fit to run a lemonade stand let alone the country. Hey, that's a great point. But I'd say "big baby boomers" to further drive the insult home because otherwise some of them might not actually get it.
  9. I mean technically so is eggshell. Think I'm going to catch up on Archer.
  10. I'm sure there are people who look way worse. That's what brings be comfort anyway as a moderately attractive man. I mean we can't all be models right? Whoever is can't stay pretty forever either.
  11. Oof. Maybe just work out then or something IDK. But sleeping in any place that is unusual can do that, even if you used to sleep there at one point. Just try to make yourself comfortable I guess.
  12. I mean both require a suspension of disbelief, along with almost all other mockumentary movies/shows. The only exception that I know of is "This is Spinal Tap", which actually formed into a real band and toured after the success of the film. Also fuck that movie will be forty years old in less than three months? Goddamn this getting old thing sucks.
  13. Well I'm happy you stopped by at least. Your loss is our gain! Just go jerk off until you pass out. Works for me at least.
  14. I appreciate both for what they are. But a documentary crew hanging out for five seasons and being granted access to everything... Never mind the fact that they can't cast a reflection, but are in tons of old photos from cameras that did use mirrors. But as you said it's all in good fun and some of the plots are pretty good as well. Also I need myself a fancy witch hat now to wear all the time unironically.
  15. You should get a projector and then paint a wall eggshell white. Then get a copy of Pink Floyd's "The Wall..." Also, might as well link it just because it's great:
  16. It's possible it falls under ADHD or the 'tism. But yeah I know what you mean. I always think of that scene from Fight Club about single serving friends. Except those you mentioned last a bit longer, though they still seem to have an expiration date of on or just after that thing in your life (be it school, work, some club/meetup you both went to, or even an online game you both played that one of you left) ends and oh wow is that annoying because you actually liked that person. Honestly it's probably for the best though. I've made the attempt and put in the effort, if they don't appreciate that then fuck'em. I've forgotten more people than I know at this point and the friends that continue to hang around online or otherwise are worth keeping. Though quite often my dumbass will keep giving them chances, because I actually think they're good/interesting people. I'm reminded of that analogy about people being like food and there are certain foods people just don't like. Yet I'm over here all "JUST TRY IT, YOU MIGHT LIKE IT!" I can't make them like me though, nor should I have to change myself to fit their ideals since I don't ask that of anyone else (okay very few with good reason.)
  17. I mean where else would it lurk? Though I guess if it were anywhere else you wouldn't worry about it anymore :P
  18. So, I saw the movie a few years ago, and this year I binged the entire show. How has absolutely no one on a FUCKING GOTH FORUM mentioned this yet? (I know this because I did a forum search thinking I'd actually be late to the party.) I was very happy to see something comical about vampires where they were able to just joke about it without being a complete fucking joke. Here's the opening scene for the movie if you haven't seen it. Both the cinematic movie and the television show are very fun, though the movie feels more serious in tone and feels more like an independent production. The show however is just completely off the rails with high production values and an all-star cast (plus cameos from some other stars who've played famous vampires in other media.) Continuity isn't great (especially concerning previous established lore) but at least the vampires don't fucking sparkle I guess so it gets a pass. Also some good dark humor which is kind of rare for anything broadacst TV. Anyway I'm excited for season 6, but I also hear that will be the last season so it's kind of bittersweet. I suppose it had to end sometime though.
  19. I got to do their backing monitors and DJ when they played at I-Rock about 15ish years ago for a Hellbound party. Good times for sure.
  20. I saw Krampus last year. I thought it was good and I hate this holiday. No lesbian orgy though. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3850590/
  21. I mean they didn't do a horrible job, but there are some songs one shouldn't cover. Not out of respect, but because they can't do it justice. It's said that almost all those people in the song Jim actually knew and when he wrote it he was writing from his personal experiences. I believe The Basketball Diaries (which I guess the movie isn't exactly accurate but the book probably is) goes into greater detail about the life he lived. It's often thought of as a "fun" song because it sounds so upbeat, when in reality it's just one of the most upbeat dirges I've ever heard.
  22. Well I hope you feel better. I myself feel great now. Nothing like good friends to help with that, and I'm doing it again tomo... later today :D
  23. Sorta funny but he can't rhyme for shit it seems. Looking at the rest of his videos he has no real original ideas or shame (man needs to put on a shirt!) Gotta cash in on that WWDitS popularity that's all the rage right now though I guess. Going through season 5 and the entire thing (including the movie) has been a riot. I mean that's had some sticking points too, but obviously you forgive those because they're trying their best. Here, have this instead:
  24. So apparently the Big Boy at John R/13 Mile has pizza now. I'm not sure how much that's agreeing with me though, but it was okay. Their strawberry pie is amazing too, but I ate too much to really have any. Also they close at 8 PM now and that sucks. I miss when they closed at like 10-11 back in the 90s, which is probably the last time I went with any regularity. I kinda stopped after my granny died (mom's side) since she'd usually pick me up and take me out. That location was torn down and I think the last time I was there was at her funeral. The funeral home was across the street from that and I suggested we all go. ...and now I feel sad(der.)
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