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  1. I was dating this girl for a few months, when her ex popped back up in the picture. Before she broke up with me, she introduced me to her best friend. Well, inevitably she left me and is currently not speaking to me. The other day I hooked up with her friend, and it got back to her. She let me go, but should I feel bad about what I did?
  2. I was a regular for two years. I now go to Luna sometimes and a few of Trixies peeps do but its not quite the same.

  3. WIN. i am KNOWN.

    but yeah.

    i cried alot when i left. trixies was my home.. i was there like, every day for six months. sucks that i didn't find it sooner.

  4. Yes ive seen you there.

  5. same! you've probably seen me then. tiny little girl, pink hair. that's how everyone knows me. xD

  6. I know, I was there the last night. I miss it soooo much. It was my home from home and everyone knew me.

  7. you went to trixies? /read interests- it's closed now. ]:

  8. Damn right and if not then fuck them. We can cause Im a pRick and your such a whore. lol

  9. because, you know, that's what they've been waiting for. xD

  10. We have a pRick and a Whore. The board is complete!

  11. Welcome aboard and love the name!

  12. Sweet, there is a box like this, on everyone's page...

    ...we write here, you say stuff there...is like tac board :p

  13. This picture reminds me very much of Mr. Tom Waits. I approve.
  14. Actually, I think I was twelve in that picture. But it still remains one of my favorites.
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