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Everything posted by Iris

  1. I dunno, the spirits have been keeping me away from City on Saturday...every time I have attempted to attend on such and such a date: ~my car gets violated ~I accidentally burn my special incense and go into hibernative meditation for 13 hours ~something shiny crosses my periph and I have an urge (that is satisfied) to chase after it ~...I have work early the next day ~still basking in the afterglow from Friday night ~sitting in bed with my little book o'Doom and a certain manual...planning, cahooting, and ~something else, even shiner crosses...YAY *runs after it*
  2. Oh, so that was *siren* ...I remember the t-shirt Hugged Raev and his formal-hawk wielding suited self (quite dapper), and made nice with some few others: Beau, Tyger, squeaked a hello to Lula...and then crashed the congregation at Rev and OMG's temple of sacredness (right after I danced my arse off at City for a few hours)... *inverts second empty tea pot* "horse-loogies"
  3. I'd like to see you try =P

  4. speaking of tongues...

  5. excuse me, I think i need a change of undergarments
  6. How to distinguish from a doh'nut: ~has the general size and shape of a baseball ~filled to near bursting capacity (thus, a Degree in Fracture-Mechanics is a pre-req for baking one) ~MUCH richer batter (thus allowing it to be filled to previously stated capacity) ~Blessed by authentic Polish ambiance (an old Pol-lock with an ancient Polka-playing keyboard will suffice, in most cases) ~Made by someone who actually likes their job ~Made by people with incredibly dated senses of humour (that still somehow etches a smile across one's face, no matter how corny it sounds)
  7. Cheese pizza with well-diced asparagus, pineapple, green pepper, celery, freshly ground black pepper beneath, and a hint of basil along the crustline...best when eaten in a non-traditional direction...not forwards, not backwards...but sideways
  8. Is not paranoid for two reasons: ~not forgetting that one posted here just now ~not wondering if maybe someone else posted in their name (though the room appears to be quite empty)
  9. You Have an Adventurous Heart You believe that love is anything you make of it. Love can be a game, a gamble, or a commitment. You are brave about who you choose to love. You don't care if others don't understand your love, as long as you understand it. Your heart is free and wild. You never know where your heart will take you, but you're willing to follow it anywhere. Your love life is fun, unpredictable, and at times a bit heartbreaking. The adventure is worth the heartbreak though! What Kind of Heart Do You Have? Blogthings: Waste Time at Work! Sagittarius-eses has Sagittarian hearts!
  10. Brains are sexy! Did you see the Right-Hemisphere on THAT hottie
  11. III - A Discordian is Required during his early Illumination to Go Off Alone & Partake Joyously of a Hot Dog on a Friday; this Devotive Ceremony to Remonstrate against the popular Paganisms of the Day: of Catholic Christendom (no meat on Friday), of Judaism (no meat of Pork), of Hindic Peoples (no meat of Beef), of Buddhists (no meat of animal), and of Discordians (no Hot Dog Buns). So, I discover the 5 rules a little after I am told my views are somewhat Dischordian...this happens to be on a Friday, mind you...at 10 p.m. There are no nearby 24 hour COney Islands...and besides, I am without a car at this point...but, lo and behold, we has hot dogs in the freezer...just no buns. I come to realize that hot dog buns are just glorfied dinner rolls (which we do have lying around)...I consider whether such could be deemed a "hotdog bun", as that is the central issue...I even attempt to convince myself that I can perform such an activity on the following Friday; THat fails, so I do some artisan work on the rolls and construct a "Penta-bun" from the rolls (Thus, adhering to the "Rule of 5" and making one massive hotdog bun in the process [ if you are going to sin, sin ALL the way!] ).
  12. I told you, its "mu" (all Greek to you)...MEW!

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