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Everything posted by Iris

  1. Is getting paid to say such...little does it know, the payment cheque will never arrive for services rendered
  2. The ability to calculate Pi to at least the 23rd decimal place (kidding, or am I?) Being smart isn't enough...One needs to wield such with articulation...to look beyond the base definition of a concept and be able to appreciate the process that was before it was stanchion-ed into the commonwealth of knowledge
  3. What would you enjoy most about being a vampire? - Extra intelligence Do you think it would be easy to drink blood from a human? - You would love to drink a human's blood, especially if a chase was involved. Do you believe in inter-dead relationships (i.e. a vampire and a human)? - Well, sure, as long as everyone acts appropriately Do you consider yourself to be a moral person? - You follow your own moral code If you were a vampire, you would definitely be: A crafty vampire *drumrolls* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G29xwDFpS0&feature=PlayList&p=5495B411CADCD2C6&index=1 Whut nao, Bee--Snatches!
  4. Yup, you will find the consistency is shockingly accurate to that of actual blood...just not as salty
  5. hey hey, I think I may have accidentally gotten some sleep last night...This should be avoided at all costs in the future :3

  6. You can has grammar-sicle?

  7. Who said anything was "meaningless"? I do gibber, I admit, but its all for a wonderful cause; Thus, no regrets...because life is too...BUNNIES *.*

  8. gibbering up where? Where is "there"///and one does not "gibber" (needlessly)

  9. How does one do the Old Yeller to "this week"? As for me, I'm quite *impish*
  10. its a holy union of pancake and egg mosaic-like <3
  11. Pneumonic Plague Black, with Astral highlights
  12. Czech omelet with Black Currant syrup
  13. All species with equal frightedness?
  14. Bavarian Creme!!!! Apple is pretty bitchin in its own rights, as well...but you know...BC with 10x sugar topping is what melts my will to a sweet pile of decadence
  15. I'm in the middle of Dante's Purgatorio myself....another book I must look into finishing As if a nap is in order, then further plans can be made
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