I give you a FUCKING HUGE HIGH FIVE girl! Exactly my feelings! I enjoy who I am and I dont care if I got a job or not I am proud and I will be myself and fuck what other people think and say! I will survive and I will be myself no matter what. I will have my hair how I want, my piercings, my tattoos and my style. Its who I am and if I have to be fake or pretend to be what society deems whatever to work and live then it makes me feel suffocated fake and depressed. I dont mean to say those who do work jobs and cannot always look goth are fakers posers and what not just I myself would feel fake if i did that. Just wanna make certain no one misunderstands me. Anyways I give props to those who are actually on this site because they actually enjoy being in the goth scene and being a goth. It dont matter how old you are. In England i seen 90 yr olds in the scene wearing elaborate period victorian clothing. I dont need to get into what goth is and the history of it. Thing is love it enjoy it and be a part of the community or hate it and find somewhere where you belong better. No matter what thing your into now days there will be hypocrites, fakes, posers, wannabes and people who judge or label us. there will always be stereotypes and always be someone who dont like something or someone for one reason or another. Me I am not perfect I cant stand how certain cliques act and what they are into but I am also so laid back and dont really care much anyways because i keep to myself, mind my own business and focus on the things that make me happy. If it dont make me happy i dont wanna think about it unless I have to.