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Everything posted by the_fairy_gothmother

  1. I dont particularly have a thing for drag queens and cross dressers but I have to say Jeffree Star is the hottest and most beautiful one. I love that while he does all the makeup, and clothes he still keeps his gender and doesnt have fake breasts or implants and not trying to have his weenie chopped off. He enjoys his masculinity enough to keep it but goes all out and just does what he loves. I am not even bi (and i have nothing against those who are gay or bi) but thats damn sexy and I would love getting freaky with him.
  2. I give you a FUCKING HUGE HIGH FIVE girl! Exactly my feelings! I enjoy who I am and I dont care if I got a job or not I am proud and I will be myself and fuck what other people think and say! I will survive and I will be myself no matter what. I will have my hair how I want, my piercings, my tattoos and my style. Its who I am and if I have to be fake or pretend to be what society deems whatever to work and live then it makes me feel suffocated fake and depressed. I dont mean to say those who do work jobs and cannot always look goth are fakers posers and what not just I myself would feel fake if i did that. Just wanna make certain no one misunderstands me. Anyways I give props to those who are actually on this site because they actually enjoy being in the goth scene and being a goth. It dont matter how old you are. In England i seen 90 yr olds in the scene wearing elaborate period victorian clothing. I dont need to get into what goth is and the history of it. Thing is love it enjoy it and be a part of the community or hate it and find somewhere where you belong better. No matter what thing your into now days there will be hypocrites, fakes, posers, wannabes and people who judge or label us. there will always be stereotypes and always be someone who dont like something or someone for one reason or another. Me I am not perfect I cant stand how certain cliques act and what they are into but I am also so laid back and dont really care much anyways because i keep to myself, mind my own business and focus on the things that make me happy. If it dont make me happy i dont wanna think about it unless I have to.
  3. I think Tuesday would be fine. I am sure alot of people do enough during the weekend and just want a day to rest and prepare for the start of school and work.
  4. I am feeling in love!!!!! I also feeling great because i am losing weight and I think life is looking up for me. i also spoiled myself and bought a new corset yay!!!!!
  5. Im with you Eevee I LOVE Haryy Potter! i even got to see the real Hogwarts express and the location of Hogsmead when I went to England. I am so going to this theme park!
  6. I been to both clubs. I guess because I live in my own little world I dont really pay attention to the negatives. I just go enjoy dancing and seeing people and talking. to just be around people who like to be different and wear cool clothes and have fun. If I can make a friend or have a interesting conversation thats a bonus. If theres songs i like on i dance if not well I still dance or go chill out and take a break. I am so laid back and I like to avoid conflict and drama. Im not out to impress anyone, not trying to prove anything or start problems. I love to dance and socialise and be myself without being afraid or caring what others think. As far as im concerned both clubs are fun and offer different things. why do the same old thing all the time? I mean if you like that then cool. I like variety and just going out is a treat for me so I enjoy it as much as I can and i dont worry about anything but having fun. I haven't had any bad experiences as of yet. Even if I did well I move on and dont dwell on the past. I have better things to occupy my mind and time with.
  7. I have had that video on my Itunes for a long time and its one of my faves. I absolutely LOVE Depeche Mode! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rdfFroO67g
  8. Hey everyone I refereed our newest member! Another one assimilated into the DGN. I hope to begin getting down there a bit more before I go to California.
  9. I will. I was originally with Anonna but shes gone home to Florida. I might have 2 other friends on my lot nothing confirmed yet. My bf cannot make it out not cause he cant take off work long enough next month to come out and stay. So at this point me and possibly 2 people lol.
  10. Im a born again Christian and I even found this video hilarious. I have been to churches like that where people start dancing and going wild. I stood there watching the insanity and while I understand how serious they take their faith and how joyful they get I personally think thats too extreme for me. Still I had a good chuckle from this and I dont really take things that personally. Heck I even listen to satanic black metal and it dont mean Im gonna go burn a church or join a satanic cult.
  11. I heard he turned it down cause hes a family man now and doesnt want his kids or something to see all that stuff. Thats what i heard.
  12. Yup It was just a fun idea I was tossing around. I will be sorting something out here soon so I can start making a frequent appearence to the clubs. hows everything going so far with the no smoking bans? I hope not too many people stopped going to city. it would be a shame not to get to meet some of the DGN goths. Anyways yeah I am going to work towards getting transport and or moving out there. I think things will fall into place soon and I will sort it all out. I appreciate everyones feedback though. Still im a partier and I do love to throw a good party so in the future maybe not in Algonac but in the future I depending on my situation would always love to entertain. Its just fun and I like seeing people smile and have fun. I can certainly say the backwoods bash is scrapped. It was fun to talk about sort of I guess. "and now for something completely different" -monty pythons flying circus
  13. ROFL limp bizkit collection hehe I never knew I had one. I would have to say Im doing pretty good on music old and new. Sure theres loads of stuff I have not heard of yet but yeah I know I gotta get out of this town. Anyone wanna adopt a goth? Im housebroken, feed myself, and Im fixed(well Im not having kids anyways) Joking on the whole adoption thing! sigh... Oh did I mention the above question about who you would like to see to make it worthwhile is hypothetical. Of course if I move closer to the city I wouldn't even plan on having a party in the backwoods of algonac at my parents house. Besides I will have a car before I move anywehere so then it wont really matter ride wise as I would just drive there. Driving to Detroit from my house is not so bad. Like a little bit over an hour depending on traffic.So once I got wheels it wont be so bad.
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