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Everything posted by the_fairy_gothmother
cool contact lenses
the_fairy_gothmother replied to the_fairy_gothmother's topic in Fashion, Beauty and Costume.
Yeah I heard she was having some trouble. No ones perfect no matter what your belief or non belief system is. -
Fairy Gothmothers Backwoods Bash
the_fairy_gothmother replied to the_fairy_gothmother's topic in Nightlife, Events & Concerts
Thats cool. I know I was born in such the wrong place. Well actually its my great grandads fault for leaving detroit. I still even have relatives in and around Detroit but they are those I only see for family reunions and special occasions. If only I could pull a rabbit out of my hat and have a big outdoor concert with some kick ass bands playing. set up stage in the back yard and believe me we got space for it! Im talking big stage too. like arena size stage I wonder who it would take to get DGNers to travel here. Heres a hypothetical. Who would you travel 1/1/2 - 2 1/2 hours to see? We all know it would never happen but its a fun idea. -
have you ever slept in a teepee? Its fun! I used to make them all the time growing up. Then I can make a totem pole and tie up tresspassers and dance around them in the glow of the firelight and scalp em. No no Im justa jokin. Forgive me Im being weird today actually. My thought processes are not working properly. Im a donkey on the EDGE! That didnt make any sense or have a point. Nothing right now seems to. No I didnt lose my marbles I left them in neverland! (just incase your all wondering Im not on any drugs!)Just having one of those days. anyone else ever have a crazy day?
I guess it dont really matter to me. Im dying anyways. If second hand smoking dont kill me some other cancerous things will. I dont like smoking but if someone is considerate and dont sit there with it in my face I dont really care. I just hate seeing people that bitch they got no money to pay their bills while they spent their money on cigarettes. Even rolling your own becomes costly because well this wont be the case with everyone but my parents roll their own with a machine and it seems like they just smoke more cause they think they are saving so much money. Then the garbage and litter. Seeing the ashes,tar stains and the smell sort of puts me off. But Yeah if theres going be a ban than some sort of compromise should be considered. I mean like right now with the whole dont buy bottled water thing. Its harmful to the environment and no more better than drinking tap water. Ok fair point yes drinking bottled water does later lead to unneeded trash. Now I hear there are states banning them in places and stores that are either charging for or completely rid of plastic bags. So many these things are useful everyday objects. In the grand scheme of things they are a waste of our planets resources and limited space for trash. Now imagine getting ticketed or fined for jogging down the street and drinking from a bottle of water. Its sometimes nice to have them for convenience if your really in a rush or hurry. Right now not everyone can afford reusable $10 bottles and buy a dozen plus reusable shopping bags. Those shopping bags while yes help with environment were pretty annoying when I worked in retail like meijers. Its one thing having to scan everyones groceries but bagging them too since they like many places have rid of baggers having that spinning bag thing is the fastest solution. when someone comes through with 50 of those reusable bags its time consuming unfolding and having to stick their stuff in it. while this shouldnt be annoying because they are trying to keep trash and waste out of dumps I get annoyed by the impatient customers behind them and the stupid speed scores which we are expected to live up to. Thing is what may be convenient or good for one person or situation is not for another. Like I said though if smoking (well second hand for me since I dont) but if that dont kill me something else will so I dont really care. I only care about things that effect peoples way to express themselves and take away our freedoms that dont harm others. Banning bottled water in places or areas seems to be a bit more ridiculous than smoking. Only way Im doing anyone harm at that moment is if I should decide to spit in the bottle, urinate in it and try giving them a infection, illness or disease or using it as a weapon of some sort. Oh well theres always going to be something thats bad for us. Smokers smoke to your hearts content if that seems worth the money and pleases you. Me I rather spend my money on other things more useful or save up for either a rainy day or a fun trip.
Yeah you know it. I think for many guys masturbation sometimes is more of a private thing where they wanna be by themselves and fantasize about anything they want. Which I see nothing wrong with that. I know of someone who said they dont because well it dont get them off only the real thing does and making a women get there so he tried anyways but therres probly lpenty of guys like that. they dont because a hand and a porno dont cut it. Then theres the type that could whip it out and be in their special place over and over without a second thought. Then you have those who just like showing off and getting off showing you. When I used to frequent the yahoo chat rooms there were so many times a invite to view a webcam that would pop up and to no suprise as well its only a suprise after the first couple times, but quite frequently it was some dude sitting there showing the world he enjoyed himself haha. who whole shower in prison thing. Hmmm ummmm. Well I dont think once you actually see some of the guys and know of the diseases going around that you would be as much for the shower shenanigans.
Yeah well you think its going to stop kids from ditching school or getting expelled? Getting suspended and expelled is so easy now days. If schools are truly getting to be like this to heck with public schools home school em and yeah so they might not get all the social stuff that is if your not willing to take them out to socialise. My area actually has a local library program for home school students to come and study together and interact. I feel sort of bad for the smokers I know if I did something I enjoyed and people were trying to make me quit it would be a kick in the ass having some law passed that made it more difficult. Just hopefully during this people keep a level head and dont try protesting it too largely in a way that would cause harm to themselves or others and get into huge legal trouble. I suppose we just have to accept the fact and make do with it and try negotiating ways to make it more fair for not only patrons but business owners.
Hey you do know theres actually still a couple laws in michigan though for surely they may not be enforced a man can sure his wife over cutting her hair and its illegal to give oral sex.Though I fear for the future of our children because its not just the laws and the invasion of our privacy and freedom but our schools are taking away alot too. For instance my local school district is cutting down credits to graduate and will only have academic classes. No more elective. so that means no more art, wood shop, and music classes and other classes that once would have given kids other options to learn something useful and interesting. I been told they already made band a after school thing now. The drop out rate is already going up. If we continue seeing this trend in which we are forced to learn only what the government thinks we need to know. English math science and social studies well theres going to be a even bigger gap in whos employed and making money and whos not. I know I wouldnt be going to school if I could not learn art and music. Also another good reason Im not having kids.Look at parental rights. You cant punish your kids properly now days without the state knocking on your door for abuse. It happened to my own parents because my brother thought he was being clever and pushed my parents to spanking him and though yeah they left a couple small bruises on his ass with a belt he covered himself in them form a temper tantrum and told school social workers he was being abused. After that they lost complete control of him. So as I see it we are heading into a future of a regime where the government will dictate what we can and cannot do. The bill of rights and declaration of indepenance mean almost about nothing now. theres too many people with opposing ideals and beliefs and stuff now days. The more we all fight each other about whos infringing on whos rights the more all our rights will be taken from us basically. And the govenrments going to weigh in on the side with the money.
Fav pic of yourself
the_fairy_gothmother replied to punk_princess's topic in Pictures, Photography and Art
Ok this is the right thread and by the way all the sat night shots look awsome I so wish I could have been there. Some of my fave pictures from past 5 years. Just me being me here in Algonac the past 5 yrs. -
Favorite Picture Of Your Fellow DGNer...
the_fairy_gothmother replied to Oh_My_Goth's topic in Pictures, Photography and Art
oh I thought this was fave of yourself lol i shall promptly remove that. forgive me I didnt sleep last night -
I do agree with chernobyl about it being a 2 way street having a fair respect. I myself am a non smoker. I live in a house where everyone smokes but myself. Its difficult and I used to bitch and moan all the time but I gave up and as much as it angers me seeing my family waste their money which they dont have to pay bills and their health away I cannot force them to quit. I choose to stay away from it. Its not my home so I cant make them stop. As for the state ban. Well I guess I dont care either way because I dont smoke. I dont care if people smoke or not.I do however agree venues and clubs should allow people to return to the club without charge not just for smoking but any reason. I dont see the point in doing that. But yeah I feel bad for the people who smoke in a way because its such a addiction and habit that obviously is difficult to rid of and some people are really proud of smoking and enjoy it very much. There are many things people can be addicted to or habits people cannot stop. Not just drugs alcohol or sex but video gaming, computer gaming, tv porn lol and even exercise can become a destructive habit to some who are obsessed and do it so much it takes over their lives and destroys relationships and they become so self absorbed and vain about their looks. I guess the only thing we can do is either obey the law and not have any hassles or try fighting it and rebelling. If I were a smoker I dont want to risk being fined its money I cant afford and a fight I would for sure lose and not get around. I wouldnt wanna rebel or protest it because I enjoy keeping my criminal record spot free and keeping keeping my money for things I need or want.
Oooo that sounds fun.I might have to see if I can go. I never been to a comic con before. I wanna go to a cosplay/anime convention too.
Favorite Picture Of Your Fellow DGNer...
the_fairy_gothmother replied to Oh_My_Goth's topic in Pictures, Photography and Art
I had the wrong thing posted here. Well I have a couple here I can share. that was a cute one Garbeldena from my first time to city club. I did his hair sort of rather badly nad we all laughed it looked jokerish A shot from a DKonstruct perfomance I was at. I found this angle interesting. I dont really have many of DGN members yet since I have not attended many events or been to the clubs much. -
$10 cheap commissions
the_fairy_gothmother replied to FarrIL's topic in General Promotion & Want Ads
I for one as a artist also agree not to sell yourself short. Go to Etsy, Cafepress and fine art america oh and deviant art. My original pieces go for even more because firstly they are the original and secondly sniff I hate parting with my work because I fall in love with my artwork. Its my creation, I dont have kids and dont plan on them so selling my own art work is almost like selling my children and I want them to go to a good home where they will be taken care of so I charge high prices. I just sold the original of my Sock Monkey Nirvana painting and thats went for $150. I wanted more but negotiated the price and the person who bought it has bought my orignal art and collects pieces from me so being they are a fan I am willing to negotioate a little bit.Like I said I want my artwork to go where it will be taken care of not trampled and trashed and I cant imagine anyone trampling a $150 piece of artwork. I often sell things on cafepress. Its a nifty site where I can have my images put on all sorts of things and I recently had somone buy a $60 framed print and baby items with my designs. They pay you a commission of that though. I do it for some of my digital graphic designs I make for fun. I think they look cool so I slap em on there. Granted my artwork dont sell everyday and at this present time I dont make a living on it but as desperate I am in need of money I cant part with my art for cheap. -
Awww huggles! I feel you there. You should see how isolated it is where I live. No neighbors just trees. 20+ years of trres. Its like I been camping all my life. Look out the window and theres trees, walk out the frton door, tree, walk out the back trees. Sometimes I start talking to all my sock monkeys. But then they talk about swinging in trees d'Oh!
cool contact lenses
the_fairy_gothmother replied to the_fairy_gothmother's topic in Fashion, Beauty and Costume.
yeah its going good for her. Im born again too. I met her through a Christian Goth group on facebook actually. She still is a pretty awsome chick Its fun though being Jesus Freaks. The freak part was already there lol. -
Fav pic of yourself
the_fairy_gothmother replied to punk_princess's topic in Pictures, Photography and Art
OOoo and in my favorite colors too purple and black! Very pretty indeeds! -
Tears for Fears 2010 US Tour
the_fairy_gothmother replied to DJ Nihil's topic in Nightlife, Events & Concerts
ooowwwaaaa I might have to go to this!!!! Now if Tears for fears, simple minds and duran duran were all playing together that would be EPIC! -
Aftermath, DGN night April 24th
the_fairy_gothmother replied to Raev's topic in Nightlife, Events & Concerts
Sorry I couldnt make it. I really looked forward to it too but the universe conspires against me. I hope to see some cool photos from it and I hear Garbeldena had a cool mask. And now as i write this for some reason I have got the Masquarade song from Phantom of the Opera stuck in my head and I didnt even listen to it. -
bathroom attendants at clubs
the_fairy_gothmother replied to Simon Bar Sinister's topic in Nightlife, Events & Concerts
I suppose maybe its a way to give jobs to people in desperate need of money now days. It is a pretty shitty job pardon the pun. So I think theres more to it than just having cleaner more secure restrooms I think possibly theres some government incentives to forming jobs either in tax breaks or something. -
Yeeah I know others suffer too. there is alot more than that short paragraph I could write a book. My troubles started right off the get go from birth. But thing is I guess maybe theres a reason for me to be here. I have been doing alot of soul searching within myself. Im scared to reach out and tell my feelings to others because I dont want to be made a mockery and in my past experience reaching out for help from others only seems to find rejection for one reason or another. But I am here spilling my feelings out whether people wanna know or not. I know I must triumph over this though somehow. I know one thing with all the lemons lifes handing me I need to open a lemonade stand and start selling it lol. I'l charge a fair price too. 10 cents a cup like back in the good old days. Afterall lifes lemons are pretty sour and I dont have much sugar to sweeten them up. for your kind words.
cool contact lenses
the_fairy_gothmother replied to the_fairy_gothmother's topic in Fashion, Beauty and Costume.
I used to get mine from vampfangs.com but they stopped offering premade ones that were cheaper and I was able to order without a rx. The place I go now is FXeyes they i believe are a direct manufacturer of lenses and make custom ones as well.They work with providing the film industry contacts. Some of their premade ones are available without giving prescription. I know I know I could wreck my eyes not having prescription lenses as I actually do have to wear glasses but I cant afford the extra money going to a eye doctor for the contact lenses. Though its funny I waste my money on lenses rather than new glasses which I need. Not to mention I will barely wear them out much at all. I dress up goth in my house and wear this stuff just for the hell of it and it really does me no good. But its my little bit of fun so I do it. It is funner actually going out and being in the scene amongst people but Ive always played dressup and was into the goth and dark stuff and stranger things in life. Didnt care for or need attention. I just do it because I like to change my appearance and look different. Yep Im a freak for real. Now its time to go have tea with my sock monkeys. -
cool contact lenses
the_fairy_gothmother replied to the_fairy_gothmother's topic in Fashion, Beauty and Costume.
Yeah thats Daisy -
Fairy Gothmothers Backwoods Bash
the_fairy_gothmother replied to the_fairy_gothmother's topic in Nightlife, Events & Concerts
Thank you Rev for clarifying the legalities. I knew there was something to it like that. Well Like i said its an idea. I am hoping to make some friends and have fun and well having a party would be a way to do that however without many people able to travel the distance I guess its looking more like its not going to be feasible. The best thing I can hope for is getting some wheels back on the road and driving to the clubs and stuff when I can afford it. It just sucks now cause I practically have no life, no friends, no social life at all where I live. I am in a catch 22 situation and rather than spew on about it and my husband divorcing me and leaving me with nothing the fact is it is what it is. I am here the goth scene is there and I have to find a way to it on my own really just like everyone else. Maybe I will save up and throw a party at a venue or club nearer by. I just hope to make some friends and rebuild my life and start new. I also like to party hehe I didnt do any of that as a teenager. I just kept to myself and so now I am going to have my fun. -
I am feeling quite lonely. after having a companion for 5 years its very hard adjusting to being alone. And its not like before I got married. I actually had a few friends and stuff but now I dont even have that or my granma who passed away a year a a few months ago. The only company I have now are my sock monkeys. I take no comfort in company with my family because they only upset me when I am around them. So I feel utterly alone and it really tares me up. My divorce will be final may 20th. The realization that my marriage is over only makes the loneliness and pain more intense. One of my good friends turned her back on me when I sought her help out. She used to be a nice person but changed into someone different and despite my loyalty, honesty and compassion she threw it all away because of her own issues and I guess it didnt help her and my ex husband had an affair which I forgave her for and so now I sit here online searching for friends, someone to spend time with and possibly a soul mate not that Im in a rush for another man in my life. I just got over being very suicidally depressed and I ODed last month on pain meds in a half assed effort to do myself in. I cant explain in words how much I hurt inside. No matter how I try to cope I cannot rid myself of the grief, sorrow and heartache. Call it wallowing in self pity but if you were in my shoes and experienced the life I have then maybe you would understand and be more compassionate. The Fairy Gothmother always puts on a brave face and soldiers on but truly each day that goes by I feel like Im dying inside and the physical pain that accompanies it only makes it even more agonizing. I always wish to fade away because truth be told I have been torn apart, cheated, and left with nothing. I try filling the gaps and being happy and stuff but it seems like if I do I get condemned for it. I feel so pathetic and I probably am pathetic.