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Fyrliin Feuer

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    Modeling, Photography, Drawing, Gardening, Cooking, Writing Novels, Raising Hell, Studying Herbs, Playing in the Snow, Writing my name in your Blood on snow.....And so much more...
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    http://facebook.com/gothicfox, myspace.com/gothic_fox_
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  1. Moving in 3 weeks to out first house.

  2. I worked in Silver Leaf when I was 7, But things changed, and it became more of a Flee market faire you could say. But this year, My friend says they are trying to get the Rennie family thing back. I am waiting a year or two before I go back for sure. But hey its just a hope. Sometimes they always dont work out as planned.
  3. Thats awesome, I love your cup too lol
  4. Lol my Boyfriend knows you lol, he says your funny as hell. He is on the Right.
  5. Have you been to the Mayfaire in Marshall, and if you have, did you by some chance see a girl with Black Fox ears, and maybe bat wings? Not the best photo of me, but that is one of my costumes, lol, and my boyfriend.
  6. Hey fellow Rennie's just wondering if there are some in here, and if we could talk about your experiences from the Renaissance faires. My Rennie Character. My Name is Lillian Morgan McCay, I am engaged to the Second in Command of the Entertaining Group, The Yeoman, Rodrick McKloud. I use to be a Furry, known as Vixen, the Mage Foxen, but due to my boyfriends proposal of making me one of the Ladies of the Yeoman, I had to give it up, and be human lol.
  7. These all were at some point, I just re wrote, stuck in some things from my own experience, and posted it. This was also a report I had to do for school. Got me an A so I am quite happy.
  8. Hello. Welcome to DGN. If you wish to pursue modeling, I'd be happy to help you develop a portfolio. Samples of my work here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/msterbeau/collections/72157608527895030/

  9. Did you ever make it out to Silverleaf in '08? I had a stage show then.

    Chernobyl, yes, there is a Colon, MI. It's considered the magic capital of the world. It's where Blackstone was born, where Abbott's Magic Shop is, and every year they have a huge magic convention. Never been myself though.

  10. Welcome to DGN! Soda is evil.

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