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Everything posted by Epic_Fail_Guy

  1. I am not allowed to use private messaging and under moderator review? FUCK YOU DGN. www.keyboardistrust.com 4 lyfe niggas!

  2. Oh now the candle video is showing. The creepy pasta is better in forum read than youtube (unless using the youtube of them screaming like idiots is used along with text) But apparently all that is based on an actual tv show in the early 70's shown on some local midwest television station, though I wasn't alive then to confirm, and youtube's and images really aren't in great numbers so the show it's self could be fictional as well.
  3. I will admit I have had fun with this thread. But for those of you who want to present your fat ass middle finger to every site on the internet, follow these steps.. 1)Download the most recent google chrome browser, and make a short cut on your desk top (or where ever you prefer) 2)Right click the short cut, and go to the properties tab at the bottom of the list. 3)In the box labeled "Target" you want to add at the very end, a space, dash, dash, incognito, like in the illustration below. 4)Hit apply, and close everything out. 5)???? 6)PROFIT!! Now, your web activity tracking cookies stored in your browser, along with all other cookies will go bye bye every time you close your browser. And you have a convenient shortcut that starts you out in incognito mode automatically! WARNING - This will NOT allow you to browse the internet anonymously. Learn what it can and won't do, but it helps cut down on the spyware considerably. I don't even use firefox anymore (though you can adjust the settings in their browser to do the exact same thing)
  4. Think again dude, they do that because they KNOW you hate ICP! Oh the terrifying things they know!
  5. And this is fresh off the Olbermann site (hosted by current tv) http://current.com/shows/countdown/blog/ben-wizner-on-whether-employers-have-a-right-to-request-social-media-passwords-from-job-seekers Still biased (in a liberal way) however they usually have considerably less spin than fox news, ect. I'm looking up other sources just to verify but this seems legit enough to post for the moment. If I do a follow up post, it will be because it's a hoax, if not, I won't bother following up and you can assume it's legit.
  6. nah, there was this chick i was with like a month ago (maybe 2?) who had one of the more (most?) recent resident evil for xbox 360. It was still pretty goofy in the way i described above. Or maybe I just got spoiled with the smoothness of other movement engines like call of duty's or other shooters that are identical to the call of duty game play.
  7. No it is good that you try not to be so judgemental. However a peice of wisdom I've learned is keep your professional life seperate from your personal life. It may sound like a dick move, but more often than not, I've learned the hard way that most people fucking suck, even if you consider them a friend, and they very well could get worked up over something petty, then the next day at work, they already got the rumor mill at maximum productivity over your actions at the bar/club/wherever you hung out with them the night prior. The fact that he wanted coffee with you despite working with you and being 20 years older are two red flags that would validate your decision to deny any out of work environment interactions. Egh, I feel like captain hindsight in this, maybe I'm preaching to the choir in this. Just food for thought really.
  8. Oh for fucks sake, I can't even figure out how to post a new comic from my gallery. Fuck this noise, i'm calling it a night!!! *rageface*
  9. if you didn't have an interest in him, shouldn't have gone for coffee.. guys usually only have one goal in mind (sex and/or relationship) if they ask a girl out for coffee, hell i never asked a girl out for coffee that i didn't want to get with in one way or another.. just saying, it may help you not get signals crossed next time. Personally, I'm thinking of kicking my fucking Wii down the god damn street since kicking it against a wall only improved it slightly. (Heh, nintendo consols, fuckin electronic TANKS!)
  10. Personally, I kinda like the reputation the city has. It's gotten me out of a LOT of possible fights in areas outside of Michigan entirely. Just sorta one of the notches of badassery XD
  11. Ok that makes perfect sense, I already knew about your speeder camera system, which i'm surprised that isn't furiously protested, at the same time i'm not, veerrrry laid back country from my impression of it. The face recognition is the missing link i was looking for. I didn't know they were that advanced already, I thought it was up to the users to tag photos of their friends.. that's absolutely creepy.
  12. Ok, so recently my Wii stopped reading discs. I've done extensive research on how to fix this problem, however kicking it against the wall repeatedly proves to be inneffective. Any online searches have brought up shops (internet based) so for all i know, it could be some jackass 15 year old kid working in his parent's basement, dissasembling it myself isn't an option because I lack one of two tools needed to take it appart (small philips, and small triwing screwdrivers, that's it) can't find a triwing anywhere. Searched for cleaning kits, but found out nintendo took them off the market because they didn't really work. The most reasonable shop I have found.. well.. the ONLY shop within reason is 2 hours away, costs a minimum of 60 dollars, and has to hold it for several weeks. This is highly unsatisfactory... Anyone at all have any similar experiences and maybe any tips how to get around this? I take pretty damn good care of my electronics, so it's most likely dust in there, wich i've tried blowing, even through small straws... wich had a slight improvement, now it doesn't freeze the entire system with an unable to read disc screen, and just says can't read disc, but still lets me have access to my channel menu.(and yes, while doing this, i remember the old 8 bit cartridge blow trick, and thought 20 years later and i'm still fucking blowing nintendo...) Any help would be appreciated. Thankyou! oh and inB4 buy xbox, already got one of those, and it's a fine dust collector!
  13. I saw in the random images on the front page, valley of misery.. but she no longer posts.. I has a sad :*(
  14. over 600 people? maybe they could get the in game movement more smoothly instead of having to hold still every time i try to look down the sights of my weapons. Other than that minor annoyance, the games are generally excellent games over all and I am looking forward to trying it out on it's release.
  15. Update.. Just curious about how invasive they are, I tried making a profile with them, and couldn't get anywhere without giving a mobile number. They now DEMAND your phone number (for verification purposes excuses.) So looks like I won't have a facebook, because there is no practical reason at all that I should give a silly little site that's the exact same thing as fucking failspace my personal info. The number of facebook users is directly proportional to the number of stupid people on the planet I suppose. EDIT: Spelling and grammar nazi purposes.
  16. I just took sloppy seconds on the comment train! Welcome to DGN!

  17. I smell a spambot! (See website URL listing)

  18. God so epic and true lol!! I'll take the 18 year old lol. They're hotter, and they'll grow bored of you in a few months (so you can get a NEW one!) EDIT - forgot the GIGGITY GIGGITY GOO!!!
  19. Don't know her personally but I am glad she's making a good recovery so far. She sounds like a lovely person so I can only hope that this won't have any long term health issues for her. Poor girl..:(
  20. I am curious how facebook can be used to catch a tailgater.. either way I see it as another myspace and is most likely just now started spiraling down the toilet, ready to meet it's twin, myspace, in the sewers of fail and aids.
  21. ha oops and/or DERP!!, i did EXACTLY what we were talking about by focusing only on the negatives! My appologies, yes your post was awesome, but one part looked like you slightly misunderstood a small part, and was merely trying to clear that up.
  22. Not that it matters anymore, I just brought up the two personal experiences as examples, I wasn't trying to bitch at all! And no I was never reported for my signature lol, but i was told by users (indirectly, by saying someone's sig is getting old) and for ONCE in my life, I snagged a hint rather than having to be told point blank that it was mine (oh yes, i partied hardy for catching a hint too lol) The only thing i was reported for was a picture I posted in a thread that had a few "racist" joke pictures in it. Both are really, too petty for me to even worry about, and I was trying to stress that I didn't care about the aftermath personally, but just using them as examples to help describe my point. I'm not the most organized writer so maybe I didn't stress that enough. Either way though I didn't see my getting in trouble as anything to bitch about then, and feel that way even more since it's all ancient history now anyway. Thanks for your support though!
  23. Forgive me, but I'm not exactly understanding your point here. (Not saying I disagree, just saying a few parts are making me go DERP) The first part, from that certain perspective, if you find yourself seeing the same logical conclusion as knocker, you're the owner of the board, if you find whatever issues to be a good idea, why not make it so? Why not keep a standard? I'll try to explain this the best I can without sounding too abrasive, as I just want to point out my understanding of things so far, where you can reply with what I may be right on, and where I may be dead wrong on. So here we go! Your big complaint seems to be that there's people that are on both sides of the fence of any issue, bitching about the other side. For example, I'll pick on the play nice rule. Now the rule it's self and how it's formed I can actually agree on, it's not micromanaged, and is more of a principal than a rule that depends on one's own common sense. Now here's the pro's and advantages of such a rule. The interpretation of the individual. I'll admit I sometimes have problems, like in a previous post I got in trouble for in the race thread, to me racism is racism, and even now I honestly don't understand how my picture was wrong compared to other pictures, much like the play nice rule assuming people have common sense, I assumed since racial pictures were posted, that it was acceptable humor in the impression that everyone new it was just for laughs, and not anything serious. No harm no fowl right? well apparently I was wrong and that wasn't the case. However I just got a warning so it's not a big issue. But it did make me notice the flaws in the system a bit more clearly. Now I don't agree with micromanaging and having a bunch of complex rules to cover every single silly little hypothetical situation that could possibly happen, but rather I get the impression of a very very different can of worms. The interpretation of the policy by people. Some people, for example, may get offended by a post, and scream your policy to give the ruse of legitimacy to their complaint, rather than coming off as what they really are, a sour asshole that cant stand a different point of view. Not to sound rude, but I stopped posting for so long because I do feel this place's authority figures try to keep the environment as a kiddie kindergarten environment. There are times when your policy is enforced WAY TOO much. Then there's those that can't take a joke, and will always complain it's never enough. Those are the POSTERS that ruin the fun for everyone else. I guess what I'm trying to say is it's like a business, a fucked up crack business as an analogy, yeah crack is bad kids, we all know that. But even though the crack dealer might be the bad guy, his existence comes to be because of a demand. I would politely tell these thin skinned complainers about gaia online, that forum might be more up their alley. Now yes, I agree there's one or two moderators which I feel have no place being a moderator, but that is more of a personal opinion so I won't call names out or say why lest you want to take it to PM (for obvious reasons) It seems that there is no authority other than this policy, and the enforcement of it seen fit by each individual. Like with leading troops, some complainers you just have to identify the ones that aren't having any constructive criticism, and just complain because they're a sour asshole. It's ok to tell these people to shut the fuck up, and or fuck off. Now trying to see myself in your shoes here, it may look greater, i don't know, I don't see how many people complain, and about what. But people will more likely voice what pisses them off rather than what they're ok with... eh shit i think i'm fumbling words, analogy time lol... *certain random post* - gets ten viewers, two of which didn't like it, and thus sent a complaint, while the other eight are anywhere from neutral, to enjoy it. You'll only hear the opinion of the two though. They complain, squeaky wheel gets the oil, and what was a post that was enjoyable by most now is removed, the two rejoice, while the other 8 are like wtf. The reaction to the post by moderators just cut their own nose off because two said the nose was ugly (stupid right?, not really, shit happens all the time everywhere in groups) The 8 that didn't complain, probably won't complain, just decide to stop posting since the small group of soccer mom nazi's (who have no fucking business being on a goth forum IMO) are reduced to starting generic politically correct threads such as, polls like, what cupcake are you? And in a sense, everything that made dgn a very colorful place worth going to, is gone, and all that's left are the old myspacelike chain letter bulletins that ruined myspace. I could be way off or dead wrong here, and if so, rather than taking offence and reporting this post, debunk me, i'm open to different points, that's how you improve a flawed system. My old signature, people complained, but rather than reporting it and getting me in trouble, they were like hey, that was funny as shit at first, but now it's just huge, vulgar, and annoying. I'm like, oh snap i see your logic! ok changed! And now, I have this signature. That's how things should be handled, posters should grow a backbone and talk to the person who "offended" them directly rather than making an even bigger stink and reporting it needlessly, because more often than not, should they follow this, they would see that it was more of a misunderstanding than anything. I really don't think you follow up on your own board that well either. Knocker may have said you don't promote or go to events, but it's more than that. If you're not going out, then you should be on here keeping things on one standard. But it looks like you're not even doing that because you only post on occasion, and everything's gone to the four winds. I say this because in your absences, it's left to the moderators who have (what I would assume have) equal power of authority. They're all the chief chilly cheese fry managers. This is when things go down hill. Now, one moderator's threads they run have one enforced standard of the policy, while another thread topic under another moderator has a completely different interpretation and enforcement of the policy. That has to stop, that's ruining the board from the inside. This is your creation, I understand it takes a lot of work, it's a big project, that's just the nature of the beast. If you're not up for it, your your health isn't up for it, if you truely care about dgn, you'll step up to the plate despite your health, or hand your authority over to someone you trust to run the board, and step into the background for a while to focus on your health and get better. This may be a bit disorganized in my writing, if there's anything I didn't fully explain let me know. I'm not doing this to be a dick, I'm giving my honest opinion with as much reasons as I feel would give you a piece to chew on if you're really looking for what's messing with dgn. I guess in conclusion, it's more of an internal problem than a help promoting problem. Getting a chick is one thing, I can get all the chicks i want to come into my back yard, keeping them there is the trick. You gotta be consistent with your milkshakes, it's your back yard, your milkshakes, rock that shit like you own it, because at the end of the day, IT IS YOUR DGN, YOU MAKE THE RULES. Now why are all the boys coming to my yard instead of the girls for my milkshakes... wtf?
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