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DJ Nihil

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Everything posted by DJ Nihil

  1. Sanders is actually doing better than I suspected he ever would be and I really hope he wins the nomination because Hilary sure as shit isn't going to do anyone any favors.
  2. Mental Health is probably the worst it has ever been. Job isn't doing me any favors and I have not been successful in trying to find other work. People just aren't worth the flesh they have and life is just one gigantic pain in the ass.
  3. Hey all, just happened to see this online and it wasn't posted yet: Skinny Puppy & Youth Code 'Down the Sociopath' Tour Sun 11/15/15 at The Crofoot in Pontiac. Tix be $25 advance/$30 Day of show http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=6100495&pl=crofoot
  4. Justifiably so. It is better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
  5. Well if you have Steam and want to play Magic for free, the annual Duels of the Planeswalkers game is out called Magic Duels Origins and is free to play. It does have coins you can buy to get packs of cards, but the coins can also be earned without spending any money, by simply playing the game. There was a group of guys at my job that were playing, and still do, but I had to bow out because I remembered why I quit playing Magic in the first place. It's expensive. I played Magic Online for a while, which is cheaper than the paper version, but the casual scene is pretty much dead, so I am glad the Duels Origins game came along. I can finally play Magic for free without having to waste the gas on going to the game store. Anyway, not to derail the thread, I'm really struggling mentally too, I wish I could afford to see the therapist more than once a month, but it's all I can do with the money I make. My situation might change next year, depending on if certain businesses open up Downriver here, but that's all hearsay at this point. Hopefully things pick up for you Troy. Life seems to be giving a lot of DGNers a kick in the ass of late.
  6. My condolences man. I am glad you are feeling better now. I've hospitalized myself before and depending on where you go, it's a less pleasant experience than others. I wasn't a fan of the treatment I received at an Oakwood hospital years ago. But that's another story for another time.
  7. I think there are a lot of people that seem to forget that certain areas of Detroit that are mostly hip and fashionable are still Detroit. Of course, I've always worried about my car getting jacked going anywhere there. I've never really had any problems with the immediate area around Small's, other than a bum looking for change or whatever, but I understand everyone's experiences in Detroit are different animals. I also was speaking of the differences in neighborhoods between CC and Northern Lights. I did feel safer in the area that NL is located in compared to CC. Kind of the reason I've never eaten at Slow's BBQ, even though I've always wanted to try it. I've heard the service is questionable, and it is in a pretty terrible section of the city. However, Harpo's, at I-94 and Chalmers Ave, has always been the worst. So many things have nearly happened to me, or happened to friends of mine going there over the years that I am glad most shows have been happening at places other than Harpo's. Necto is a nice club as others have said. I've seen Suicide Commando and Icon of Coil there, and those were some pretty unforgettable performances. Of course, Necto is also in Ann Arbor, which has always been a safe place.
  8. I've been to Northern Lights for a couple of Goth Nights, it's a pretty nice place. Not sure if those are still going on there though. Small's in Hamtramck seems to be the place for the CC crowd. Most of the scene shows are happening there. I like Small's. Neighborhood is less sketchy and seems like a better crowd overall. They also have the 'Thirst Wave' events there.
  9. Finally as of a couple of days ago, Small's and Darque Productions made this official here: Chameleons Vox at Small's Tix are $14 in advance. If you've ever wanted to see the band like I have, this will probably be your last chance. It's being booked as the farewell tour, and Script of the Bridge is being played in its entirety.
  10. I DJ'ed on a local college station for a few years under another name doing a Metal and Goth show, then I moved away and came back and returned to that same station for a year doing Goth/Industrial and I selected DJ Nihil. Show was called Ultra. Both taken from the KMFDM album Nihil, and I am a bit of a Nihilist myself.
  11. Yeah I like Steak N Shake. Cheaper alternative to Red Robin and other expensive burger places. Frequent coupons in the mail, etc. In Sept./Oct. They have this Oktoberfest burger that has beer mustard, onions, ham, and swiss cheese on a pretzel bun. I get it without the onions. It's awesome. Otherwise I like their Royale burger, which has cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayo. Oktoberfest Burger: Royale: Dammit, now I'm hungry.
  12. Yeah, that guy like most of the Republican candidates is pretty much off his goddamned rocker. Snyder was talking about running, but thankfully won't be doing so. We're so far gone on either side of the political fence, it doesn't make a difference if your Democrat or Republican. All the parties care about are serving the 1% folks that paid to get them there. I'd much rather vote for someone like Bernie Sanders, who is one of like 3 currently serving Independent politicians in DC. He is running as a Democrat in 2016 but has good ideas for seriously fixing problems and actually at least seems to pretend to give a shit about the middle class. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernie_Sanders_presidential_campaign,_2016
  13. Being alone used to bother me but it doesn't anymore. The tired and repetitive rejection does and it hurts more everytime it happens rather than making things less painful. I have given up on the possibility of finding someone and would rather just be left the fuck alone at this point. I have very little responsibilities and no kids and that is going to make things easier in the long run. I'd rather have calm, and peace and quiet forever at this point. If I should happen to meet someone, then fine, but it is at the bottom of my list of priorities at this point.
  14. Oh my goth! I need to be there! Here's hoping tix aren't too expensive and the tour doesn't get cancelled!
  15. Citizen Koch - A documentary about the Koch brothers and all of the corporate contributions to our political campaigns and how fucked things are. It's a recommended must watch. http://watch.citizenkoch.com/
  16. Yeah, that also sounds like a scam deal to me. Anything involving Craigslist, Paypal, or Western Union with a certified check generally can be construed that way. From what I understand, the way these things operate is that they get you to provide the info to send the check, then they send it, you cash it, and then send them the item or whatever, and once they receive it, the other party puts a stop payment on the check and they get their money back. A google search for "certified check craigslist" turns up all sorts of threads on people asking the similar question. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=certified+check+craigslist I hope you have not gone through with this yet. I wouldn't.
  17. Hey all, Have a couple questions about some pending cases I have with the above mentioned departments of government and I was wondering if anyone here has dealt with something similar, or knows the ins and outs of the system, or has any bright ideas that I may not have tried yet. I'll try to keep everything generalized and brief for length, etc. 1. I have had a pending case with MI DHS for Medicare/Medicaid that has been open since Oct. 14th and I am aware that it is supposed to only take 90 days for most cases and 120 in extenuating circumstances to process applications for medical assistance. My case has been pending since Oct. 14th 2013 and I still have not heard anything about it. I have sent emails, all required paperwork, made numerous phone calls, and filed complaints in regards to my case and it STILL has not processed. I also have my therapist trying to help my application get processed and she is getting nowhere either. 2. I also have had a SSI/Disability application pending for about the same length of time. I suffer from Schizoid Personality Disorder, Chronic Depression, Anxiety, and Paranoia. I have had difficulty holding down a job in the last few years and just recently got fired from one for poor work performance because I couldn't handle the workload. My therapist has also not been able to make any headway here and neither have I, again despite numerous phone calls, emails, etc. The above two are also concerning because I know I shouldn't really be working, but I can't pay my bills and rent sitting around forever waiting for these folks to process my paperwork. Finally, 3. In 2012, I had an issue with MI UIA, where I filed a claim for being unemployed, and I was initially found to have not satisfactorily separated from my employer with good cause. Over the course of 6 months of that year, and numerous protests, UIA ultimately decided I was in the right and I did show good cause after all for unemployment. I didn't think anything of this afterwards since I considered it resolved until about 2 weeks ago when I received a message on my UIA account that I have been assessed a $4500 penalty for misrepresenting my case. I have currently protested it and I have submitted a letter stating my case along with copies of all the paperwork from 2012. Do I stand a chance of getting this thing lifted without having to hire a lawyer? Sorry again for the length of this post.
  18. No kidding is an understatement. Kind of like how I have been battling MI's Unemployment Insurance Agency for the last couple years for one reason or another. Now, they slapped me with a $4500 penalty saying I misled them with info I provided on a claim from 2 years ago, when I have the proof from the claim that was ultimately decided in my favor. I have submitted a protest with the documentation, so we'll see how it goes. OP, I feel for you and I hope your situation works itself out. Can you submit a bank statement saying you have no money or submit some other proof of being out of work? Just an idea if worse comes to worse.
  19. Some are good. Some are amazing. Others are shit. Glad I could introduce you to one you liked.
  20. lol. Indeed. Nice to meet another person who likes all phases of the band's work. Yes, I also think Horror Show is an underappreciated album. Do you like Demons & Wizards? We are sorely overdue for another one of those albums. It's only been 10 years since the last one....
  21. Yeah Iced Earth are pretty awesome live. I saw them once with Barlow, once with Ripper, and they are just amazing everytime they play. Their new vocalist, Stu Block, used to be in a band called Into Eternity, kind of a mashup of Symphony X and Opeth. They had 3 vocalists at the time all of whom did traditional heavy metal and raspy Black Metal vocals as well as Death Metal growls. A tremendous band in their own right and Iced Earth are better off for having a guy like him to replace the again departed Barlow. I really want to go to this show, not sure if I'll have money, but I'll be bummed if I don't because Sabaton also happens to be opening for Iced Earth and Sabaton is pretty amazing too from what I have heard. Also helps they're not playing at Harpo's. That place is a fucking shithole. St. Andrews is a great place for shows. Plus, I bought tickets for Suicide Commando, so there's that. If I can make it to Iced Earth, I'll keep posted. I have another friend who was looking to go. He likes Iced Earth even more than I do.
  22. Solitary Experiments - Quicksand from their latest Phoenomena: http://www.musicline.de/de/player_flash/4260158836357/0/4/50/product
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