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Everything posted by Musashi
What games are you playing?
Musashi replied to Azeuron's topic in Movies, Books, Art, TV, Gaming and Computers
Tales of the Abyss for PS2. Really hard to find JRPG in the vein of old-school final fantasy (the "tales" series has actually been around nearly as long as the final fantasy series, just isn't as well known in the US). Playing Mass Effect 2 again, trying to beat it on insanity mode (it's hard!) Trying to finish up stuff in Assassin's Creed 2 before the next installment comes out in November. Zomg it looks Hawt! But more importantly than all of that: Castlevania : Lords of Shadow comes out on Tuesday!! It looks way cool. Looks to have a more involved and dramatic story than others in the series. Kojima Productions (Metal Gear Solid series) is producing it. Robert Carlyle voices the main character. Even Patrick Stewart (!!!) is voicing one of the characters, who I think is also the narrator. Looking to be a good next few months for gamers. We got cool stuff being released all the way through march it looks like. Dead Space 2 January 25th!!!!!! -
Like I've been sick for the past 6 days and it sucks. Like I'm very bored. Like I want a cigarette. Like I haven't had my face in a great pair of boobs in like, too long. Very sad because I had to shave my precious Sampson-esque goatee for my new job and now I look a little like a frog (wah!). Excited because I have a new less-stressful job that will have insurance, security and guaranteed hours and I won't have to deal with any customers. Sad and lazy because (due to being sick) I've not excersised, gone to martial arts class, or even eaten remotely close to healthy stuff all week. A little horny too.
Thompsons Teeth. The only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth!
Slightly hung over and dried out. Had a great night last night, no one had any idea who I was (haircut shock ftw). Got hit with a cold just before I left for the club last night. Was wierd because usually if you're sick, you wake up with the feeling. With this it was literally one minute, just fine, next minute, got a tickle in my sinuses. Thankfully (I guess) it didn't really start being a nuisance until this morning. So I was still able to enjoy my night. Feelin great that I got out of the house though. REally needed that. Hopefully will get out next weekend.
DGN Night at CC September 25th
Musashi replied to StormKnight's topic in Nightlife, Events & Concerts
Bleh! My posse all bailed on me! Go by myself? Fine, but someone has to say hi to me when I'm there. I'll have a grey tank top on. Or no shirt depending on the time. Bah! I always feel so awkward going by myself. -
Trying to shake off the clouds in my head. Need to get some energy for tonight. Stupid roofers with their hammers and what not. Aside from that, feelin' a little dangerous. In a good way! Looking forward to tonight!
Zomg! Please let them do a US tour! I have just got to see them live. Sucks I won't be able to get to that particular show though.
DGN Night at CC September 25th
Musashi replied to StormKnight's topic in Nightlife, Events & Concerts
Just got back from lots of high energy excersize, and am way pumped to go out and party...is it Saturday yet? Now? Ok I'll be back to check again in a minute. -
DGN Night at CC September 25th
Musashi replied to StormKnight's topic in Nightlife, Events & Concerts
Yay! Shaping up to be a good night with greats Deejays and lots of people! Even Musashi will be in glorious attendance (the attendance being glorious, not Musashi, that would be conceited). Sucks I may be driving down there by myself as I don't wanna be stuck leaving at 2:30 A.M. when all the weak decide they want food (though I may be willing to leave early for sex...maybe) Now if only there were something to do a little closer to Waterford during the week (I'd go to Something Cold tonight, but can only really afford one trip out to Detroit per week I think.) Anyone else notice my constant overuse of parenthases? -
Bored. Wish it were the weekend so I could get to CC. Thinking all I want is a badass BBQ Chicken pizza from Jet's or Buddies, but trying not to be a big fatass (I swear to god Ima have a 6 pack before the year is out! $^%^&%&^%$%#$^&#) Wishing I had more friends that live sorta close by (all of you assholes (you know who you are) live 40 leagues from here wtfx!) Wish I could find some weed that wasn't mostly dirt/headachy (need some $ so I can just get my med card already, I do qualify after all).
Well, I hadn't realized it, but apparently the work I've been putting in is starting to pay off at long last. I went shirtless @ city club this saturday and for the first time in my whole life, I was feelin good about it. I really hadn't seen the difference myself until a female friend of mine gave me two thumbs up, said you could even see the difference in my face. She took a picture of me flexing from behind so I could see my shoulders and back and ...holy shit I had no idea. I can see a six-pack starting to form, my forearms are coming in nicely (I can see decent definition in muscles just when doing normal activity and not flexing) and I think my shoulders are looking nice too. I don't mean this to be a douchey "haha I look good" post, but I'm just kind of shocked. I've always been somewhat less than attractive (IMO) and have never been able to be shirtless in public without wanting to run and hide. I haven't been able to go to martial arts class in a while due to money and transportation issues, but I've been practicing a lot at home (only striking, movement, tai chi, and meditation as I have no practice partners) and I think I can almost throw a few decent punches and kicks. My flow in combining techniques has been getting a lot better. I've been practicing a LOT on a punching bag for power and accuracy and also been doing high intensity interval training on the punching bag. I gotta tell you, if you're short on time (like 10 minutes) and want a really good workout that keeps working the entire day and fills you (or me at least) with energy almost to the level of hyperactivity, high intensity intervals are the way to go. And since it's on a punching bag it works almost every muscle in the body. But not simply on the level of looks. My only regret at the moment is that I lack a proper weight set and bench. So in spite of all I'm doing, my raw strength hasn't improved all that much. Man I'll be in fitness heaven once I get some good weights. I've also started riding a bike (BMX not mountain..kind of uncomfortable) to work. Only a 6 mile round trip, so it's not much, but it's a great supplement. Again, just throwin' it out there, if any practitioners of martial arts are looking for some practice (techniques etc, not just sparring), I practice Kung-Fu and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. NEED PARTNERS!! Not gonna be able to get back into class for a couple months so I'm kind of going nuts here just doing shit by myself.
DGN Night @ CC, Saturday August 14th
Musashi replied to Raev's topic in Nightlife, Events & Concerts
Finally Musashi gets out to the club! Be ready for boobie gawking and nonsensical gibberish that makes oh so much sense. Aiming to be there early. Good god a night of insanity at the club sounds like just the right medicine. -
Wow. This person's life has clearly been ruined in some very traumatic way in the past for him to have such strong feelings about such a subject. I have some of the same thoughts of say..murderers?, but really? Really?? Not even just people who use it, but anyone who doesn't share the same opinion? Not only is that an insult to many people on this very board, but it gives the impression that this person thinks he/she is for somehow (in some imaginary kingdom) better than everyone else. If you're gonna be some kind of snob, at least be rich, or cure cancer, or have some leverage with which to claim superiority. As for my thoughts on the subject: I'm all for it. I could go on listing all kinds of reasons I think so, but I think most on this thread who are for it have many of those reasons covered. I personally love smokin the stuff. Granted, I started and continue using it for recreational purposes, but I also suffer from chronic muscle spasms and back pain. I plan to get my medical card in the future when it's convenient. But for now, using illegaly or not, it really does help with a lot of my muscle pain, it doesn't make my lungs scream like cigarettes did/do, and it tastes good. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not one of those 14 year old pot head cheerleaders who says there are no negative effects at all. Yes, it will make you spacey. Yes, it will kill your motivation to do whatever it is you were planning before you got high. I do not think it's worse for your lungs than cigarettes just on the basis that I'm much shorter of breath after smoking a cigarette than I am a joint, scientific studies be damned. So hey, it's not for everyone, but it's not crack either. So give eggs a break.
Starcraft 2 tonight!
Musashi replied to DJ Nocker's topic in Movies, Books, Art, TV, Gaming and Computers
Starcraft Who? Where the F is Diablo 3 already?? -
Boredboredboredboredboredboredbored...bored. Need to get out somewhere that is not home or work. Really hoping I can get out to City this weekend (it's been a long time) for the sake of my sanity.
Learning different languages
Musashi replied to Eevee's topic in Relationships, Pets & Domestic Homelife
I hear Russian is way hard to learn. Like on the level of a lot of asian languages. But ties with German for coolest "yelling random things at people" languages. -
Yeah, I know. Just couldn't remember how to spell it and thought most people would more easily recognize it by "Bang-Bang"
Learning different languages
Musashi replied to Eevee's topic in Relationships, Pets & Domestic Homelife
I dabble in a bit of German, Japanese, and Chinese (mandarin). I speak more spanish than anything else. Mostly due to working with mexicans in a kitchen for a long time. Can't recall a bunch off the top of my head. But I can pick out the jist of a lot of things. Still nowhere near conversation level though. I'm having a hard time deciding whenther to go further with the german, japanese, or mandarin. I speak a (very) little of all three, but better at german. I hear trying to learn more than one at a time is unwise (particularly with asian tongues). It's hard to stay motivated just doing it by myself though. I do have rosetta stone (you can download the app and language packs cracked for free from the pirate bay) full versions, but again, hard to stay motivated alone. I wanna learn German for the obvious music industry reasons (plus I wanna yell at people in german, that'll always be funny), Japanese for anime and my someday vacation/exodus to Japan, and Mandarin for martial arts reasons. So far from what I've seen, Chinese seems to be the most..difficult is the wrong word...maybe just the most different and alien to an english speaker. There are sounds in many pronunciations that don't exist at all in western languages. If anyone ever wants to get together to start learning some of this stuff, I'm all in! Also another learning tool you can get for many languages is Pimsleur. It's an audio program and while not as good as Rosetta Stone (Pimsleur tries to associate the foreign language too closely to english, which for some languages like chinese or japanese may be counter-productive in the long run if you're going for fluence. Awesome for tourist language learning though.) -
Something with Poi (spelling?) and fire breathing! I remember a couple years ago on NY eve there was someone doing fire breathing to Rammstein's "Bang-Bang!" and it was super-awesome. Set the tone for the whole night.
Like I haven't been out to have fun but TWO (TWO!!) times this entire year. Like having a car for a short time, then not having a car is worse than blue balls. Like women just like to fuck with me(that's the bad version, not the fun version). And like I wish I had some people/person to help keep me motivated to work-out/practice martial arts. It's hard doing everything alone...
yeah, these guys are great. Nice to see them headlining! And a cuter couple you never will meet! Hoping I can make it...this summer is all fuck-balls for me so far.