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Everything posted by lordkraven

  1. my number 1 rule life isn't a game it's a thin line between the pleasure and the pain, laughter and the tears, the sunshine and the rain and knowing the between them all and just enjoy it while it lasts
  2. thanx kat i needed that its good to know that kindness does still exist in the world
  3. oddly enough i would have to say my haven and sanctuary would have to be the place that i work or a masoleum in indiana called purgatory either would be satisfactory as a place to relax
  4. i have a few of my poems posted in the your creations forum if anyone is interested id like it if you would check them out and let me know what you think whether it be good or bad all input is welcomed thank you http://www.detroitgothic.net/index.php?showforum=15
  5. just thought i would stop by and say hello

  6. just thought i would drop in and say hello....so hello hope you are well and by the way the cemetary is my favorit place to read as well i find that the neighbors are quite peaceful

  7. this probably how most of you remember me from when i worked the door at city
  8. happy birthday you beautiful sexy thing you and hope you have agreat one and here is your bday spanking from me
  9. i sit as a lion toying with his oblivious prey or the object of my obsession.my eyes full of lust and hellfire. I am the immortal,i am the thin line between sex and violence...i am..... VAMPIRE
  10. the sky has fallen,my world has turned dark and gray, Me hoping,waiting, wishing to see a better day. My days consumed by darkness and pain, My sunshine replaced with clouds, gloom, and rain. The world would be a cold and lonely place, Without the one who puts a smile on my face. To sleep and never wake to never take the fall, To never have felt the tenderness of your loving kiss to never ferel love at all. To never feel that passion in my heart, a love so true, I know now that i can never live, laugh, or love without you
  11. as i lay and take my last dying breath,i feel a deathly cold shiver then the icy cold hand of death. i look upon my last moments as i stare to the rainy moonlit sky, all the things i have not experienced or accomplished enters my mind as a single tear falls from a sorrowful eye.the only thing i can say now is after i pass do not cry for me, because i am never truly gone for in the faces of all those who loved me my memory you will see. so in closing allow me to sayat your last moment do not feel so hollow, for death awaits do you have the courage to follow
  12. These four walls feeling like they are closing in more each day, The darkness falls overshadowing all that i once so clearly could see. My once sane world is now spinning around and around, It seems to be neverending and going faster than the speed of sound. One more jackyl ripping out a piece of my still beating heart, Just one more love that forgot their role and didn't do their part. It's a neverending story, same shit only a different day, samething being said only in a different way. This pain that i feel day to day i only wish that it would leave me be, for i long to be happy and to spend my life without these chains that bind me. This question haunts my mind, should i gouge out my eyes to avoid these things that i no longer wish to see do i slit my wrists, As my life bleeds away do i fathom to believe that faith, love and integrity still exists. As i stand and look at this world i have known for so many years... deep inside my soul i'm in torment as i begin to shout, A moment of clarity that i very rarely see, this life is but a prison, life sentence, no chance for parole, and absolutely...........NO WAY OUT this poem i dedicate to all those that have or are feeling trapped. always remember we only fall so that we may learn to pick ourselves back up
  13. Well its true you are quite beautiful I've thought so ever since I was first introduced to you by dave... p.s I like it when you blush
  14. Reaches over and gives kat a great big hug.... there you go beautiful hope that helps
  15. recently forced into singledom my ex was cheating on me with my bestfriend and her ex at the same time and I walked in on this as it was happening but anywho can't honestly say being single is all that bad . Yeah a little lonely at times but not all bad
  16. Just thought id drop in and say hello so hello

  17. welcome to our little world... oh and please walk to the left. Or is it the right ohh screw it..... and leave your sanity at the door trust me its the right thing to do
  18. Stars stars stars everywhere I see stars. Stars make kraven vewy vewy upset or something like that ok I'm babbling now
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