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About Hollywood

  • Birthday 03/10/1987

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  • Location
    Windsor, Ontario
  • Interests
    - Music (Industrial, EBM, Hardcore, Techno)
    - Cooking
    - Gaming. (Board games, Video games, Card Games, etc)
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  1. Have a Happy Birthday ^_^

  2. Happy Birthday :D

  3. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  4. smiley face alert :)

  5. Can I apply, even though I am from Canada? I make all the other requirements...
  6. People always use to say I was "Aiming too high, I had Hollywood standards" And it stuck.
  7. I don't know. I got about 2 minutes in and the second he said "Detroit sucks because of Lefties" I just had to stop...
  8. What do you mean "What is best for you?" You mean like government telling you that "This War" is good, and the ad companies saying "These shoes will make you seem awesome?" Then yes, I would have to agree with you. But if you mean something like a Doctor telling you to take these pills because if you do not then you could get ill.. well I will have to disagree, they know what is better health wise then I do because they have gone to school for it. Not everyone is thinking about "Me" only, even the ones who work in governments or big business. While true capitalism makes it hard for people who are possessive to come together and share, the native Americans did not only kill each other over land, food, weapons, and live stock (Like the best hunting grounds) Some tribes actually killed each other for hatred, spite, sacrifice and did some pretty gross stuff... So you can not paint them in a picture where they all got along. Yes, some tribes did, but that is just an extension of family. (And I say this not trying to paint a picture of everyone's family) but a lot of them out there would help ones another and give possessions freely to other family members in today's society. Honestly.. causing damage and harm (Mental or physical) to anyone is stepping over the lines when it comes to reform of a body of government. We live in a time when communication can cause a larger change then throwing a fist, and breaking a window. Remember, the pen is always mightier then the sword.
  9. I will be there to see you play. can not wait for it.
  10. What bands would you consider the best "Gothic, EBM, etc" bands of the 80's and 90's?
  11. Totally going this time around!! Bought myself a new outfit and can not wait to show it off.
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