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About Druella

  • Birthday 06/14/1983

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  • Location
    Studio City CA
  • Interests
    EBM, Movies, Cycling, Dance, Clubs, Itty Bitty Skirts, BIG boots, Food, Wine, BOOZE
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  1. Happy Birthday :D

  2. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  3. Happy Birthday =)

  4. Come back to Michigan!

  5. Those are old skool goths moves you dolt! and I wasn't implying that you have a dj crush on kat. I know that you are gay for saint. And if you like powernoise then great Bunker is for you. But personaly bunker is not for me and to say that "you have bunker stfu" is pretty dumb becuase you have never been there. It is not mecca like you think. It's just another goth club. So before you speak really think about what you are saying.
  6. This sounds like a lot of fun. I will be having thanksgiving dinner at my house this year and I plan on eye bawling the forums for part duxe to see what kind of hijinx are afoot.
  7. I feel like I have a headach and I want some pie and that I should get back to cleaning instead of procrastnating on here
  8. Yeah if all you like is power noise and more stompy stomp than anything else then bunker is great... But see me I like a little bit of everything. I like to look for my contact while dancing and clearing out the cobwebs and dealing out the cards. You can't do that to the rivit head music. so you stfu. :-P and you have kat
  9. Well is pleasure kitten comes out in december as I hope she will we will be going to shrin and all the other gothy mecca places out here in hollywerid.
  10. I want to be there... I miss the dancey dance sooo much. California sucks with out my friends... Oh well I am there in thought anyways. So lets just say I WILL BE THERE :(
  11. I was lucky enough to be a girl and was able to wear a bra when mine were healing so I never took them out. I also got them pricked with a ring so they wouldn't catch as much. I think my finished healing about 6 weeks after I got them pricked. No more oozey stuff and they finaly didn't hurt when I turned them. As far as taking them out after you get them done for wrasteling I would say don't they do close up pretty quick. Just put big bandaids over them and hope like hell the bandaids don't get ripped off.
  12. I got mine done for my 18th birthday... I love them. changed them out a couple of times then just left them with rings and capture beads. I got them done one at a time and while yes it hurt I didn't cry or scream or anything. I sucked for the first few days and then they were fine. I will tell you that you need to wear a good bra when you first get them becuase when the scab rips off it hurts like a SOB. That being said I think everyone should have their titties pricked...
  13. Just an FYI for people that are looking for decorations for cheap, go to Garden Ridge in dearborn. They had some really cute stuff while I was there and they were starting to put up christmas stuff too.
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