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About demoncleaner013

  • Birthday 05/23/1980

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  • Location
    Royal Oak, MI
  • Interests
    The Occult Sciences, the Classics (especially drama but also the odd works of Plato), Music, especially Sopor Aetrnus, Death in June, Corpus Delicti, Coil, and Puscifer really rocks my world these day too. Exercise and FOOD, o how i love food. WOW too. other things of which i dare not speak...
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  1. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  2. Sistine chappel is a beautiful place, I did not know that. Many things have been wrongly attributed to as being discovered in the renaissance era, were actually things that had been preserved through the dark ages and resurfaced at that time. Architecture itself is a lasting example of this. Always mimicking nature, from the temples built in the sides the mountains themselves, to the corinthian capital. The man that first correctly described the anatomy of the eyeball, and made the first sketches of the camera, was not kepler but Ibn Al-haytham, while on house arrest in cairo egypt, in the yr. 1012(?).
  3. You should take off July 9th, 10th, and 11th. It will be Rainbow Gathering Pt 2: Goth Stylie

  4. hahahha......wait...hahahha....ok. This happens in any setting, when all is hunkie-doorie, and people aren't motivated to create; other countries have real issues, that call for real action. Here we find relations between soccer and terrorism. Any stagnant pool of water is bound to breed bacteria (thank you sanitation class). It is unfortunate, and perhaps the biggest reason i hate politics...wowow. that sums it up i guess just take the word apart poli (many) tics (bloodsucking insects). "For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union" - Liber Al cap I v 29
  5. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. I had the intention of making the o.t.o. available to any whose will it is to join company in, and so here it is: this Sunday at three pm is a mass in the detroit/hamtramk area i will specify location when we you contact me @demoncleaner013@yahoo.com. We have had incidences in the past when we were at the Isle of Avalon in downtown Royal Oak 02-0?, we were getting whoever somtimes looking for a free glass of wine and some tits, so if you are looking only for these things, this is not the place to come. Certain things may be omitted, so you will have wasted your time. oto-usa.org is the official page and is a great directory for all things occult. I have enjoyed all of the posts i've read on this site, i look forward to further interaction Ron Love is the law, love under will.
  6. going to hump your boyfriends' leg while he helps me level up, actualy

  7. Hey man, finally got you on here. You're probably too busy playing WoW to post though :-P

  8. Do What thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I am new to this site, wanted to introduce myself. I live in downtown Royal Oak and have for about eleven years. I cook, am studying dead language and am a member of the Blue Equinox Oasis, the Michigan chapter of the caliphate O.T.O. We are going to be having gnostic masses open to the public in the not too distant future and plan to hold an open meeting sometime real soon. I used to be real secretive about all of this but it has served me well in the quest of finding my Self and I want to make the path open for others. Secrecy is the enemy of truth. Love is the law, love under will.
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