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Everything posted by Cyrano

  1. It's good to be remembered. 🙂 I hope things are going well in Detroit. Chattanooga still doesn't have any goth clubs and the neighbors disapproved when I tried to get an informal Bat Cave started in our driveway. CJ
  2. Took me a while to get back here and report, but this was awesome. I showed up about an hour into it because (as usual) I got lost, and despite being there alone I still danced. Excellent library, and the DJ has some chops on the segues. Looking forward to the 14th. DJCJ
  3. Oh yay! I much prefer this. (Proud member of the "If it's too loud you're too old and by thunder it's too loud!" club.)
  4. I think she is sad that you cannot go inside and play with us.
  5. And yet, I'm still looking forward to better luck in two weeks. (: I'll just bring my noise-cancelling headphones and foamy airport-level earplugs.
  6. Oddly, after a day of hauling rocks and books, I'm a little dicey about making the drive and then stomping around all night myself. sadface The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the Devil's own Satanic herd.
  7. So I don't have anybody to drag along with me--if I wore a nametag or something, maybe somebody would adopt an aging goth for the evening? PS: I've been told that goths around here don't wear black lipstick. Any truth to this? And if it's not true then where the heck do I get my hands on some? (I knew I shouldn't have tossed my old make up before the move.)
  8. And it seems to happen to everything I love. But I still have my beat up copy of "The Difference Engine".
  9. Too late. Of course, for those who truly like the style, they won't mind when it blends with the Hot Topic genres and will just enjoy it for what it has become.
  10. I've found that generally to be the best course. Although I have, from time to time, been tempted to wade into the fray, knife in teeth.
  11. My irritation has mellowed greatly since I wrote this mini-essay on the qualities of Steampunk, but I am still of the opinion that most of the things people call Steampunk these days hasn't any actual Punk in it. So I call it Neo-Victoriana/Gears and Goggles. That said, I love Steampunk. The idea of technology striving against society, the moral quandaries that arise with that sudden advancement, and also rigid-body airships. (: CJ
  12. There's never anything wrong with experience. (: Are you native to Detroit, or a new arrival? (I've heard a lot about the place--eventually I'll have to see it for myself.)
  13. Seconding the request for information on their library. I don't think I'll have to worry about winning any money (Allergies--I still sound like the love child of Harvey Fierstein and Tom Waits) but it sounds like potential fun. (And how do they decide winners? It's not a bullshit 'applause meter' is it?)
  14. Bah. Allergies and laryngitis say I'm going to wait a couple of weeks to sample this new Detriot delicacy. Have fun!
  15. Dang! My first week here and I'm already falling down on the job! CJ, COMB
  16. This could be fun--I think I could scratch up $4 and .... this isn't NY or LA, I won't need parking money, will I? Anybody know the neighborhood? PS: "A coward dies a thousand deaths; a soldier dies but once" - Tupac "Makaveli" Shakur What happens to the coward who's a soldier? A thousand deaths and a death?
  17. Ooo. I'll have to look into that. I remember passing by the building and thinking "Holy crap, what an awesome location that would be! Is it for sale?"
  18. Okay, I'm too new to know what's playful flirting and what's dirty old lecher. So I'll play it safe and just blink innocently. CJ
  19. That sounds ominous. Although I do take a regular morning constitutional. (I just don't do it until noon.)
  20. It's like the Civil War! Okay, I didn't know I got beatings if I was a RedThing fan! I could get on board with that!
  21. Oh man. I didn't come here to spark a Team Kitties versus Team Puppies throw down. I figured not being a Red Wings fan was going to be incindiary enough!
  22. I am the new person! I'm CJ, I'm new to Michigan, and I came here looking for what sorts of clubbing opportunities might exist. I've heard about City Club and Resist (which would be significantly closer to me, at least). I'll miss not being able to take Rapid Transit out dancing and home again, but I'm looking forward to reaching that point where I know enough people that going to a club is fun again. Um. And I like puppies.
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