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About BigFreaky

  • Birthday 02/13/1977

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  • Location
    Grand Rapids
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  1. Have a Happy Birthday ^_^

  2. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  3. I'm not the DJ. But they seem to like them. Its just one night a month, where we will have a focus on a certain artist or group. Should be a good time. Thanks for the well wishes.
  4. A night filled with your favorite underGRound tunes with an extra focus on a particular Artist/Group This Month is Depeche Mode more info facebook.com/underGRoundProject
  5. We are there Every Friday, doing our thing!! Come on out its a great time!!!
  6. Its a club night. We usually have themes, and well near the holidays they tend to be a little fetishy... But all in all they are club nights. Its still pretty PG too (for the most part)
  7. Yes! This friday is Steampunk! We already have 3 DJ's so as of right now we are good. There is a possibility of Guest DJ's in the future however. Yes GR is pretty far from Detroit Proper, but back in the day we used to load up the car and head that way, when we didn't have any options!!! (So long ago!!) Hopefully you can come check us out sometime soon!!
  8. underGRound has kicked off a new year!! Come check out Grand Rapids ONLY alternative club night in the city!!
  9. Hope to see any of you that can make it to the Last underGRound this year!!! Sixx Nightclub in Grand Rapids...
  10. Thanks for the comments, and I hope you all come out!!! Planning for a drinky good night!!! Also be forwarned.. Dec 17 will be XXX-Mas for underGRound think fetish!
  11. We are Still going Strong in GR. come out, come out, wherever you are my creatures of the night!!
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