iM A Skater traveler and im pro pain, love the feel of a fresh tattoo and yummy pierced skin makes me drool...
Movies:Purple rain,The City Of Lost Children, 300, Enemy At The Gates, Hart's War, Another Heaven, The Flash, Man Of The Year, The Dirty Dozen, Mash, A.I., Soldier, Mr. Bean, Joe's Apartment, Jar Head, Hot rod, Jet li's Fearless, GoodFellas, Resident Evil, Resident Evil Extinction, Scary Movie, Scary Movie 2, Scary Movie 3, Scary Movie 4Unrated,Jay and Silent Bob Strikeback,Shoot 'Em Up, 30 Days of Night, The Departed, Doc HollyWood, Sin City, House of a Thousand Corpses, The Devils Rejects, Kung Fu Hustle, Stallone First Blood, The Transporter, The Transporter 2, Swordfish, Crank, The Mummy, The Asronaut Farmer, V for Vendetta, DOOM, Predator, War, I,Robot, Terminator collection, Freddy vs. Jason, Pearl Harbor, Harley Davidson and the Marboro Man, Dawn of the Dead....
Music:Dido,Alizée, The Gorillaz, Finger Eleven,Crazytown, PinkFloyd, America, Bad Company, Black Thorn, Collective Soul, The Cure, Deep Purple, Dirty Vegas, Drowning Pool, Goo Goo Dolls, Mike+The Mechanic's, No One, Rob Zombie, Saliva, Soul Asylum, Queensrÿche, Black Sabbath....Ect. NEEDS TO BE UPDATED