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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. Not enough sleep. Left beer in far-away fridge. Back to sleep.
  2. I'm single, a virgin, and 22. It bothers more people than it bothers me.
  3. I liked it a lot. The shooting scenes seemed unreal, but then to me this is because in a dream, mindset is more liable to determine what happens in a survival scenario since the action isn't 'real.'
  4. If you have dark hair you can wash it with used coffee grounds. Its supposedly healthy and gives color. I just tried it for the first time today. To me the process changes hair texture to something similar to conditioner, while smelling like business. EDIT: After awhile it dried kind of like a weak gel without the crustiness.
  5. That sounds shitty. I hope things work out for ya.
  6. Chyll song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwMPm-arYgA
  7. The Americanization of Mental Illness. A 'Times article that resonates with me deeply. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/10/magazine/10psyche-t.html
  8. Since you asked politely, out in the sticks, I watched Breakthrough with Anthony Robbins on Hulu, altered my biochemistry, and barely won an archenemy game of Magic. Nothing supeR.
  9. I woke up this morning and had two beers because I had to wake up this morning, instead of the time when cool people wake up (people with weaponized, robotic mansions), which my calculation clocks between 3 and 5 PM.
  10. I'mma gonna make a protein shake and go lift.
  11. Like a real life urban legend. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-10809128
  12. Good to know. As for beardom if you crave it, you have to shave it (just some of it, for a look of wit).
  13. I never complain anymore about being bored. But many FB friends do, and then proceed to ignore my existence when I offer them a chance to puke in my car.
  14. I did try to get a friend to come out with me to this event the day before, which didn't work since he had work. I'm not a fan of long drives alone and get lost easily. Most of the people I know on the rarity they go out, would rather go listen to sub-par metal or mainstream rock. The best I can do is keep networking/looking for people around Lenawee to go with to events when both parties have spare cash. I asked one person about this while drunk once but I don't know if he's even active in the scene anymore.
  15. The pump. Open to definition. Related to the desire for armrests.
  16. Went from waking up around 5PM everyday this month to working first shift and waking up at 6AM.
  17. I see. I'm just saying practice makes perfect and the best people to learn from are oftentimes treasured by or are literary "snobs." If your talking about the excerpt above that was prose/fiction, and thank you!
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