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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  2. I've started to realize that different cultures, just like different worldviews, affect our emotions, and that cultural conflict is a perpetual aspect of society. I've started to see my writer's block as coming from cultural apathy based somewhat on preference falsification, and that my best writing was done, and my most productive times as a writer, were all under the conditions of having a different attitude than what I've had recently. For fringe culture to grow it requires as much or more pretension as what mainstream culture has when looked at completely objectively, which is a level that is utterly extreme, so its self-affirming to me to finally understand that I can't be extremely productive writing fiction or making art in general until I understand that I need a mold a consistent attitude with creating where collective honesty is more important than collective sanity.
  3. Good new music, please find me someday. I have weird daydreams.
  4. "Did someone beat the shit out of you?" "We're too low budget for good choreography so we said screw it and made all the violence real."
  5. These are the worst tasting gummy worms I have ever had in my life. Willy Wonka would shoot himself repeatedly with a medieval crossbow if he made these gummy worms. They taste like rubber scraps that were rubbed vicariously with expired, offbrand European fruit candy coated in an offbrand general purpose cleaning solution. These honestly taste like complete and utter shit, I award this entire company no points, and I will never buy their products again. They taste even worse drunk. They are SHIT GUMMY WORMS. THEY ARE TERRIBLE. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!? YOU SICK FUCKING BASTARDS.. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO THE HUMAN RACE!?!?
  6. I'm returning to my roots from back in 2007 and 2008 and putting out some moody, dark piano music. https://soundcloud.com/class-punk/mmr-eoy-aoit-gns
  7. I eat a lot of granola bars, along with oatmeal they are cheap, and can be a healthier, leaner source of carbohydrates.
  8. I personally don't like traditional-conservativism like Judeo-Christian religion and the fear of the culture that's come out of it; nor marriage, which is something I'll never have any part in. I don't like fiat money. And I also dislike militant foreign policy because its fundamentally anti-male. I don't like liberals either though and I'm completely done voting.
  9. I feel that the 5HTP I'm swishing around in my mouth is starting to kick in.
  10. Workout: Legs and abs. Supplemental Recovery: Hawaiian Punch and Everclear with oversized E-Cigarette
  11. Get the hell off the computer long enough to bake some spicy chicken.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X0DPZfjevU
  13. Damn, this hits hard. I wanted vapor that hits like hookah but 18 mg of nicotine is overdoing it. I might have to sell this stuff to my friend.
  14. Hungry, and generally in a good mood.
  15. I need to catch up on "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" before sleep deprivation prevents me from drinking more beer.
  16. A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson Confessions of a Medical Heretic by Robert S Mendelsohn, MD Principles of Neural Science, Fifth Edition by Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz, Thomas M. Jessell, Steven A. Siegelbaum, and A. J. Hudspeth
  17. I'm getting really sick of these internet problems.
  18. I'm on a big kick looking for good minimalist piano/classical music, I'll probably be using FL Studio to make heavily reverberated, slow-tempo piano tracks for awhile, they help me read and write better than other genres.
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