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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. I'm on a big kick looking for good minimalist piano/classical music, I'll probably be using FL Studio to make heavily reverberated, slow-tempo piano tracks for awhile, they help me read and write better than other genres.
  2. I have been dabbling with this interactive documentary about the future of Detroit.
  3. I need chicken, microwave please hurry.
  4. I've upped my Vitamin D intake to 3,000 IU's a day. Having ulcers will make it slightly trickier to watch for signs of Hypercalcemia, but some people take way higher dosages of Vitamin D to temporarily treat different medical conditions, so I should be fine. I feel like my mood has improved compared to when I wasn't taking Vitamin D and Ginseng at all. There's evidence that sex hormones act like anti-depressants or mood boosters in their respective sex, and for anyone who feels off, it seems like it can be worth experimenting with naturally increasing one or the other depending on gender.
  5. Stay awake/Go to sleep/Stay awake/Go to sleep
  6. I now have the Summer-rooted daydream of having a drunken, chill indie rock beach party at dusk.
  7. I've been playing Beyond Good and Evil for Gamecube and its pretty amazing. After that the Gamecube Paper Mario.
  8. Here's my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/johnisdead316/videos I went with a podcast style for reading off my essays so far.
  9. I feel a sense of uncertainty. Its pretty nice. Being right all the time just leads to nihilism.
  10. Looks like an interesting pattern.
  11. This is the last song I made as of writing this. I used a Juno VST (copycat of a vintage synthesizer) for the bass. Some sounds from the Super Nintendo Mario Kart and Earthbound. And some power chords on the bottom pick-ups for a twangy Post-punk feel. Theory
  12. I've been exploring some ideas about gender, introversion and extroversion, and emotional suppression. And I decided to wrap up the 4th chapter of my Science Fiction novel.
  13. I think I got 2 hours of sleep so all the ugly things that come with that.
  14. I eventually should write something on the relation between nightlife and the search for sex. How bars and nightclubs advertise the feminine mystique in their flyers, and how a lot of the male patrons are blue pillers, or ignorant romantics, who don't realize a lot of the women they're chasing have no problems with controlling or manipulating men, even subconsciously or culturally, shaming them into being used like utilities and ATM machines. I like one theory from evolutionary psychology which explains female dancing as attracting a male and male dancing as not anywhere as reliant on form, but actually proving his ability as a fighter or disposable protector; I know some people primarily dance for the endorphins, but sex is one of the primordial drives of human action, so all I primary see when I see a dancefloor is a giant mating ritual based on a complete misunderstanding of gender psychology, and the lyrics of many songs are just the same. That's also why when I go into a bar and I see a bunch of guys acting like asses or treating each other like shit because women are around, I'm repulsed by the stupidity, and this is every bar and club with young men in it.
  15. Women Worship Disposability, due to a request that jumpstarted me to finish it. Its an essay on how female hypergamy alone didn't lead to the changes feminism produced, but was also the female ignorance and celebration towards male disposability (which men also celebrate irrationally as only being a form of power); and in relation, the future of female pick-up art, which will probably happen once enough Western men follow in the footsteps of Japanese men and start giving up on marriage and/or relationships.
  16. I don't have money to give to the Kickstarter but I would love to eventually get one of the posters they're making for it.
  17. Mountain Dew White Out. It tastes like caffeinated 7 Up.
  18. http://www.avoiceformen.com/mens-rights/avfm-is-hosting-international-conference-on-mens-issues/ I probably won't make it to this but I thought I would post it for anyone interested.
  19. This is already slated to be a 30 minute movie, released online for free, but if the Kickstarter earns a million dollars from crazy people on the internet, they are going to make it feature length.
  20. I recommend reading The Myth of Male Power by Warren Farrell. One of the things the epidemic of male suicide can be attributed to is unemployment, and the popular idea that men have to be "success objects" to be human beings. Its important to never forget that humanity's present concepts of gender are still primal with little differences between our primate past.
  21. I feel that maybe the biggest problem with the world is people expecting other people to be nobler and more secure in themselves than what they are. "We're all fucked up and scared of strangers" may someday become the national motto of the world's smartest country. I also need to go to sleep.
  22. To be less cynical and consciousness-polluting than my previous post, I do fully believe one can love themselves to a degree of being a positive influence in those around them regardless of singledom. But then the question has to be asked where does that love begin? What is the entirety of the body beyond an idea? The whole sense of the body is connected to the world and universe. A person can feel loving and loved in regards to love of consciousness or existence, but then with that active, what is a person, and what is separate from them? I simply think these are all important questions anyone with intelligence can't ignore.
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