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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. He's a lot kinder and more down to Earth on the UK version. --- I don't care about holidays much anymore but I'm all for humanism. If we could have countries and companies that saw everyone within them as human beings with emotions and temporary lifespans, this world would be a better place. And that's the only damn thing worth celebrating.
  2. If you PM that Torn_Asunder guy and he happens to login he might do it for ya, that's how I changed mine.
  3. I've been through Kundalini Syndrome and in numberless non-dual/bliss states or samadhi's from meditation. I rarely talk to anyone about what I believe, I think there's a feeling that if I started, things around me would uncomfortably change in one way or another. I don't want people to think too highly of me, nor do I want people to think I'm a lunatic. I believe enlightenment is a real medical condition, obtained as one disciple of Ramana Maharshi said, "The mind must die in the heart." What that actually means though I couldn't pretend to understand, if it is truly real the activation of it is still beyond the personality of the person it happens in but obviously a capability of the human mind. This isn't like other topics to me where I could be as blunt and try to ignore the consequences. Modern science to me links any form of advanced meditation with Near Death Experience, there was a pdf on this where NDE's caused Kunalini Syndrome, which I believe I did in reverse, causing NDE's through Kundalini visualization practices. I don't entirely know what I might've done to my sense of self or mind in the years I've been studying and practicing more philosophical forms of yoga, but I have suffered in ways I can't easily explain, so from that perspective, everything me or anyone else with potential knowledge says has unknown repercussions. I personally fear my own "spiritual" views even though they are my greatest coping mechanism.
  4. Is romantic love worth pursuing? No. Romantic love is a myth, at most, a temporary chemical cocktail to cause procreation. And the primary victim to me is usually the man who exists to have his money and sanity taken. Like most men, Alternative or Mainstream, this or that, I used to mystify women's sexual/romantic actions to justify what I had been taught about romantic love. The sexual/romantic actions I've seen of many women are not a mystery, to me they are entirely summed up in gender roles, Hypergamy, and Briffault's Law. And those actions are often dehumanizing to men. I personally can never see the female pursuit of beauty the same way again. Makeup for instance I just see as linked to mindless provisioning with a foundation of male death and child protection, its simply a longstanding biological incentive. A gaudy woman trying to be some form of model usually says only one thing to men with her appearance, "I am beautiful, because you are trash." I'm not a true asexual, but women's predictable romantic actions will always be pushing me closer to it, and its making me happier than what I was pursuing any kind of female deity or fairy tale.
  5. I originally had the day off and planned to blissfully sleep it away. But instead I ended up at work for 10 hours, lol. I hate holidays.
  6. I think if you took the conversations from the chatroom and just threw them up randomly into their own threads, they could work in tandem with the forums, because then you could have a real-time conversation about something and then continue it outside of the original, but that's the opinion of someone who wouldn't mind their public conversations there getting reposted. The error I always get is "The chat room has not been properly setup by the administrator (the chat room account number has not been supplied)." But the way errors are there could always be more to it than that.
  7. The Swellers - Becoming Self Aware The Swellers - Should Silver Story - My Empire The Big Nothing - Used To Care
  8. I feel I am much better at drunk cooking than coming to a DGN with a whole new visual format and remembering how to log in. But these eggs, potatoes, and cheddar with salt and pepper needed less potatoes. I screwed up but I'm not really sober enough to be pretentious about it. Probably time to go double check to make sure I actually turned all the burners off. And get seconds..
  9. The purple Monster punch tastes like grape bubblegum, its a little too weird for me to ever buy it again and my stomach is a little worse off for drinking it.
  10. Well I was able to get a hold of some adjustable dumbells and I feel sore now. But I'll eventually need to look for a cheap bench and some ten pound plates. For now I should be able to put some muscle back on, but eventually the weight won't be enough. Having an EZ bar and plates for that would be nice, but having little money I already could have my college send me to collections and screw my credit since they're pretty much out to take any money they can get from me and make my life hell. Its pretty ironic how my self-improvement comes mostly from being indifferent to them.
  11. I'm almost there. I've been trying to find someone to work out with, preferably who has a home gym, because I can't afford to go to the gym, lol. If I could work out at least three times a week I'd probably be way better off mentally.
  12. I've been awake for like 27 hours, to change my sleep schedule back to normal, and there was an 8 hour shift from hell in there. So tired is an understatement. I'm going to fall into the giant marshmellow behind me and sleep like death.
  13. I couldn't prove that my introversion meant anything if the drug history with anti-anxiety medication wasn't there. So I suppose I can thank the drug companies, as much as I hate it, for proving the complexity and frailty of human beings, and the strengths and weaknesses they choose or grow up with-- even if they're ultimately villains. It seems like life as a novelist is easier, with all its frustration and emotion, than life in front of one stupid, angry stranger, who's ultimately mad at me because the world stopped revolving around them for a minute. Pretty much the curse of retail.
  14. Yeah. I pretty much vlog for this reason. My hobbies get more expansive or in depth, and I can't spend hours talking about them with anyone because of their oddness or depth. But at the least I can scare more people, and I take the chance if its online.
  15. I worship entropy over elegance. I'm sure if any goth venue loses your presence, they're less goth for it. And they're not getting mine either, I'm too drunkj to drive. But really, socializing seems more intimate or intellectual in any context outside of a bar or club.
  16. Its a limited edition copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray signed by Oscar Wilde from The Antiques Roadshow Facebook page. I have no idea if they cropped any of the photos or not. But the person who brought that book into the show apparently got it for cheap.
  17. Printed in the late 1800's and signed by Oscar Wilde.
  18. I feel part of the growing Western demograph of men who don’t chase women for sexual or romantic relationships, in the same way one doesn’t risk drinking fatal poison, similar in this sense to Japan’s grass eaters. I have immense freedom because of this. There is little to no drama in my life. As long as I pay the bills, I can pursue all the things that make me happy, and avoid all the things which do not, and there is no one to cause the opposite. Its ironic to have romantic traditionalists talk about how men are falling into some kind of permanently single “perpetual adolescence” as though it should be thought of as a punishment or oddity. But if you really want a group to be disposable its best rid anything in them that resembles adolescence.
  19. New Holland Brewing Company needs to work on their craft, because I'm hearing some bad things, and I'm not touching anything they make again.
  20. This band has some incredible songs but this one in particular, partly because its less dark, is some of the best modern Post-punk music I've ever heard. The Foreign Resort - Take a Walk
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