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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. I feel I might be entering into a uplifting trance phase again. Putting away any punk rock, dark or poppy electro and spacing out to happy instrumental techno with cheap beer and good books.
  2. Obivously because of how drunk I am this morning, and at least CreatureOfTheNight might want to know because he always posts about beer, I'm drinking Wild Blue Premium Blueberry Lager, and besides the bottom of the bottle, I'm extremely impressed with this stuff, its as good as the best cocktails.
  3. I'm drunk and don't feel like going to sleep even though I have to work tomorrow. Lager..
  4. I remember you. This is because I'm a stalker and you're probably English. And English goths are more goth than American Goths because they drink people's blood.
  5. There's an oatmeal stout with a raven in front of a full moon called "The Poet", its brewed in Michigan and looks goth as hell. Unless you want the empties, DON'T BUY IT. It has the aftertaste of rubberbands. I'm drinking it now because the only other booze here is whiskey.
  6. Water. Hours earlier I had a Shockwave and two Extra Strength Stacker 2 energy shots.. very bad idea, but maybe I'll fall asleep earlier.
  7. A piece called The Secrets of Vibrant Night, that I had intended to write for a long time, which goes into the entire story behind the first book I've wrote; including where I wrote it. One of the cyphers in the book is the word "Coffeenated".
  8. I'm tired and due to stuff that has happened recently, I feel like an incisive rant.. I hate the behavior of vain people who have their vanity and nothing else, specifically vain women since they appear larger in number. I suppose this is why its so easy for me to attack pick-up artists, because they ultimately want to be the male equivalent of a legal prostitute with an insubstantial intellectual life; and then tell me I’m not masculine for being unwilling to chase any woman who’s so excessively visual that she doesn’t know how to keep real friends.
  9. With my friend getting rear-ended last night and his car totalled I have to agree (he and the other person are apparently okay).
  10. 6 months later I'm back and still powered by Dreamwave. This is Symbiosis.
  11. Chapter 3 of my Science Fiction novel. A rough map of the city is sitting behind my laptop right now.
  12. I recently read the Aparokshanubhutu, a treatise on Advaita Vedanta by Adi Shankaracharya. Also reading Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain, The Myth of Male Power by Warren Farrell, and the Panchikaranam by Adi Shankaracharya.
  13. I was running on 5 or 6 hours of sleep and decided to make a vlog introduction to show what a narcoleptic hipster might look like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQQOo5MopOs
  14. Just finished writing an article called "Growing Up Doesn't Exist". Its primarily about how men are told to grow up by men and women, when in fact, its a shaming tactic used to imprison them into a toxic relationship and unwanted life decisions.
  15. http://soundcloud.com/flasharnold/unlimited
  16. I feel: Sleepy. That the person who told me that "Big Mama's Pickled Sausage" was something that tasted good, was full of shit. And in a generally good mood.
  17. Cougar Synth - Afterglow (STARFORCE Remix)
  18. Strange things can happen in the middle of the night, but never enough to fully entertain me, which is probably for the best since that would probably freak me out a little.
  19. Its just a normal, non-alcoholic energy drink. I got it at Speedway.
  20. I'm trying out Shockwave. I had over 16 oz of Red Bull last night, this stuff is hitting me way harder and I still have a quarter of the can left. I also go through 24 oz of coffee or cappucino a day at least, though I didn't today, but whatever caffeine tolerance I have doesn't seem to apply with this stuff.
  21. Blackchords - Oh No The outro of this song rocks.
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