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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. Yeah, the popular rap music on bigger college campuses drives me insane. I somehow came upon youtube videos of frat parties. Makes me happy to be an introvert.
  2. I have socially broken a great part of myself taking in non-mainstream ideas about male shaming, disposability, and accountability.. and this more than ever for me, leaves empathy and humanism as a greater cause than sex. I've got a lot of free, metaphorical black paint; and someday its going to stop some white knight from committing suicide. While many men are totally apathetic towards each other, all to compete for a woman who is more likely to love them for their function then their personality, I will keep in mind all the ones who were thrown to the gutter, and who were once sons.
  3. I propose that any post in this thread uses black text. With that suggestion made, I'm going to bed.
  4. Vapid hedonism as musical representation makes for a particularly stupid generation.
  5. Microwaving a steamer bag of broccoli and cheese. I'm excited to eat it. I'm old.
  6. So damn catchy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6osvX68SNg
  7. It seems like some people are really messed up in the head and that's their major contribution to humanity.
  8. There are stories like this all over the internet, including MGTOW and MRA forums, some are even worse. I personally never intend to marry because of stories like this. And I think all single men should swear it off, even if they want monogamous relationships. Like I said in above posts, I firmly believe in the idea that falling in love is based on a fantasy built around a person, and that the idea that romantic relationships are necessarily more special than platonic relationships actually causes more people to be single. Here is a dating site study that shows how romantic fantasy affects American woman: http://livinginthedeadcity.weebly.com/1/post/2012/05/plenty-of-fish-experiment.html This is a bit off topic, but it has to do with the whole gender struggle. When I was doing research on one of my essays I also came across a statistic that says if I remember right, that single black women make up the majority of single women in America. Even though according to the article below, there's 1.8 million more black women than men, primarily to me the topic suggests that polygamy is a bigger culture for African-American males than it is for Caucasion males, but a commentor in the article below suggests its also a racist judicial system, which I would add that because of the drug war the judicial system is anti-poor. Where with black women they might be closer to romantic traditionalism than white women. But statistics like this have left me wondering what the different American attitudes are regarding romance when coming from different ethnic cultures-- and the age of the hot black chick in my math class. Here is the article: http://abcnews.go.co...tory?id=9395275
  9. Getting the cops involved, repeatedly if necessary, is a good idea. You may not be the first person he's done this to, or the last. If he isn't threatened by the law he could do this to someone else.
  10. I had a big pet peeve with my ending, but now I have things more clarified and I'm happy with it.
  11. No wonder I can't stay on track, I usually drink when I'm doing this.
  12. My level of frustration right now is immense. But I have a plan, and a backup plan if my financial aid doesn't come through.
  13. Fruit Punch Kickstart.. Math demands caffeine..
  14. I'm pretty sure there are Mozilla Firefox addons for that if you google for them.
  15. I don't need vinyl to get crackles in my music. My netbook generates more static than a malevolent High School gym student. I could probably run it unplugged with the battery out by rubbing it back and forth over the cat while she sleeps. VLC Media Player is some of the best freeware around for playing music and movies. It comes with codecs that even Windows Media Player doesn't have. http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html
  16. Class-Punk does not yet know how to tie a Pratt knot.
  17. "I don't know where you are, but I've hurt you, or someone close to you. If you try to suck my blood, I will take you down."
  18. I've gotten a personal email from someone in my college charged with helping people find tutors and such, probably because I publicly blasted them on their facebook page about irrational prerequisites. But when I took Life Skills/Course Maps which a lot of students get put into, and I'm not sure if its a requirement, I scored slightly above average on everything except "Employing Interdependence", and my score remained in the 20's out of 100 for that when the class was over. Not asking for help, and being extremely slow to build relationships is just a part of my personality.
  19. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.. Hi.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2PXdqmzQYw
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