I now see romantic love and falling in love as a culture based purely on internal fantasy, which underneath that is the biological need for sex. The "nice guy" or "nice girl" may be acting on a fantasy which is not how they'd actually act around their friends and family, but they can't totally be at fault, because under this theory they were brainwashed from the start. They don't realize that besides sex any lasting relationship has no discernable qualities from a close platonic friendship because romance is culture and delusion.
I have a theory in the essay I'm writing which explains why "nice girl" isn't a more popular term. It goes back to gender behavior and the idea that women are more likely to multitask and divert attention. Thus their romantic fantasies are more likely to be shorter or shift around more than men's. The nice girl is worse than the nice guy because when her mask cracks there is a Feminist army behind her to support male disposability.
The myth of falling in love could be bigger than Feminism in perpetuating the massive self-entitlement I've found in most of the Westernized women I've tried to date have. Her entitlement or greed goes beyond a typical nice guy's want for sexual acceptance, towards male enslavement via romantic traditionalism (marriage, chivalry), divorce court, and any other Feminist special priviledges in that relationship (like not working, and hiring nannies to watch her kids), for the sole purpose of achieving her own romantic fantasy.
Here is a video illustrating how all this can go down:
One of the reasons I am a religious skeptic and Science lover. But at least there's critical-thinking in that identification. If its a muslim woman calling herself a Feminist for instance, nobody can blame her, because their religion pretty much fears and hates women. But the way modern Feminism is in the West, dominating the media instead of real egalitarianism, it negatively affects women when all men are stereotyped negatively or made out to be equal to the richest men which I wrote about here.