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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. Apparently French Toast Crunch still exists in Canada.. I need to score me some of that shit.
  2. They get their income from premium accounts and maybe take a cut of people's prints, I'm not sure. But you have to buy a premium account to do a lot of things including change your name once, which really sucks. The art promotion is the worst, you'll get your thread locked for trying to promote literature in the literature section. All promotion is confined either to threads for everyone to spam in or to journals hidden on people's pages that nobody can find, but not in the forums dedicated around the art medium. Everything they do feels like its dogmatically geared towards their younger demographics, which overwhelm the good visual artists on there.
  3. As a note, even though I write lyrics more often which is pretty much the same as writing poetry, on the rare chance I've specifically wrote poetry I've been trying to get closer to the style of Charles Baudelaire. --- No Time We take our wine-drowned stupor and hide away our new world shadows in the dirt of the homeless bottle to keep them from the fade to bitter acid, where love letter and blood's throttle turn to promises and tasteless daydreams; poorly made, and never lasted. The wisest of us taste wine and vinegar, the smell that something is off, feel its pull on our broken hearts that pains, then wanes, then stirs.. and speaks as smoker's cough, and joins the blurring of the world from the lunatic's glass trough. We're ghosts of religious interrogation and celebrate our gross detachment in the sated staleness of our nation, in isolation, trauma, and attachment, by stumbling into our furnished cells with red eyes and vomit-stained tongues, and leaning against blank walls, no area for a calendar to be hung.
  4. I feel I need to put in more applications tonight. If I'm working and going to school, I won't have much of a life, but I will gain a tremendous amount of sanity back by getting out of my living situation. If I have to I could potentially take on student loan debt and move up to my college's main campus to look for work there, but everyone older than me says stay the hell out of debt; it seems to be a luxury for the bank-involved rich.
  5. I fixed your query.. I can also correct English but its probably better if Tron or Torn do it because I'm swamped with writing homework myself, and I don't know any German except Scheiße which I learned from some music video. Good luck.
  6. I got some work done on Chapter 2 of my novel "Chains" last night and I've been thinking about what I want to happen in it. I don't want an excess of male main characters so I'm changing one classy dressed character I had planned into a woman, who has a lexicon and is trying to teach it to a robot, at times when they're being shot at. I had also been thinking how I could work in a simplistic idea of a judicial system in my main character's head within the second chapter. Even though its a violent book right now I'm working from the challenge of my main character being symbolically ethical, even dharmic, so I'm still not sure how I'll handle his reactions to threatening situations.
  7. A big glass of Fruit Punch Kool-Aid. Cutting myself off of caffeine earlier in the night might help me fall asleep a little earlier.
  8. The dog is not ready to sleep. Meanwhile, the cat is always ready.
  9. My greatest random youtube click happened tonight. This is like Mumford and Sons meets Wild Nothing or Goo Goo Dolls. If its excessively folksy it balances it out with how lush the track is.
  10. I've heard this before and I have no idea where. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dPS-EHl-FE
  11. Drinking water and looking up pianists.
  12. I feel a little bit queasy, the second cocktail was a bad idea.
  13. When I think of comic book villains I think of Venom and Carnage.
  14. I sort of feel like I'm in limbo. My writing class homework is killing my primary outlet for escapism. So once that's done I should be able to write my way towards sanity. >.>
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlgFrnAi4eE
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