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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. I'm so not trying to get into an argument.. but I'm not going to have someone shove anti-male, half-baked dogma in my face either.
  2. If I was still on a dating site I would put in the headline, "My hands often smell like an unbathed schnauzer."
  3. There's a voice in my head saying, "Stop being a bitch and go train." So that is what I must do.
  4. Just watch out for those Nike sponsored Monks.
  5. I forget that college is supposed to improve someone's life eventually. I feel like I'm spending days doing unpaid work for someone else, instead of pursuing unpaid writing and composing. But either way my social skills are mostly eroded past a healthy point, just better than they were last year, and cheap booze will eventually make its way into my digestive system.
  6. Yep. I'm only 2 pages into my youtube favorites, and I haven't looked through my accounts on other music sites yet.
  7. The ruins are no place for you to play, they'll kill you if you come back here again.
  8. This is Mia the first day we got her. I'm hoping that her parents were a bat and a schnauzer and that she grows wings at some point.
  9. Most of the time I'd rather do my own thing while listening to a larger variety of non-Industrial music than most the patrons going to these places. My comfort zone is stretched pretty thin with some of the horrible Industrial music I've heard, most people's comfort zone seems to be a dance floor. Intelligence goes a longer ways in being dark and edgy than some distorted hook like "destroy her cunt" repeated over a kick drum. If I'm going to listen to a band singing "destroy her cunt" I want it to be Wild Nothing.
  10. Shit, I rediscovered this and now I can't stop playing it.
  11. "Like" a bunch of bands on Facebook. I had a policy to never like any page. Then I made a song titled after an underground artist, and it would've been impolite to not like his page. So now I feel that I'll probably have to like 200 bands or something.
  12. I miss what I looked like after 6 day splits. And having the energy and will to get through them. That was about the closest I ever got to my avatar.
  13. I think I typed this because I had got in touch with someone who used to harbor a lot of drama around themselves, and they were getting older and better about it. Which I think its best not to start a fire you can't put out.
  14. According to Kat everyone is. Maybe a lot of people have OCD or somethin'. According to Kat everyone is. Maybe a lot of people have OCD or somethin'. According to Kat everyone is. Maybe a lot of people have OCD or somethin'.
  15. If I could I'd get something like that with smaller lenses and with a thinner frame. Also, I wish there were smaller versions of these.. If there were reasonably proportioned coffin sunglasses they'd be pretty badass. I actually contacted the manufacturer of these about smaller versions of these and teashades but they didn't take my suggestion seriously. They're only concerned with making comical party sunglasses, even though I their products were decent and blocked out sunlight. Its pretty depressing that there are barely any cheap sunglasses that go by the eye-fitting guideline.
  16. Trying to get rid of this dull headache with caffeine.
  17. True. That thought for me is a little different, because its followed by a train of thought, "If I say something, or totally screw up my relationship up with a person or group, what are the different things I can say to ride it off, or make it seem like nothing?" I have a constant personal aspiration for the devil's tongue, which is the most efficient way to inject my liberal opinion into mainstream consciousness. With some select people I think, if they were to think, "Are you my enemy?" My reply would be, "Yes, the question." And I'm also probably just a little crazy.
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