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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. Extremely normal. I broke down and had two glasses of Dew and a small can of Pepsi this week, and I paid a blood price. I usually have caffeinated water around to keep me from doing it when I get sick of coffee, it just didn't happen this time.
  2. To put it lightly, this coffee tastes bad. Why do I keep buying it? I keep buying it because its cheap, strong, and an appetite suppressant. But its sort of a senior citizen putting a rubber band in their mouth repeatedly because it gives them more flexibility. I'm hurting myself for you, to fund your business, because my time and money is worth very little in the grand dystopian scheme of overpopulation, cheap coffee, and inevitable death. One of you (the older woman) hates me because I take a handful of sugar packets, its still not enough, to make this stuff tastes decent I should be taking double. So give me a break and let me take 20 sugar packets without staring at me like I have a heroin problem, or start charging money for them. Better yet, I will start walking around with a tupperware container full of sugar, and when teenagers ask me about it I'll say, "Cell phones are too mainstream." But that's not going to happen because this is like self-injury, and I'm done. I can't drink this stuff anymore, black clothes, not drinks. So as soon as I get my free coffee reward from all the stamps on my card, I'm putting this whole thing behind me. I will, however, get around to trying the cappuccino..
  3. There's a bunch of pens at the bottom of a water-filled groove in the passenger side door. Its a long story.
  4. Oh my god, it was so gross, I'd like, so be drinking a Pepsi right now. Like.. yeah for real, totally. But I had one last night, and instead of falling asleep, I like, got up to puke bright red blood, oh my god, it was gross. So like, yeah, total bummer.
  5. If I took the years to wire myself to like rejection, thus making myself infinitely weirder, I would probably start liking Industrial music. That must never happen. I don't like emotional roller-coasters unless I built the track and know the patrons. Which is to say that literature is enough.
  6. "Here in hell I held onto my skin. To turn the vulture's eye!"
  7. My level of energy hasn't felt normal for awhile and its stopping me from doing more. Maybe I should start taking power naps and see if it helps my productivity. I don't feel like I'm ever getting a full night's sleep anymore, and I can't be on my normal "vampire" sleep schedule because I decided to take the class I have tomorrow too early.
  8. Good things come to those who wait impatiently. Because a creator without merciless ambition has become content with their identity, and is thus tortured by its limitations. But I can be creative another time. I'm going to go watch How I Met Your Mother on Netflix.
  9. I think it would be cool to own multiple companies with specific time set aside to oversee them for the sake of stress reduction; not as a means of personally making tons of money, but to decentralize and humanize corporate structure, giving that money to workers to be paid the same or more for less hours, seeing what that does for efficiency, and setting a new standard for the middle class.
  10. The last person on DGN I had a crush on was Illuminatrix. I stopped talking to her when I found out she wasn't from a foreign country.
  11. I got to talk with the lead singer of Light Asylum through email, but I didn't want to wait longer than a month to continue working on this track, and she's very busy-- I'm secretly hoping working on a new album. So I'll turn this into another Dreamwave instrumental and mess some more with it tonight.
  12. I think I made it to class once this semester without hurling, part of me doesn't feel like going, but I've only ever missed one class; last semester when my breaks were dying.
  13. I feel that this adequately describes K-pop and J-pop.
  14. I don't like their style and I think of them as a Hot Topic fad band, but I also don't snub music if it sounds good. I came upon Rebel Love Song and it sounded like Iron Maiden with Post-Grunge vocals, generic feeling lyrics, but worth favoriting.
  15. Autodidactism has kicked in and I've been doing research on homemade soda syrup recipes. I have a feeling that this stuff could taste really good.
  16. Its definitely some good "happy place" music.
  17. No one will freely admit to being momentarily changed by a stranger's happiness.
  18. This song is what Chillwave/Dreamwave is all about. It is the type of song that makes me want to chill out, drink some good cocktails, and eat some good food.
  19. Put a jacket on because a woodburner and space heater isn't enough to stop the cold in here, and play Terraria.
  20. This event was around two hours South of Detroit.
  21. "Local" for me means in my county. I don't live up North and I'm not particularly concerned about it. It goes back to defying this concept from people that they should run away from small towns to seek entertainment. Instead of sticking around, creating new culture, and even entirely new scenes.
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