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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. If I could make it this time around, I probably wouldn't compete, but I would spend two nights drinking this wonderful, horrible concoction.
  2. That depressing realization that the two jobs you want on your resume are places that are out of business.
  3. Doing homework all day, still not done, but I feel like I have to get it done as soon as possible so its not in my head, looming over me and torturing me until the last minute.
  4. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovations/post/aaron-swartz-and-the-rise-of-the-hacktivist-hero/2013/01/14/6ceb5aa8-5e76-11e2-8acb-ab5cb77e95c8_blog.html
  5. Speaking realistically, if you're trying to appease someone by going, all I can suggest is take painkillers with you. I don't care much for metal anymore and I hold the corpse of Punk rock over it. All of the metal shows I've been to were full of guys acting pissed off and tough while raising their estrogen levels with massive quantities of alcohol. To be fair, the fat guys have a ton of muscle by natural standards without ever having to touch a weight..
  6. Its easy to fit in with metalheads. Just look slightly pissed off like you haven't slept or ate in awhile, but don't actually don't look at anyone for a long amount of time other than the band. Bring some form of over-the-counter painkiller for the inevitable headache. Also, if its a smaller venue and some guy on the stage ends up on a screaming tirade about supporting local music.. Ignore him. If he cared more about his music he wouldn't care about the crowd he was playing to. That's my witty generalization of metalheads.
  7. Watching a Nova episode on dreams.. then I will disappear from DGN for a couple days.. into the dreamworld.. ..of video games.
  8. What my inner punk is thinking: 90% of these pussy Indie bands can fuck off. Stop singing boring songs about the stupid people you want to have sex with you cookie-cutter fuckers. I'm so sick of looking for music under the category of "rock" and all I'm finding is you either crying about or fetishizing someone who thinks you're a creep and will end up having sex with the alcoholic idiots you think are annoying. Grunge did it better than you anyways. I'm also tired of the Explosions in the Sky guitar sound. Pop punk feels commercial and uncreative, so all these hipsters should either quit music or unleash their rage, so I can start enjoying new rock music again. I felt needed more harmonica but it was on the right track.
  9. I am sleep deprived. Animals kept me awake. It seems like we'll end up sticking with the name Mia, that her first owner gave her. She will have to learn that I'm not going to play with her much if she doesn't let me sleep.
  10. There's nothing like playing with fire.
  11. Excellent. We actually got one today.. she keeps jumping on my bed, laying there for less than a minute, then jumping off. I think that Bubbles is an appropriate name because she's small and the cat wants to pop her.
  12. Anytime I hear about Fig Newtons I'm reminded of this song, which came out this year and has become one of my favorite rap songs.
  13. I was in the mood to use brassy sounds. Artificial and Lethal - How Consciousness Expands
  14. Studying things about Hinduism and consequently learning new Sanskrit.. déjà vu.
  15. He looks like he swallowed a sleeping pill in a pound of turkey breast during a MASH marathon..
  16. A delicious, unfrozen chicken burrito; which, probably does not have nature's cardboard in it, owing up to its tastiness.
  17. The black cat is in the same room as me, sleeping on a giant chair. Someone neutered him and took part of his ear. I will need to find him four turtles.
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