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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. The sky looked pretty abstract/awesome earlier.
  2. I feel goth. I'm actually listening to Joy Division, and I usually rip on them and their fans while touting The Sound.
  3. I've had thoughts about someday beating TronRP at board domination. But my cans of Spam are slim, I am beaten and bloodied-- my warrior spirit, broken, by dark forces outside of my control. While the jungle cat from the North descends upon my camp, rubbing her chin against chicken ramen, looking for food or.. Or human flesh, with which she can meticulously and carnivorously devour. And this computer is simply getting too old for a lot of music posting.
  4. I guess for me it comes down to knowing who's worth talking to based on how polite someone is in the long-term, depending on the personal definition of "polite". Which is a good policy for anyone to have.
  5. I'm bringing out the holistic medicine. I'm going to put down a head of cabbage this week to see if I can fight my ulcer problems with L-glutamine.
  6. I was talking to this girl from my college, and I asked her out, then she ignored me. She's the same Major, and my first class is tomorrow, so I'm hoping I won't have any classes with her since it would be pretty awkward. I can't be too embarrassed, I expect this out of a lot of Americanized women my age, to not even offer normal rejection or act like a decent person until they pump out a kid.
  7. I still have never beat that game, I was on the very last level. Ironically the Zelda games I have beaten are Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Windwaker, Minish Cap, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword.
  8. I thought up a shot drink idea I want to try which I'm calling "Hellfire". It consists of a normal shot of one of my favorite liquors, Fireball, with a liberal pinch of Cayenne Pepper stirred in. Whenever I try it, I won't be sober, to risk less chance of puking.
  9. No pepperoni or sausage, lousy vegan pizza. =
  10. I want to train really badly but I'm going to give my stomach one more day. Just around 3 cans of soda in the past week has zapped my energy and made my ulcer(s) worse. But it reminds me that I need to stay the hell away from it. Welcome to my life.
  11. I was able to edit the original post.
  12. That was just my picture of the diver dog at the beginning of this thread.
  13. It was this. I wouldn't actually want to go to the beach until it was closer to dusk. I've spent so much time out of the sun that I don't trust sunscreen to protect me.
  14. My goals haven't really changed. The main ones being get through college, put on more muscle, and look for part time work. I have a lot of other goals, but I have to prioritize those goals, as well as goals within them for stress management alone.
  15. Interesting. I will probably have a lot of fun in that class this semester because I like writing.
  16. I feel happy. I also feel.. that the more mormons in the world, the more coffee for me.
  17. Punk's not dead, its blasting through my earphones, appealing to my apathy. Here's to DGN being around for another year.
  18. Nice vest. If it were me I would get rid of the eyeliner, button up the shirt a little and throw a dark blue/teal/purple tie in (but not necessarily to the point of being choking like normal people), with or without the coat depending on what looks better to you. That's not necessarily advice on being more or less goth, but it'd make you look less like a clubber and more classy if that's what you're after.
  19. I'm taking a writing class this semester and being a smartass, if we get to choose what we write.. I'll start with a choppy, adolescent-sounding Veggie Tales Fan-Fiction where Larry the Cucumber is losing his faith. Then for my second assignment, a serious, wordy, dramatized insight into the lives of desert frontiermen.
  20. I put info on it in this thread if you want to check it out. The worst part of it for me has been my eating window ending, then the time between that and sleep I'd have to deal with hunger pains. In the morning I wouldn't have those. On a 6 hour window I noticed I woke up pretty energetic and not groggy at all, just with little focus till I finally ate.
  21. I'm in a good mood. I might be seeing The Hobbit tonight, and I have rekindled my love for Ginger Ale.
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