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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. Spit up some blood because I was rushing myself today, gonna go to a class in an hour.
  2. Hoping the storm doesn't knock the power out. Content.
  3. Even though that last time I smoked was one day in September, I've been having bad nicotine cravings. Never smoking after being a smoker is comparable to a scene in a movie where a guy in a fight ends up bloody, beat up, and on the ground, and he gets up and manages to win the fight.. I'll keep putting my energy into stuff like training and eating, and maintain an addiction to endorphins. I'll be better off not being around tobacco.
  4. Maybe over half the things I've said on DGN I wouldn't say at a family party on either side because there are a lot of devout Christians in my family also.
  5. I consider Satanism to mostly be poetically dark or reactive Atheism, though I'm not sure the actual numbers of skeptics versus occultists. I don't believe in the occult or supernatural, but I do believe in samadhi or "religious experience" as a biological function. I think mainstream culture still has plenty of dominance over it by the Abrahamic religions, and Satanism is just a fun means of asking for rationality and popping that bubble. If its relevant, I wrote this post while listening to Take a Walk by Passion Pit.
  6. TV on the Radio is still one of the greatest bands ever.
  7. I've felt out of focus all day. Made something chocolate cookies and ate some of them, and now I feel normal. I blame taking SSRI's in the past, there is no chemical imbalance except the ones the drug companies create, both with their psuedo-science and products, and there is no known sole chemical that causes happiness.
  8. Tea doesn't have enough caffeine in it.
  9. I've only played 1 and 2, and it took me 4 years to try them. Even though my avatar is from the second game I have to disagree. Mass Effect (1) to me is one of the greatest games ever made, up there with Ocarina of Time. The music wasn't stock orchestra, all original and Bladerunner-esque, the story was probably the best and not pure action, and for a game made in 2008 it was really ...

  10. Work on something ambient, something that feels as lonely as the amount of plays it will get.
  11. Indeed. --- I think in the second Avengers movie Samuel L. Jackson will still be like, "I've got a little handgun and I don't give a f***!"
  12. I will do cardio. I will do cardio. I will do cardio.
  13. Maybe one of the best electronic bands I've ever heard.
  14. This is the song that plays while I read DGN from an undisclosed location in the Milky Way galaxy.

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