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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. I didn't get enough sleep and that Work Drugs song is too catchy.
  2. Netflix has become how I contend with being single. --- Do I have something I need to do? If yes, go do it. If no, then do I have motivation? If yes, then pursue hobby related to motivation. If no, then make sugary drink and watch Netflix-- when bored of Netflix, start from beginning.
  3. Calm and pretty gloomy. The rural, buggy, dark, desolate weather probably has some effect on my mood. Just one of those things there isn't a positive side to.
  4. I have a combination of musical ideas to act on..
  5. I see. Normally I'd say a model is just a model, and there's the chance I could be wrong, but kudos to this chick for working out and eating healthy. Work is more attractive than vanity.
  6. I feel I will never post in the Nightlife threads again unless I'm personally organizing something, like a local anti-dance event, and decide to actually say something. Its highly likely that even ten years from now, I will be nowhere in any scene, except the ones that I help dictate and create.
  7. Well you emailed me Christian propaganda, so I'm emailing you Hitchens on Pascal's Wager. Sincerely, your son.
  8. Something minimalist, ambient, and dark. Graveyard Theme
  9. I need to figure this out. Also, I haven't had pop in forever and just the thought of a 20 oz of Dr. Pepper makes me want it worse than some people want nicotine. Or a Mountain Dew and a Nacho Bel Grande.. Oh my god, FUARK.
  10. Drinking sugary mint tea because so far it seems like I can drink tea again without getting sick, listening to music, and doing some free-writing.
  11. I can't post music here much because the vids bog down my old pc, I'm even using Opera and few tabs just to be able to get into the threads. But I don't have the time to look up as much new music anyways.
  12. Why can't this type of music be the opening/closing theme in a damn Anime!? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQO8XQiVymY
  13. Gloomy, ticked off, and a little out of it.
  14. Closet goths listen to obscure Chillwave in the corner of an empty room.
  15. If only he would pop out at an M83 show and do that solo..
  16. I think a lot of sexism towards women on the internet comes from the fact you can't have a cultural imbalance in one gender without an imbalance in the other. While there is income disparity for women along with human rights abuses, there are also human rights abuses for men which have been left unquestioned by society. If a ship is sinking, and all the women and children get on the lifeboat first, there could be women who are evil or contribute nothing to society while good people who happen to be men, die. This is male disposability going hand-in-hand with the idea of women being trophies, which was more necessary in pre-civilization and not really now. So logically, you can't be a feminist without being a masculinist. What's happening now on the internet is that more than ever before there are men becoming pissed off by the trophy ideals, and whether or not its the most rational way of balancing sexism, they are speaking for the same martial and cultural disposability for women that they were born into.
  17. My tongue is burnt right now because my stomach was thinking for me yesterday. It wanted stuffed crust pizza, and the only one around was 400 degrees.
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