For awhile while Obama was in office I started to wonder if America could run another way than Libertarianism, but the indefinite detention bill signed into law for anyone simply deemed a terrorist, the way Bradley Manning has been treated for showing the army killing journalists and children, the time it took to pull out of one of the wars, the bloodlust for Julian Assange without any proof that he's put anyone in harm; Julian Assange's, Bradley Manning, and Kim Dotcom's unconstitutional imprisonment, the consistent abuses of citizens by TSA agents, the centralized banking that holds down the lower and middle class, the war-profiteering foreign policies that completely ignore the concept of blowback, and the massive spying by the NSA on American citizens.. have convinced me that big government is in itself given over to terrorist ideals regardless of whoever is behind what. And considering Ron Paul both Conservative and Libertarian, I'll keep voting Libertarian for whatever its worth.