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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. While running on coffee I recently made green bean casserole with chunks of turkey ham like I intended to today. Now I'm boiling potatoes which I will mix with milk and taco seasoning in an attempt to make "mashed potacos". Edit: Well the "mashed potacos" were a failure, but crushed Chili Cheese Fritos will always go good in mashed potatoes.
  2. Well due to needing to return the book because I switched to an online class, I am unable to do any mathematics and will have to suffer all night by eating popcorn and watching Supernatural.
  3. For awhile while Obama was in office I started to wonder if America could run another way than Libertarianism, but the indefinite detention bill signed into law for anyone simply deemed a terrorist, the way Bradley Manning has been treated for showing the army killing journalists and children, the time it took to pull out of one of the wars, the bloodlust for Julian Assange without any proof that he's put anyone in harm; Julian Assange's, Bradley Manning, and Kim Dotcom's unconstitutional imprisonment, the consistent abuses of citizens by TSA agents, the centralized banking that holds down the lower and middle class, the war-profiteering foreign policies that completely ignore the concept of blowback, and the massive spying by the NSA on American citizens.. have convinced me that big government is in itself given over to terrorist ideals regardless of whoever is behind what. And considering Ron Paul both Conservative and Libertarian, I'll keep voting Libertarian for whatever its worth.
  4. Grilled chicken chunks with lemon pepper, salt, and butter. It is incredibly tasty.
  5. Last Train Home. A documentary about a family of Chinese workers. Definitely lots of sorrow, crying, more silent parts than for my taste. It reminds me of the Vice documentary on North Korea but makes me rage more because the Chinese workers could have a lot more wealth and are all exploiting themselves without fully realizing it.
  6. Even though I'm going to college soon, its in a sense a small college, and I'm pretty picky, so I'll see what comes out of it. If I have the social finesse I could see myself playing matchmaker. But I don't have the energy I had a year or two ago and the blood test I got came back with no answer why, and I maybe spit up around 2 teaspoons of blood before my orientation; so the energy I have to be social will hinge on dealing with that.
  7. I disagree with fatalism as it might appear in Advaita Vedanta. I am willing to believe that there is something microcosmic that somehow holds all possible choices, but I'm not going to damn free will because I don't see any evidential legitimacy in doing so.
  8. This is a sequel to three other dark stories below (in order), and part of a creepypasta-influenced demon hunting serialization I've slowly been working on. Apart from this, I'm more about writing other genres than Horror, so this is a unique fiction project for me. The Code in the Mirror (1) The Looping Variable (2) The New Array (3) The Stalker Reads My Mind (4)
  9. Looking for something to watch out of incredible boredom and lack of motivation.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUH3JQjcweM
  11. Just a youtube video from a pissed-off veteran. Everyone says support the troops, but we'll see how they vote, since most of the troops are supporting Ron Paul.
  12. From the Russian Punk band who has been charged 2 years in jail for their protest in a Russian Orthodox Church.
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