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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. Sometimes you are in the right place at the right time.
  2. I beat the new DOOM and its now one of my favorite games, it feels extremely 90's with a more modern heavy soundtrack. I also beat Gears of War 4 campaign, the story wasn't as good as the first 3, I kind of feel like they shouldn't have even made it. I might play some Gears of War 4 on Horde in the future, but I don't have plans to play anything that's no co-op anytime soon. I've been in and out of catatonic depression which I think is from sunlight/vitamin d deficiency, so its keeping me from wanting to do a lot of gaming. Plus after combing Skyrim and doing every major storyline nothing comes close to the epicness of that game for me. The Dawnguard DLC is worth playing last because the story is a solid 8/10.
  3. I think most animals need at least one companion to be as mentally healthy as possible, usually of the same species, but cats and dogs can sometimes still keep each other company. It depends on the pet owner too and if they want any more pets. I think the cats would end up sleeping together if they got along. They could keep distance at first and you can eventually convince cats to get along by regularly rubbing paper towel all over one of them, then rubbing it all over the other one, so they have the same scent. Even once they get along they might still shriek and fight, but it might be the same rule with guinea pigs, where as long as they aren't drawing blood its annoying but not a big deal.
  4. My nyctophilia is waning the older I get, but I'm going to go to sleep and do the vampire thing because that's what I get paid for.
  5. I honestly think the English translation of The Ribhu Gita is the most powerful book in existence. Along with being the most powerful book on meditation ever written. It might not be over 7,000 years old as someone on Wikipedia suggests, maybe its not even from the BC era.. but whatever its age is, there's not a single non-dual text I've read that compares to this thing. It was worthy of being called Ramana Maharshi's bible. And though I'll likely never bother to understand all the sanskrit phrases in it, its becoming my bible as well. Here's a free copy of it: https://books.google.gr/books?id=BX6Kt4f9NqwC&printsec=frontcover&hl=el&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false Right now my best theory for someone to be legitimately enlightened is that they need to be in depersonalization disorder, derealization disorder, have feelings of bliss, and see phosphenes and consciousness as one thing (and have all of this happening effortlessly). So while there is awareness of the world in some context, its being constantly meshed with sort of spontaneous daydreams of light and color as one identity. While bliss is questionable, mainly because nobody in the mental health industry has experienced it and doesn't understand how weird it is or its strong link to phosphenes, that's still at least three forms of madness by modern standards. Mindfulness is probably the most popular thing in meditation circles. But what could be said to be advanced meditation seems like a committed stroll into crazy town.
  6. I think at this point there's no time to get enough awareness to ensure another candidate's chance apart from Hillary and Trump, and this is because of the mainstream media's stranglehold over public knowledge and opinion. If television didn't exist and there was only the internet, with the major social media sites not being regulated, I think Bernie would've been elected, followed later with a democratic majority in congress, which would cause some positive changes in the country like cheaper college tuition and single payer healthcare. Millennials are the biggest generational group in America now, but the stranglehold of the mainstream media and Bernie dropping out made them scattered. So I just want to see the mainstream media destroyed, and I care more about that than the presidency. Since totalitarian leftists are mostly running the mainstream media, the best way to agitate and discredit both the totalitarian, irrational left and the mainstream media, is with a Trump presidency. So I'm voting Trump because I despise the media as it exists today and want to see it destroyed and replaced with journalists who are policed by the internet as a whole, which will be futuristic, more intelligent, more moral, and will benefit society possibly beyond what we could imagine. I consider the right and the alt right stupid in their own ways, I'm not on the right or left. I'm somewhere between socialist and libertarian, or a political relativist, or a rationalist. But my hatred of the mainstream media is extreme.
  7. Cool. Well I was wondering if anyone had any "subgenres" or "microgenres", or essentially niche musical genres that they would place it under. Obviously, "Noise" being a given. For instance I've heard some people call chillwave a "subgenre" or "microgenre".
  8. Its so weird I'm wondering how other people would classify it.
  9. Its cold enough outside that I can start wearing my black leather jacket again. So a super pale guy with guy faux facial hair who looks like he's 30 walking around in a black leather jacket catches the attention of rednecks. Even as a closet goth I've got people looking at me like I'm a weirdo, which they aren't supposed to know that, because I'm dressed down and haven't said anything.
  10. Maybe eat, try to meditate, and go to sleep.
  11. Some pokemon can't evolve unless you have enough candies of the particular pokemon. You primarily get candies by transferring extra pokemon, but you also get them if you hatch the pokemon in an egg. When you hit the pokeball, and go to pokemon, and then tap a pokemon, you have to scroll all the way down to see the transfer button, its annoying. If you hit the pokeball, and go to pokemon, than go to eggs, you have to click an egg and put it into an incubator. After its in an incubator you hatch the egg by walking however many kilometers the egg is, 2 km (1.2 miles), 5 km (3.1 miles), or 10 km (6.2 miles). You have to be in the main game screen with the map showing for the incubators to register your walking, to hatch eggs. The higher the km egg, the better chance of getting better or rarer pokemon.
  12. That's my pokemon ebonics. --- I've hatched two Abras, so I either need to catch two or hatch another one and then I have something nobody around me has..
  13. That's pretty good. The most I've ever gotten in a night is three which was last night. They don't seem to spawn a lot. What I've learned is that the higher level you are, the more variety of pokemon you seem to find. if you want to level fast, you want to evolve anything that is the basic pokemon for the evolution like a weedle, rather than a kakuna-- and if you have a lucky egg, you want to use that before you evolve a bunch of pokemon all at once. The best experience comes from evolving, sticking with basic type pokemon which are less expensive, 500 exp per evolution, 1000 exp per evolution with a lucky egg activated. Powering stuff up can use up candy, but obviously comes in handy for taking gyms, which still is only 100 exp compared to evolving a weedle, pidgey, ratata, ect., which is 500.
  14. I'd add maybe getting more XP or trainer exp from battling friends and nearby people. The GPS animation with the player changing directions randomly. And pokestop descriptions having better grammar.
  15. I'm level 8 on Team Instinct. I've been trying to find as many ghost types as I can but so far tons of walking around at night and only one ghastly. =(
  16. Team Instinct Tauros go win be BUCKIN' SUM BITCHES AT DA CEMETERY! High CP One Hitta Quitta!
  17. I've got an unopened bottle in my fridge, seems to be easier on my stomach ulcers than beer. Its good to know, the link is broken, but I googled it. At this point in my life the sunlight bothers my eyes, and if I ever have to work another shift someday, I'm going to be pretty fucked trying to adjust to it. Apparently its flavonoids behind it, they're also behind estrogen antagonization, that's why wine to me is the manliest form of alcohol.
  18. I drove past a reflector in the road on the way to work, then I wanted to listen to that Arcade Fire song. Many hours I just found it in my youtube favorites and remembered. I keep forgetting that they had mirror man in the music video.
  19. No problem. With as bad as my social anxiety is I should probably try Xanax or go back on Klonopin, but I just keep dealing with it with no health insurance, and thus no therapist. I will probably never take any form of medicine/drugs for it again, because I'd rather just be myself with all its pros and cons. Drinking red wine straight from the bottle is nice though, I really should've worked out today instead..
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