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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. I also believe Ryan Gosling is a Gothic Hipster without even knowing it. 1. He has a neoclassical band called Dead Man's Bones with a child choir that sings Halloween-themed songs. 2. He utilizes ties. 3. He starred in a movie with an 80's Revival/Valerie collective soundtrack. Or maybe.. he does know it..
  2. If I could talk to any one deceased person I think it would have to be Gopi Krishna.
  3. I just realized I unintentionally double posted this song in this thread being that its my favorite Fair Oh's song.
  4. Time flies with a square moon and sun...
  5. I dreamed that I survived both a helicopter and car crash this week. The pilot of the helicopter started saying some crazy talk about not being afraid of heights and parachuted out but with some alien thing other than a parachute. I somehow knew how to fly it but don't remember if I jumped out or not. I cursed sporadically in the second dream because my sibling wrecked my car. While normal people have nightmares about their teeth falling out, I have nightmares about my dentures being flattened; a distinct monetary loss, which is what happened after the helicopter crash.
  6. Class-Punk Attitude with a lexicon.
  7. There are a lot of Sisters clones that I will hardly ever or never listen to.. I wish there were endless more bands that sounded like PiL hits without being metal. For now at least there's ROMANCE and Disconcerts.
  8. More tired than I'd like to be, and not going to over-think or analyze anything which would lead to me feeling neurotic.
  9. Yes, I was reading another thread in the sex part of the board and started thinking that the only cat and mouse games I want to play would involve select market competition against an autodidactic nemesis. --- If someone wants me to wake them up, and I had my guitar around.. it would be cool to go into their room and plug it in with the volume and gain up, play some simple chords and start singing, "It's almost 2 PM.."
  10. I tend to think if I have to spend too much time chasing someone its damned from the start, because even if I end up dating them they don't see me as an equal.
  11. "I'm the manager of this Hollister store Moriarty, give up while you still can, bro."
  12. Shameless plug. I rendered this song so many times today, tweaking the volume on everything to get it right. Artificial and Lethal - Back From The Dead
  13. A lot of people in their teens and twenties seem like they want to listen to music that reflects being depressed, pissed off, or trying to escape life. I'm not depressed. I'm rarely pissed off. And I'm usually sober. Music to me has mostly become about chilling out.
  14. I could comically picture The Illusive Man listening to Linkin Park's new single..
  15. Thanks. I am using the Insert Link button/code and have tried with and without quotes, it just doesn't seem to work anymore for me.
  16. Post-punk, New Wave, Electro, Shoegaze, 80's revival, (Relatively) Dark Indie. Play on Shuffle. Links aren't working for me so here is the address: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF27BC8B17DDB960C
  17. Too much Splenda makes me gag or get sick. I thought if I drank enough of it, I might be able to evolve past the effects. --- I'm gagging a fair amount today, but starting tonight I'm going to start and finish a three day split this week; and continually try to force myself to go to sleep, so I don't take course placement tests next week on no sleep.
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