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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. I’ve been wrecking it. Today I did 70 pound upright rows which hurt like hell. Next week I might slowly inch back into attempting low-weight deadlifts and barbell rows.
  2. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask for sugary coffee and The Names.
  4. I see you like Steel Reserve, that’s usually what I drink since its cheap and effective.
  5. Usually if its at least 5%, cold, and has no lime flavoring, there’s not many beers I won’t drink. I prefer middle-class liquor.
  6. My theory is that the drunker I am, the classier that I hold beer.
  8. Berlin Black and the Shades of Grey - Please You
  9. The next time I’m in the red room I might request this.. It just started playing out of my coffee maker the other day which notified me that it was time to clean it.
  10. That was my weight increase for most exercises, on whey plus eating a lot, if that's what you mean.
  11. "Nail me to a cross in the dark-lit alley, I said the prince of peace doesn’t have to know about it!"
  12. On 2 scoops a day of cheap Body Fortress whey it was 5 pounds added every two weeks. Its less now without whey, but I'll save money.
  13. I do switch or add exercises but here’s mainly what I’m doing for bulking, its 4 days but was originally a 5 day split, its become more simplistic. Just as a note if anyone uses or takes from this, without deadlifts its harder to build up the lower back. (If I can do extra sets I do. Warm-up with small weights, not to fatigue, if necessary. Lately my cardio is burpees. I’ve been doing combinations of crazy rowers, crunchers, leg-lifts, and reverse crunchers for abs.) Monday - Chest Barbell Bench 5x5 DB Pec Flys 5x5 Weighted Pushups w/db for handlebars, 45 lb 2 sets near fatigue (without collapsing) Abs & intense cardio Tuesday - Arms Biceps - Incline Bicep DB curls 5x5 Standing EZ bar curls 5x5 Triceps - Skull Crushers 5x5 Tricep Extensions 5x5 DB wrist curls - 2 sets Wednesday - Legs Squats 5x5 Calf Raises 3 sets to fatigue Weighted lunges (w/db’s, counting it as intense cardio) 3 sets to fatigue Abs Thursday - Off Friday - Shoulders & Back Shoulders - DB lat Raise or DB front lat raise 5x5 Barbell Shrugs 3 or 5 sets Barbell shoulder press or barbell upright rows 5x5 Back - Wide grip pull-ups 5x5 Bent-over db rows 5x5 Abs and intense cardio. Saturday and Sunday - Off
  14. My form was good in my opinion, straight arched back, weight close, legs spaced with shoulders. I was on jack3d, and I thought because my legs could take the weight I could deadlift my bodyweight. Even with a straight arched back, my lower back still wasn’t ready for the pressure on it. If I ever can do deadlifts again I will be doing much less weight.
  15. I'm bulking another year. I'm just going to run through the supps I have left and then not put any money into them since I'm getting steady gains without them. I can't deadlift or do bent-over bb rows because my lower back is screwed up from deadlifting too much weight. >.> I typed up a 3 day split for a friend if you want a copy, the exercises can be googled. It was made out of mine which is a little different and is a 4 day. The nutrition aspect is all small changes over time.
  16. This song pretty much makes me think of cannabis. Its like a combination of Scala, NIN, and Lovesick by The Vanishing.
  17. New trailer w/gameplay.. I'm crossing my fingers for some Dark Brotherhood quests.
  18. Post-rock from the Dead Space 2 credits.
  19. I’ve been on four anti-depressants, the first one (Paxil) helped, but for a short time, it was probably placebo effect to be honest. Celexa did the most, it gave me ten minutes of calm, and then a day of severe nausea. I’ve been through cold-turkey SSRI withdrawal twice, the most intense periods of brain shocks (not painful, just annoying) put me close to the floor. After withdrawal, when I got drunk or high socially, brain shocks would return; but the sensations left after consistently working out. I was also on Klonopin, first 1 mg a day then still feeling anxiety, I raised it to 2 mg. In a sense I started feeling like I was a weird kind of drunk all the time, getting words mixed up, and my mind felt like a waterfall was running over it; I think the drug permanently made me more extroverted, not necessarily a good or bad thing. I tapered off of this stuff, might’ve had a first time seizure or died otherwise. I’d rather that people weren’t taking medication unless they really need it. Then I lean towards meditative living and fitness as normal. I am happily not on medication now and I haven’t been on anything since late 2009.
  20. I dress more like a punk/metalhead, especially decked out, and rarely listen to those genres of music. Just recently I’ve decided to start dressing to the nines again for the seldom events I can make; I can deal with being insulted, just not on a daily basis. I don’t think the dress code is a good idea since its divisive, even though a new-looking baseball cap at an Alt club is usually a red flag. IMHO, the main problem inside Alt clubs musically and aesthetically, seems to be undereducated college students.
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