Since I’ve never done this, here’s the unreasonable:
Height - A little under my height which is like 5’8” or 5’9”
Weight/body type - Consistently athletic, but not power-lifter. For instance, abs showing, but not a wide back.
Eyes - Not important, often wearing theatrical contacts.
Hair - Black or violet.
Skin - Pale white
Character - Doesn’t necessarily have to be English, must have the accent. Age somewhere between 20 and 25 seems good, since I'm almost 23.
Clothing: Gothic/Punk/Dark DIY-- any combination of violet and black.
Doesn’t hate themselves or others, but not a doormat. Gets things done without getting stressed out and wrapped up in them.
A mix of compassion, randomness, confidence, honesty, insight, cheeky black humor, and wit. Doesn’t want kids but can get along with them. Doesn’t chain-smoke or doesn‘t smoke tobacco at all. Doesn’t have any drug problems including alcohol. Doesn’t mind marijuana, and supports legalization.
Anything that falls under mysticism and science.
Heterosexual. Kinky, but not into bondage more than the average person. Not normal, but not extreme.
Has some things in common, and some things not in common. Is often learning or doing. Likes Post-Punk/Indie more than Industrial.
Anything that’s not illegal or involved with the legal system.
Is on good enough terms with them, or has left them and is done with it.