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bane Raziel

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Everything posted by bane Raziel

  1. naw the larp is a custom world i made... its post apocalyptic so the best way to think of it is think if sarumon got the ring adn 300 years latter the world is just hanging on all but destroyed.
  2. http://www.modelmayhem.com/293909 http://www.modelmayhem.com/1533137 some examples of the photography i do... always looking for new models. not alot ot look at here north carolina is 95% flakes if i had 1/2 of the people i booked actually show up for shoots id have a vast portfolio. so yeah i read not ot advertise does that mean i cant tell about my larp im starting?
  3. Current location? asshole of the bible belt... soon to be detroit Where from? everywhere i was homeless for a few years by choice Gender? yes been all 3 Work? photography, clothing production, larp runner, asshole extraordinar School? never got past highschool... brains not wired to do regurgitational learning Kids? beautiful metal ballerina 3 year old Married? widowed and engaged but polyamorous Hobbies? listed in my first post How Did You Find DGN? Other Stuff? zombie tentacle raping cthulhu
  4. end of october before hallows eve... sorry for not replying email didnt say anyone did... fail.
  5. i personal go with the 'just raised look' lots of tatters and bad stitching. if i look like an extra in a zombie flick... its been a good day
  6. hello all i am moving to detroit and just looking to say hi. i suck at the social ice-breaking. so lets see... i am a photographer, clothing designer, taxidermist, leather worker, larp gm (soon to be), Dom, and obsessed with the dark ages. that should be a good start so yeah... hi.
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