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Everything posted by Vassagon

  1. Had one for the first time today, is delish o_O
  2. I keep forgetting to get tickets. Tonight I shall definitely remember. Probably.
  3. Makes me glad I work with computers. Should replace such people with computer people.
  4. Just read the first 5 volumes in one sitting. Totally hooked. Love the game references. Have yet to get/read the 6th but I've heard good things about the movie so I'll probably end up renting it when it comes out on DVD or finding a theater it's still playing in.
  5. Had a fun night out with Farril, met Vampoholic and Rambo, hope to make a regular thing of it so I hope to meet more of you all soon.
  6. GOOD NEWS: I just made a back-alley exchange for tickets! See you there
  7. I'm pretty set on attending, though I haven't been to City Club in some time. Was wondering who was going and who I could expect to meet. It shall ease my sensitive social anxieties.
  8. I am in agreement! Looks like they just put up another Teaser Trailer on the site. I will most assuredly get the game for PC though I wonder if my graphics card will really do it justice...I may have to tweak my hardware for the occasion, a task I've put off for far too long.
  9. Ah, how I have sinned, I have not gotten tickets and now begin the grueling task of searching out these rare specimens...
  10. Ah, such a structured method of familiarization. I shall conform to these standards in the hope that it meets the community's approval...and stuff. Location: Rochester Hills, just moved there a couple months ago to be closer to my job. Where From: Lake Orion, the suburb that boasts Canterbury Village as a themed attraction into what I can only imagine is a return to a commercialized Christmas past or perhaps a Dutch Castle. Gender: Male, can't think of anything humorous about this. Simple data shall suffice. Work: Downtown Royal Oak's at a software company that works to advertise the auto industry by producing 3-dimensional renders of client vehicles. I am employed as such a "3D Artist". While I enjoy my job I do not find it creatively expressive. But a job is a job, is it not? School: Learning shall never cease, always move forward with open arms and an open mind...and a degree at College for Creative Studies. Kids/Married/Single: No Kids, No Spouse, No Offspring, just me. Hobbies: I'm working on two websites for fun to practice my design capabilities. The websites are lame so please do not ask to see them until I admit to their being otherwise. I also do figure drawing and digital painting, though my skills are immensely raw and unmastered and I hate their insufficiencies to meet my intentions. I also write leisurely, creative fiction, though I've never completed any of my novels because every time I read them I hate and destroy them lest some witness get hold of them. As you can see I have very little in the way of confidence in my abilities, but I'm here to learn and grow in my trade and I enjoy discussion of such topics. Aside from that I enjoy video games. DGN: I've known about it for some time through discussion from old friends, particularly from member Farril. I've only recently taken interest because I now have the means to pursue my interests in the Detroit Goth Community. Other Stuff: I am friendly and enjoy conversation, unfortunately I lack the confidence to initiate such enjoyable activities as social interaction. I ask for your patience in my participation as I may be hesitant to blah blah blah blah blah I sound like a robot24uo23ij4oij
  11. This is something that I would like to attend. I will make the effort to appear.
  12. I appreciate the attention *waves back* glad to make your acquaintance.

  13. Ah yes. With all the knock knock jokes out there already the only way to compete is to improvise. Won't be starting a stand-up career anytime soon, I assure you.
  14. http://www.ea.com/alice Well I'm excited for a return to Wonderland. As a fan of the first one that I played on PC back in 2000 I can't wait to see what will be done with this theme to compete with today's high level graphics and gameplay. Of course that might very well be its downfall. With survival horror games it's often a hit or miss market and in this case in particular you're riding on a perversion of classic literature. Quite certainly a legendary remake that predates the Johnny Depp blunder that came out so recently. I hope they put more focus on the relationship between Alice and the psychiatrist that's taking care of her. They barely even touched on that in the first rendition aside from the "journal" pamphlet that came with the game. I know I enjoyed reading that as much as going through the game itself. Well I'm interested in hearing what everyone thinks about this. Any takers?
  15. Hi, new person here. Call me Vass if you like. I'm interested in exploring the scene and exposing myself to new people (consensually of course). Will start by invading this site, hope to see you around. ~ Vassagon
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