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"Quality" Corsets vs Crap ones?
TygerLili replied to Troy Spiral's topic in Fashion, Beauty and Costume.
Actually there are four types of boning a corset can have: continuous steel, spiral steel, plastic, and actual (real or synthetic) bone. The corset style tops that you can get at lingerie shops, or most mall stores that sell "corsets," have plastic boning instead of steel boning. They also usually have hook-and-eye closures instead of lacing (they may have lacing, but it's for decoration) or a busk as the way to get in and out of them. They usually cost between $25 and $70. You might get a 1-2 inch reduction from these, but the boning will start to bend and become misshapen immediately. These are for people who want a top that looks like a corset, but don't care about shaping and don't want to spend a lot of money. They look okay if you are naturally slim and don't really need shaping, but they usually don't look right if you are curvy, busty, or full figured. I can usually tell by looking if someone is wearing a plastic boned corset because you can usually see a bend somewhere in the boning. Spiral steel is coiled, flexible steel with plastic over the top of it. Most of the corsets that you can find online that cost between $50 and $200 that claim to be steel-boned have spiral steel boning. It holds it's shape better than plastic alone, and you can get up to a 4-5 inch reduction with it, but it will start to lose its shape in time. I have 3 corsets with spiral steel and, while they are worth what I paid for them ($50-$75) I personally don't think they shape as well as the ones with continuous steel, nor are they as comfortable. Plus they wear out faster. Continuous steel is a solid, flat strip of steel with plastic over it. This is what is (generally) used in the expensive (starting around $200 and going considerably higher) corsets. It holds its shape well, and allows for a pretty good reduction. In my opinion it's more comfortable because the bones don't shift and end up poking me in the hip or ribcage. I have one corset with this type of boning and it has lasted years, after being worn dozens of times. I can't necessarily tell by looking whether a corset has continuous steel or spiral steel boning, but I can tell which it is when I put one on. In the "old days" whale bones were used for corset boning. You can get synthetic whale bones for corseting now, but I have never personally owned one or tried one on, so I don't know much about them. I would imagine they are pretty inflexible. Aside from the boning, what the corset is made out of, what type of lacing it has, how well the seams and busk are sewn, whether it is lined or reinforced, etc. all contribute to the quality of a corset as well. -
I sort of like Slimfast shakes, but I don't do the whole 2-shakes-a-day-every-day thing. I don't get a lunch break at work, and I keep them on hand because sometimes we get too busy for me to sit down and eat, so I can grab one and get a couple hundred calories without really having to stop. The Slimfast plan actually tells you that if you are going to do a shake for lunch and a shake for breakfast, you should have a couple of light snacks during the day, like a piece of fruit or some raw veggies, or a 100 calorie snack bar. Slimfast shakes are something like 190 calories each, so if you just have the 2 shakes during the day and dinner, you would have to eat anywhere from 1200-1800 calories at dinner time, depending on your calorie intake needs, for it to work, and most people don't eat that much in one meal. Many years ago I did my own version of the Slimfast diet, where I would substitute other foods that were between 200 and 300 calories, like a can of Campbell's soup, or a yogurt and fruit smoothie, for a shake, and have one or two small snacks during the day, then eat around 800 calories for dinner. I lost a lot of weight that way, and didn't get burned out from eating the same thing day after day.
I've been posting/lurking here on and off for almost 7 years now and here are a couple of things I have observed: Despite the insistence of the DGN staff, DGN is aimed at the Detroit gothic scene, which is only has so many people. Yes, you can be a member from anywhere, and yes, we talk about things besides goth music, goth clubs, goth fashion, etc., but how many people really join DGN if they are neither from the Detroit area (or used to be from the Detroit area, or plan on moving to the Detroit area) nor are interested in goth culture/nightlife? I might come across a board called OklahomaRodeo.Net that has really interesting and intelligent people who talk about lots of different things, but I probably wouldn't know that because, honestly, if I am not from Oklahoma, don't know anyone in Oklahoma, and have no interest in rodeo, why would I bother to check it out? This is further reinforced by how closely DGN seems to be tied into City Club. I will give credit where credit is due. Yes, City Club has been around for a long time, and has managed to keep a decent crowd to keep a Saturday night "goth" night (goth is in quotation marks because people have a million different interpretations of what Saturday nights at City Club are classified as) going for a long time. The only other club in the general area I can think of who seems to have been able to keep a "goth" night going for successfully for a long period of time is Necto, and since City Club is more central, and does Friday/Saturday nights instead of Mondays, I can understand why they get more traffic. But a lot of people who used to come on here a lot don't like City Club anymore, either for a specific reason having to do with the club itself, or just because they have gotten older and they've gotten married, or they've had kids, or they've gotten a more demanding job, or they've moved farther away, or they're just not interested in partying anymore. City Club's patronage naturally changes constantly (out with the old, in with the new) and as long as DGN continues to have EVERY FREAKIN' SATURDAY NIGHT as DGN Night at City Club, and continues to use City Club as their main (and 99% of the time only) place to recruit, they will have as many people leaving as they do coming. I've seen people get really nasty here if someone wants to have a party or an event on a Saturday night (Oh, but that's a City Club night. You have to do it Sunday) that isn't City Club related. I also kind of felt like when I stopped going to City Club like I used to, most people here stopped paying any attention to what I had to say. If you really want to attract more/different types of people, it's time to cut the cord a little. Also, I have noticed two things that seem to make the amount of traffic go up on here. The first is when Troy, most of the moderators, and a large number of the big posters are showing up regularly at not only City Club, but other bar nights and events as well. The other is when someone, or a few someones, push/break the play-nice rules and it causes drama. I am not saying I am against the play-nice rules, but people tend to gather at a train-wreck. Other people's drama can be interesting/entertaining/make one feel better about oneself. When all of that gets deleted because of the play-nice rules, I think people get bored and tend to move on, because you can only post in so many threads about what your favorite industrial band is, or whether you prefer black or red lipstick before you get bored and run out of new things to talk about. On one hand I find the trolls annoying, but on the other hand, sometimes I find it just as annoying when someone makes an inflammatory post that the only thing I can do is flag it and wait for a mod to delete it, when what I really want to do is tell that person what an asshat they are, and have 10 other people congratulate me for it. But if I do, I get in trouble, too. I understand that some things have to go, like if someone posts another member's phone number, for example, but I think a lot of times, just deleting the post doesn't solve the problem, it just covers it up. I'm just throwing out some food for thought. I, personally, don't come on much anymore because my interests have changed, and because I just don't have the time to spend here that I used to, and because a lot of the people who I used to come here to interact with seem to be experiencing the same thing. *shrug*
That reminds me: No one should wear nude colored stretch pants, ever, under any circumstances. I don't care if you're fat, skinny, or in between, it's horrible. I don't feel like trying to post a link right now, but google "nude stretch pants" if you don't believe me...
2-year marriage licenses
TygerLili replied to Simon Bar Sinister's topic in Relationships, Pets & Domestic Homelife
I kind of like the idea, especially for couples who get married very young. It sounds like a step beyond a prenup. Couples should be able to get married on their own terms. -
I think what he was getting at is that some people want to see a female candidate in office so badly that they will vote for a candidate simply because she is female, ignoring, or not bothering to find out, her political stances and mis-staps. As a women, I would like to see a female candidate in the white house at some point during my life, but the idea of Palin or Bachmann being president makes me want to move to Europe asap. When I first saw that title I thought: She must have had the vaccine several times, then.
I think there's a fine line between remembering the past, and dwelling on it, and some people don't know where to draw the line, especially when it comes to things like 9/11. 10 years later, yes, dwelling is not healthy. I suspect part of why you don't feel strongly about it is because of the age you were at the time and the fact that your school basically kept you in the dark about it. But everyone reacts to things their own way. I was 21 and in college when it happened, and I was in my car driving to school when the planes hit the towers and was listening to it all unfold on the radio. I got to school just as the morning classes were letting out, and they had pushed TVs with the news out into the hall, so the students getting out of the am class were just finding out about it, and everyone was just dead stopped everywhere in the hallway staring at the TV. That's a moment I'll never forget because it was one of those moments where you feel like you're watching history unfold. My morning class was canceled, and I went into the student union to watch the TVs they had set up, and I remember watching the first tower fall. It was all very haunting, and those are images I always think about on 9/11. But I don't let it consume my entire day, either. It doesn't do to live in the past.
Fun with make-up
I'm considering moving downstate next year
TygerLili replied to TitsMcGee's topic in Relationships, Pets & Domestic Homelife
There are a lot of cheap apartments out here along the Novi/Wixom edge, but, as you know from staying with Angel, we're a distance out from the Royal Oak area that seems to be the hot spot of metro Detroit. Ferndale is centrally located, and you'll have cool neighbors, but if you live there be prepared for the main street to be shut down at least once a month for festivals, parades, and street fairs, which makes getting around a pain. Also, the cheaper part of Ferndale is right off of 8 mile, so be prepared to have the police searching your yard for runaway criminals with flashlights about ever other month. I've never lived in Madison Heights, but from driving through it, it doesn't seem like a bad place to live. Don't live in an apartment in Southfield!!! If you can find a room to rent in someone's house, that's cool, but most of the apartments in Southfield are overrun with bedbugs. When we were looking at places to move, I wanted to stay in Southfield, because Morbid was working on the west side, and I wanted it not to be too far for him, but still close to metro Detroit. I changed my mind when we started reading the reviews and almost all the apartment complexes in Southfield had reviews that talked about bedbugs. The Lexington (now called something else) where we lived for 6 months was cheap a can be, but I wouldn't tell my worst enemy to live there. We lost most of our furniture, I almost lost my mind, we were fighting constantly from the stress, and I still have scars on my arms from the bedbug bites. -
I'm considering moving downstate next year
TygerLili replied to TitsMcGee's topic in Relationships, Pets & Domestic Homelife
Would they let you live there even though it says senior housing? I know you're on disability, but Morbid's mom is, too, and we've had an awful time finding a place for because she's not 55 yet. -
Guilty Pleasures
TygerLili replied to ~Tszura~'s topic in Movies, Books, Art, TV, Gaming and Computers
If I had to list all the "non-goth" music that I like, and all the "goth" music that I don't like, I'd be here all night. I've never even heard of half of the groups that get talked about here. So instead I'll go with the fact that I dye my naturally raven hair blond and red. I also hardly ever wear all black anymore. Working at Macy's pretty much ruined wearing all black for me. -
Good, for the first time in about a week!
I just personally don't like bread and things like it with seeds, nuts, or other chunks of things in it. I know others who swear by whole grain stuff, and it is supposed to be healthier than white or wheat bread, but I don't like it. I don't eat a lot of bread, anyway, so it's not a big deal. Black pepper and other spices are good for you. I use lots of them when I cook because they improve the taste without really changing the nutrition of the food much, if at all. My favorites are black pepper, cayenne pepper, paprika, basil, oregano, rosemary, parsley, cilantro, garlic powder, onion powder, mustard powder, and chili powder, but you do kind of have to experiment to get an idea of which spices taste good with what foods. Also, remember that with every recipe, the amount of salt, pepper, and other spices used is just a guideline. If you like your roommate's recipe for something, other than the amount of salt and pepper he uses, then ask for the recipe and cut way down on the amount of salt and pepper. Just use a little to start with, taste it, and if it's too bland, keep gradually adding a little more and tasting it until you get it the way you want it. When I cook, I add a little spice, taste, and add more if I think it needs more, whether it's my first time or my fiftieth time using that recipe, because getting the right amount of seasoning can be tricky. I am a vegetarian, and most of my meat eating friends tend to think of vegetarian food as bland and boring because most people don't know how to cook vegetables so that they taste good. It's important to me to be able to serve them vegetarian things that taste good and make them not miss the meat.
Flirtation horror stories!
TygerLili replied to Raev's topic in Relationships, Pets & Domestic Homelife
One of the first times I went to City Club I had a guy offer to pay me to flirt with his friend. I was there with my new boyfriend, who I hadn't quite had the "are we boyfriend and girlfriend?" talk with yet, and I told him my "boyfriend" wouldn't like that. It was a little awkward, but he totally understood that I wasn't trying to be presumptuous putting it that way. I had a couple guys trying to hit on me at City one night who were making up weird random stuff and trying to tell me they were quoting Hamlet. Yeah, sorry, I wasn't born yesterday. I've read Hamlet 3 times, and seen various movie and play versions of it. Once when I was 14 I was sitting in Denny's with my mom and my aunt and this middle aged guy came over to our table and tried to give me his phone number. I don't know what he was thinking, or how old he thought I was, but my mom was ready to kill him, and the friend he was with looked horribly embarrassed and dragged him out of the restaurant. I'm sure there are more, but those are the worst ones that come to mind. -
Both mostaccioli and chili are fine if you are eating a reasonable, dinner-sized portion, and not 3-4 helpings, and if you are eating vegetables and fruit on the side. It's all about moderation. Cooking healthy is all about reading labels. Try to look for foods where the amount of protein is equal to or higher than the amount of carbs, and try to cut down on foods that are high in sodium. Some amount of fat is necessary, but try to get more fat from things like olives, avocados, nuts, lean meats and fish, olive oil, canola oil and sunflower oil. When I cook with dairy products, I usually use the reduced-fat or light versions of things like margarine, sour cream, cream cheese, peanut butter, etc. because usually you can substitute these things without sacrificing much taste. I do prefer skim milk, because I grew up with it, but if you prefer whole milk then step it down to 1 or 2 percent. It's still a reduction. Other than that, just buy lots of fruits and vegetables. When you snack, snack on fresh fruit or veggies instead of crackers, chips, candy, etc. If you like them, you can substitute whole wheat or whole grain versions of things like bread, pasta, rice, etc. I personally am picky about whole wheat, and can't stand anything with the word multigrain. If you are trying to cook, though, it's almost guaranteed that what you are eating is healthier than if you are eating processed/packaged foods, unless you are dumping in salt, oil and butter like there's no tomorrow. Garlic is good for you, as is garlic powder. Garlic salt, obviously is high in sodium, but sometimes I use that in place of table salt, in which case it's fine. I don't know how healthy the minced garlic that comes in a jar is, because it tastes gross to me and I never buy it, but fresh chopped garlic is good for you. Hot sauce should also be fine, unless the one you use is made with tons of sodium. Parmesan, is kind of high in sodium, but as far as cheeses go, it's one of the less fattening ones. There is a thread in this forum called specialties of the house where a number of people here have shared some of their favorite recipes. You should check it out.
Overstimulated. I like being on vacation, but it doesn't allow me the downtime I need to recharge.
Well, I am vegetarian, so I pretty much have to be able to cook, if I want food that tastes good and doesn't cost a fortune. Veggie enchiladas and 5 cheese lasagna are probably the two best things I make. In the last year I have tried to make some dishes with meat because my fiance is a carnivore, but it's difficult because 1) touching raw meat totally grosses me out, so I wear plastic gloves when I do, and 2) I like to taste everything as I go to make sure it's up to par, and I can't do that with meat.
This is ridiculous! An extra 30 minutes of gym for the kids' birthday sounds like a punishment to me, not a treat. If you're going to ban sweets, at least let them watch a 30 minute cartoon or something. And, really, if these kids' families don't encourage proper nutrition and exercise at home, 1 less cupcake and 30 minutes of dodgeball is not going to make any difference.
I wouldn't describe the pictures shown with the article as pornographic, or even overtly sexual, but they do make me uncomfortable for a couple of reasons. There's a big difference between a photo of a little girl with lipstick smeared all over her mouth and her mom's 5-sizes-too-big high heels playing dress up for her own enjoyment, and a photo of a little girl dressed, made-up, and posed like a grown woman for the purpose of making you desire whatever adult product she is advertising. Vogue is a very adult magazine. Not many 10-year-olds read Vogue, and hardly any would be able to buy the products featured in it. To me this is like using 60 year old models to model juniors clothing in Seventeen magazine. It's not age appropriate and doesn't make any sense. Also, our society has enough body image issues today as a result of how adult models are are airbrushed and portrayed in magazines like Vogue. Should a major magazine really be sending the message that adult women should strive to look like/have bodies like 10-year-old girls? I think not.
What are some your favourite make up pieces?
TygerLili replied to Etalimissa's topic in Fashion, Beauty and Costume.
Make-Up Forever black, sparkly eye shadow. I can use an eyeliner brush and make it look like liquid eyeliner, a smudge brush, and get the smoky eye look, a shading brush to get a regular dark eye shadow look, or a slanted brush to get very light pigment and lots of glitter. I almost never use eye pencils anymore, since I can get a smoother look with eye shadow and the right types of brushes. I will probably cry when my Lancome juicy tube bolole' lip gloss runs out because it's my favorite color and they don't make it any more, plus it smells and tastes like bubblegum, and all the other colors I have found similar to it in different brands smell gross and are greasier. I used to love photogenique blemish concealer, also by Lancome, that they discontinued. Their new one isn't nearly as good, so I am on the look out for a good one. I love Dior's spray on foundation, I can't remember the name of it, but, even for a make-up snob like me, it's hard to justify spending almost $70 on one piece. -
Since it's a Sunday I will definitely try. I might be able to talk the fiance into going, though getting up early on Sunday isn't really his cup of tea. If he doesn't want to go, I'd have room for one or two people who I know and who live reasonably close or would be willing to drive to my place. We'll see.
They don't bother me when I am looking at DGN from my laptop, like I am now, but when I am looking at DGN from my phone, from which I never log in because it's a pain to type stuff, and I usually only have time to skim, it doesn't reformat the size, so signatures with more than 2 quotes or pictures are super annoying. When I try to read DGN from my phone I probably spend 1-2 minutes for every thread I read clicking past signatures.
Grr! I had my eye exam and got new contacts, but I forgot to guy solution and a case on my way home, so now I have to go back out again.