Morbid and I ended up there to celebrate New Years/my birthday after we couldn't come up with anything else that didn't cost way too much.
We had an okay time. Saw Nightgaunt and Tszura, Pomba Gira, Stormknight, Black Jack, Msterbeau, EnviousPoppet, Gimp, Slogo, Lord of Sins, Nienna, Darque Metallion, got to meet Lillylu. Thanks to Tszura and Pomba for the birthday drinks!
Danced a few songs, then my shoes started killing my feet, sat and talked to some DGNers and some nonDGNers. Had a drunk guy ask me if I was Angelina Jolie (not quite, lol). Left about 3, I think. Feet were killing me all the way home, I won't be wearing those boots again.