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Everything posted by victoriavengeance

  1. Z. Now I know my abc's.
  2. hate my noose. only thing i would probably fix. broke it when i was eight. it's obnoxious.

    1. victoriavengeance


      lol jk like that will happen

  4. longest four hours of my life ewafjkldsm
  5. :|.... i wish it wasn't.... :|
  6. this cute little asian kid covering i'm yours on a ukelele [originally by jason mraz]
  7. oh...my...goth...bad.... slogo, i love you, never let me drink your drink that much ever again. carry a spray bottle. please. just. spray me. and be like . REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME YOU DID THAT. Yeah. I got super trashed, you could judge my alcohol consumption by how much i started groping tyger... -__-
  8. Once or twice a year. this is once.
  9. Yeah, no pics til sushiiii if you post pics I'm going to have to just gnaw on Chern instead. And she's much cuter when she's not edible. or gnawed up in mah belleh
  10. *hugs Eevee* loveyew please be happy :[[[ Thinking about how much I love my Harry Potter tattoo and how much Severus Snape makes me sad.
  11. I'M GOING :) 100% will be there with bacon bit!!! And am playing the let's see how drunk I can get game, because I've had an old friend pass away, and I just need to escape. SO I WILL SEE YOU GUYS. donations to the drunk fund are always welcome, aka, troy....... bahaha<3 I will be there probably by 11, 2 dollar entrance necessaryyy. poor vv is poor :| YAY YAYAYAYA YAYAYAY *danceS* like everyone's going tonight. it will be an awesome night. so many birthdays are going on, too. yay summer.
  12. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE I DON'T WANT TO LIVE ON THIS PLANET ANYMORE Hermione and Ron. Harry and Ginny is so stupid. It's total Oedipus, like helloooo your mom had long red hair and you're marrying this bitch with red hair that looks pretty much exactly like your mom and she's the blandest character and a total mary sue. CONGRATS HARRY, YOU'RE THE WORST CHARACTER IN YOUR OWN FUCKING SERIES/BOOKS. And Hermione and Ron were bound to be together. She COMPLETES HIMMM he is lost without her. UGH /rant ahem sorry. >.>
  13. I could go for some sushi, right now. Plum rolls and some salmon ...fjksadfjklasDF. :| I'm hungry. Nothing's better than raw meat.... innuendo intentional maybe kind of.
  14. I told my boyfriend about this. and that, since he's a dinosaur, he should go into hiding
  15. I feel bad for the girl. if you listen to it UN autotuned, the live version she did it's honestly NOT as bad as the crappy auto-tuned version... poor little girl :/
  17. All that excites me on the second site you posted Darklord was hobgoblin. HOBBBGOBLIN *drinks it all*
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