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Everything posted by victoriavengeance

  1. I WILL TURN THIS CAR AROUND, YOU GUYS. *clears throat* Ahem. Anyways. I really don't agree with the public healthcare covering Abortion. That's still in the bill, right? I can't remember if it was or not, too lazy to google, asking a question, expecting constant attacks afterwards.
  2. shanksss<3 i miss my red hair D:

  3. we're going as a family around then i think :[ i'll be gone up north for at least a week for christmas with them, but in january you may see me.


    i'm getting a job at a nightclub in novi, so i may not be able to take any days off. gotta save money for moving,.

  4. I'll teach you muahahaha. I recorded a video, but I only uploaded it to facebook of me playing a cover songgg by Mike Posner. someday I'll youtube it, but it's really rough and not good enough for youtube
  5. haha yess told you. fetus! that is meeeeh.


    well next time I miraculously break out of the house for city [which is actually more possible than we're thinking, my parents go up about every other weekend to snowmobile] we're going to hang out more at city XD

  6. it's cause you're old hahahahaha just kidding luhvvv you <3 I'm feeling sadddd :| I think it's the lack of sleep, I'm on second wind and I'm losin' it. KAT I LOVE YOU BE HAPPY.
  7. we honestly never end up there for too long til the end of the night.

    i obviously have no reason to be at the bar hahahaha. fetus' shouldn't drink!


  8. baw i heartchu! lol shawn told me you were looking around for me and i was like HOW HAVE I NOT SEEN HIMZ. My friend beckie goth'd me out for the occasion, rofl. we were either dancing, smoking, or at the dj booth the whole time haha.

  9. I'm sitting here all FFFUUUUU and then I'm all DAMMIT SO MUCH RESPECT BUT FFFUUUU

  10. i'm just loling. don't mind me XD I just think it's funny that no one is really throwing out anything constructive anymore. trolled harddd :3 people are going to think different things. it is what it issss.
  11. so even though I hate the game, you get props for making me lose it like that.

  12. I just made her make an account yesterday night when we were drunk before city hahahahahaahah ... me drunkenly figuring out how to upload pictures to her profile was hysterical
  13. Not really. I got your point, my smartassery is getting in the way. I'm just saying, realistically thinking here, and thinking for myself, then I'd be preeetty much in the same scenario. In the time it takes to get an appointment scheduled for a crappy ass non-specialist doctor that is accepted by my 'free' healthcare [note it's called free, not good], my liver will probably splode all over the place and be super gross and someone'll have to clean that up and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Reiterating what I previously stated, were the plan consisting of better quality healthcare, then I would be moreso in support of it.
  14. Yeah, but I'd probably rape her in her sleep or something. She may like it though... free rent ftw! god dammit. fucking circles how do they work.
  15. either way I won't be getting the healthcare I need, so your point is still totally invalid and irrelevant to me.
  16. hahaha seriously, beckie? she's one of my best frans. XD. and my 'wife', actually.
  17. sorry I didn't sees you until late, I was totally drunkenly exhaustedly out of it too :{ if you had seen me at my prime earlier on I would've been more exciting, I swearrr

  18. It's equivalent exchange (to quote Full Metal Alchemist, "Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return... To obtain something of equal value must be lost.")- you gained your education which someone else paid for through their taxes, and you paid for mine or whatever, and I'm going to be paying for someone's, and I'm paying for my own already for that. It's a completely different subject, and it's already put in place and it IS what it is, no changing that currently. This is something that is going to be instated that I do not agree with, but education is already set. Start a new topic on education reform if you wish. Irrelevant. Education and healthcare both run upon the taxes, yes, but my healthcare is not paid for by taxes. I pay my healthcare. and I already pay taxes for medicare and the like, and it's just adding a new amount to take out of my check, on top of me taking out for my healthcare because the QUALITY of this national plan is going to be shit. were the quality better of the healthcare being received for free, I would be content. I would not be bitching. but there are days that I CANNOT WAIT more than a week to get a doctor's appointment. I get my blood drawn every friday and my liver is monitored from my medication. it could be fatal if I do not get the care I need. Urgent care is not going to work wonders every time it happens. I see specialists that cost a shit ton of money and I guarantee you will not be covered by this free healthcare. No free healthcare plan is going to be able to keep my health in check. So, I hope you really enjoy the healthcare I'm buying you! :D
  19. Sorry, I digress- I forget that in type I am perceived as literal, you have to kind of imagine my nature in person (which you don't know, but it is complete sarcasm and hyperboles) in my text to get me XD.
  20. No, but I believe that my health and myself are going to be screwed in the butt paying for something that I personally CANNOT utilize to retain my health, and then paying A SHIT TON for something that WILL benefit my health. is that fair? That I have to pay and take care of my own health which is already poor and costs me a crap ton of money, and pay for someone else's health on top of paying MORE than I would have prior to the fact of the matter? I could REALLY care more at this point about whether or not people are lazy or need help or lost their job and can't afford their health care. that sucks, I'm sorry, but in this economic state, I CAN'T AFFORD TO PAY FOR YOUR HEALTH AND MY FOUR AUTO IMMUNE DISEASES.
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