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Everything posted by victoriavengeance

  1. good luck! have you tried searching pipl.com at all just to see? I found my biological father using that. haha edit: I found through pipl a cousinconnect listing for finding her also, guessing that's you or some of your family that posted it, http://www.cousinconnect.com/d/a/211938
  2. rofl, oh I don't really want to go to city buuuut Eevee's birthday and such. I'll 75% come tonight. Glitch may. We'll see I just know he's working an 11 hour shift, so he may be exhausted, especially since he opens tomorrow, too!
  3. FINE. MAYBE. If Glitch feels up to it after work. I must acquire his little riceburner for field trips, white lightning is not exactly a hybrid
  4. if I go, I'm not getting there til like 10 or 11 and I won't be at city saturdayyyy
  5. when you cut yourself shaving you make a bandaid out of electrical tape and toilet paper.
  6. maybes! i do really suck though hahahaha you can has a self esteem halo boost watching me

  7. i no has :[[[ I wish I had it! AHH. I am broke though! :[ Maybe I'll ask for it for christmas.

  8. usually i play firefight and destroy shit and usually end up dying a lot.

  9. yeees i'm bad at it though. I play reach :D constantly

  10. eh not really hahaha. went to necto last night, got home at 4, slept til 1 pm, played halo all day bahahaha

  11. pahahahaha. I may just walk. you know. I may be able to if I acquire some gas moneys from teh glitch while he's goneee
  12. eevee and vv: trolling necto n00bz all day long.

    1. savagehart


      i would "like" this if i could.

  13. unf. I don't know if I'm going, gas wise, no rideee. if anyone from novi area is going let me know
  14. awe.... ARE WE HAVING A TOUCHING MOMENT??? ahem. I love you. since I am you. and you love yourself. I think I woke up this morning and glanced at my leg and was like oh god it's transforming into Chernobyl's leg, I'm like optimistic prime up in here. ahem. and. I'll make glitch get on more sometime he needs to. but he thinks you're awesome, too. I LOVE YOU.
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