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Everything posted by phenom

  1. Well, after lurking here for some time, and reading what has gone on... it seems that Machine's persistence in what he was posting was getting him in trouble... 'Scar My Machine' posts ALOT of ignorant shit, but he gets a free pass because he shit is anti-establishment/anti-american. Machine posts pro republican/american stuff, he gets flamed and eventually banned. YES he did things with no tact, but it's the Internet? Who gives a fuck?
  2. creature.... beware, pro-republican/americans get banned around these parts... watch yourself. Machine was the first, certainly not the last.
  3. I lol'ed at the tv show. I also question why Paul would allow his credibility to go down with this tv show... Ever see Bruno?
  4. If we are talking about Wikileaks, what they are doing is totally wrong and a danger to world peace. But in other regards of freedom of speech, I believe people should be able to say what they want, when they want. I also believe the Internet should be left alone, unmonitored, unregulated... but that is just a dream.
  5. Sal looking devious. Btw. Who is the girl in the pink? We should meet...
  6. As soon as I saw it was this tv show, I lol'ed because people take this shit seriously. I can't wait until they attempt Sept 11. But people will believe anything if it's edited and has scary music! But on a serious note: Economy FAIL. Look up these guys: Chris Dodd, Barney Frank. Nancy Pelosi. SENATOR Obama. Proof is in the puddin...
  7. I was just coming here to post on this issue. Gaf stole my thunder... but I will add the following link. And Obama sees nothing wrong. Welcome to the police-state. Submit or be dealt with.
  8. I was going to say something along the lines of 'burning cars and the destruction of property ' ...not really needed here. The people in this country don't fall to that low of a standard as to burn shit for bullshit reasons... unless people are protesting the 'racist' police here in this coutnry. Then you can expect some cars burnt.. OR you can expect protest when law is enforced over a natural disaster area, which then causes the local population (that refused to evacuate) to cry racism over the cops arresting them for looting and other bouts of larceny! Yea! REVOLT!
  9. When you say we are a laughing stock to the rest of the world (implying you care what they think)it's pretty clear it's not about our countries "future". So you DO care, and that is fine. I personally just don't care what others think of me. I live how I want to, and it does not really affect me if I bother, offend, upset, or insult anyone. Just like I could care less if anyone treated me in a shitty way... oh well, just blow it off and relax. But speaking of our countries future, all the more the reason NOT to care what other countries think. They want to laugh at our citizens, fine. There is alot to laugh at. But they are pretty fucked over their too. When a massive amounts of people will sit for hours and hours and watch while a ball is kicked around ... and they call us dull ... sure. And besides, it's our foreign policy that bothers people, and I personally LOVE our foreign policy as of the last 10 years or so. As you said, it is about our countries future. Our current policy is to PROTECT the future. And the "our country used to be great" comment... dude, get some friends or something. Turn of the Blink 182 and step outside. Life is not over. Everything will be ok.
  10. Just like I could care less about what others think about me and how I choose to live my life... I could give a FUCK what the rest of the world thinks of the US. Why WASTE your life caring what others think of you when only your opinion of yourself matters?
  11. I would agree that anonymity is always a good position, but stating you have a weapon, or people thinking you have a weapon is pretty effective. For example: States that allow CCW have seen a dramatic drop in armed robbery/assault. When the bad guys know the good guys are packin, they tend to leave them alone.
  12. Hmm, good public speaker vs. fiscally-responsible You're right. We defiantly need someone that will impress us with words instead of action. How could I have been so foolish. "Hey, I can talk really well! Never-mind that I have absolutely NO experience for the job I am applying!"
  13. Spook, I have that exact knife.
  14. Well, first: You voted for Obama because you liked how he spoke. Thanks for proving the point about the majority of Obama voters. 'He sounds intelligent, so what if he has accomplished nothing in his few years in the senate other than trying to deny Americans their rights. And, the GOP attempted to nominate Allen Keys back in 2000. But he didn't make it out of the primary's.. maybe because he was an old rich white guy... I mean a rich black guy. Oh, rich... no one likes rich people, no matter the color. Damn them for being successful... why can't they just do nothing and blame society for their problems like REAL American!?
  15. I like the XD alot, but for some reason that grip safety really gives me trouble... Michigan is a SHALL ISSUE state. Therefore, you can take a class if you are not a first responder, police, military.. take that graduation documentation to your respective city's city hall, pay on avg 50 bux, and boom, ccw. Carry concealed. This site has A WEALTH of information on gun laws/control etc. http://www.nraila.org/
  16. For sure. Just like a car, it' best to drive it before you buy it. If it does not feel right and comfortable in your hands, it will do more harm to you than the bad guy(s). If it feels awkward in your hand it's not for you. There are many weapons out there, no rush needed.
  17. Keeping on the topic of physical well being, I would make the logical link to personal/self-protection. Does anyone else carry concealed? Or just maybe home protection? Would not mind seeing what people carry/keep at home. Could be an interesting topic, seeing as gun owners are very passionate about their rights, etc. I'll start it off. I carry an H&K 45, and I use Winchester Ranger-T, 10 in the mag 1 in the chamber.
  18. Phee, I don't see how someone is homophobic for not agreeing with homosexuality. If they simply don't think it is right or moral, that makes them homophobic? Because they don't accept the practice of? I guess that makes a majority of Americans homophobes then... They don't hate the homosexual, they just don't agree with what they (homosexuals) are doing. That in no way makes them homophobes. And don't blame religion. It's not religion that makes people unwelcoming to the gay lifestyle choice. I know plenty of atheists, myself included, that think that the homosexual act is disturbing/wrong/backwards... choose your word, just trying to be 'PC'..which I shouldn't be, and at the same time, I am not hating any of my openly gay friends for what they do. They are still human.
  19. Not sure how to YouTube... new here Here goes... Bet you didn't know this song had words!
  20. Does not agreeing with homosexuality make someone homophobic? Can people not like/agree with something anymore without a title? And what makes someone racist? Because someone does not agree with an Obama policy, they are labeled a racist? Because the man is black? These conservatives you speak of are not homophobic for not liking homosexuality, they, and the majority of Americans that are not even affiliated with a political party, think it is wrong. So that makes them homophobes? Because they don't like the idea? That is retarded. And people are racist simply because they don't like what the president is doing to the country? Whatever happened to Dr. King's words? 'content of character and not the color of skin' ... why ASSume someone is racist simply for not agreeing with an Obama policy? Again, retarded. I don't like how it is cool to call anyone that does not agree with the liberal agenda some sort of derogatory word. Don't like homosexuality? LABEL. Don't agree with a policy? LABEL. Don't agree with giving away your hard-earned money to those that refuse to work? LABEL. Childish does not come close to the definition I am looking for.
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