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Everything posted by Ensanguine

  1. I'm still trying to figure that out and I was there...
  2. I'm trying to decide on a song to do a cover of for an EP I'm working on with a new project. Influences for the project, to give you an idea of the sound I'm going for are the Mission, Type o negative, and John Carpenter (yeah I'm trying to use some of his awesome 80s type sounds but I'll probably end up failing miserably >.<) but it will probably just end up sounding like well... me. People I've showed it to so far have described it as "groovy darkness" lol and "funeral rock". Right now I'm considering The Ramones Pet Sematary, Joy Division New Dawn Fades or maybe Ceremony (not sure I should try to even improve upon that son)... Originally had planned a really interesting version of Little 15 by Depeche Mode, with the second half sung by a female and the perspective of the lyrics changed to 1st, but I don't think things are going to work out getting my friend to do it and not to mention it would mean I wouldn't get to play it live. I need suggestions. Also, what do you think would really get a crowd moving/interested if played live?
  3. Just got the korg m1 VST, liking it a lot so far.
  4. well shit, too bad it was snowing, I live an hour away and I had to be up the next day at 8 :/
  5. Goff you can dance too *gasp*!
  6. And how much to buy an entire set/night? I got a feeling one of these depressed evening of mine is going to get turned around with some booze, a couple benjamins and whole lot of 20th century Goff music.
  7. Had a great time. D:Konstruct did a wonderful job... Red This Ever was crazy like usual, I've never seen anyone with such a presence. And thanks to the guy who gave me a pitcher of beer whoever you are. Some dude called me Danzig that night... Wtf lol.
  8. Unless I have to get up early on Sunday ill probably swing by.
  9. Thanks for the great replies. I was worried there would only be the chirp of crickets. The reason I ask is I would really like to attempt to set up some kind of concert/show/event/orgy or something. Wondering if there would be much interest, but even not it would be nice for there to be something. If anyone has any contact info for anyone who might be interested in playing, organizing, doing shadow puppets on the wall or drooling in a corner, there's a drink it for you next time I'm at City.
  10. @TygerLili That's kinda the point I was also trying to make and I agree with you. People can't dance to it if DJs don't play it. Anyways, perhaps I misread the banner at the top of the page *shrug*. I'm not trying to be an ass, it's just frustrating you know? I don't mind synth/industrial/EBM/noize but I look for an outlet for at least vaguely "Goth" stuff and find none. I digress.
  11. Generally, Goth/Industrial is still alive in Europe as a whole thankfully. The same can't really be said of most of North America it would seem. If I may speculate, this longevity is helped in part by an adherence, to some degree, in tradition. If DJs spin more synthpop, the music and scene become more accessible, and people's fashion slips into the casual, all these factors help contribute to the decline and demise of the underground world we now see here in the USA.
  12. Are there any actual Michigan gothic rock bands in existence? Or for that matter post-punk or death rock? (By that I mean in the literal sense, not some darkwave/synthpop with goth labeling) ... are there even any in the Great Lakes region at all or is this genre pretty much dead in eastern North America?
  13. Been to lots of clubs around the world. Slimelight, one of the longest going goth/industrial clubs in the world over in London has a dress code, there's a reason it's one of the longest lived and best. While a dress code doesn't necessarily keep out a-holes, it does keep out those who aren't actually interested in the subculture and can't be bothered to invest in it. If you want something to thrive you have to define it, cultivate it and give it a face to live through. No blue-jeans, white Ts, baseball caps, might not be a bad start.
  14. That is one insanely priced ticket, and I thought 200 to see Roger Waters was expensive, but he's worth it :/
  15. Good reason to drive up to Detroit and see them. Cmon, the Murder City misses you.
  16. No except that they weren't planning on booking anyone for the up stairs in the near future and I've been told the Lab is flooded.
  17. Cradle of Filth, Nachtmystium, Turisas, Daniel Lioneye, Vintenar and others. I still have tickets for this, cheaper than ticketmaster and at the door if anyone is interested. Will mail, drop off, w/e. If you already have your tickets, show up early and support some local acts such as my band: www.facebook.com/pages/Vintenar/164883410211360 Myspace.com/Vintenar
  18. Red this ever is pretty decent. Saw them open up for Seraphim Shock. And wtf City is having live bands now? I've asked them through myself a few times if I could organize a concert there and they always tell me no :/
  19. I'm going to be opening up for this show. If people are interested, email me for tickets and avoid Ticketmaster fees. $27.25 from Ticketmaster, $20 from me.
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