1. Obama is not an American born citizen (birther movement).
This is nuts. The Republicans who said this were stupid, the Governor of Hawaii (a Republican) confirmed he is American.
2. Obama is attempting to change the health care in the country to find a way to euthanize the elderly.
This was horrible lies perpetuated by tea party idiots
3. Obama is racist and hates white people.
another stupid lie by the limbaugh crowd
4. Obama is attempting to make this country into a Socialist government.
this is a mixed lie, he definitely supports Keynesian economics and the he got involved in Tarp and Stimulus which is Government intervention in a free market. However Bush did the same thing and taxes were way higher than anything Obama is proposing now.
5. Obama is going to force everyone to be Muslim.
Never heard this one
6. Obama is going to somehow take everyones guns and ammo away.
Never heard this one either
7. Obama is trying to make this country part of China.
Well he is but so did the Republicans. Actually I take that back, the Fed's involvement in QE2 caused the decline of the dollar which helps exports and actually this week we were doing better than before on the trade deficit. But Obama railed on Mccain in the debates that we borrow too much from China and then he himself ran up the bigger budget deficits than anyone since FDR. I know there is a debate to be had on whether Keynesian spending is good or bad but you can't deny that we are going in further debt to China than ever before.
8. Obama is going to make the country go bankrupt... or I should say more bankrupter then it is now.
Yes Bush tried to bankrupt us too but Obama's budgets are reckless and now Moody's is predicting debt shock for the U.S. by 2018.
9. Obama will take away your children if he disapproves of the way you are parenting.
never heard this one but banning cloves, banning caffinated alcohol drinks, keeping the patriot act, keeping warrentless wiretapping, not closing down guantanamo bay and several other things make me think Obama is as bad on civil liberties as Bush was.