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  1. Hello! You have very interesting posts. Who are you?

  2. I am not sure where this rant came from but I agree with you, Sarah Palin is a joke and a stupid human being. However the "smart african american" has an equally moronic person as his vice president. And you don't have to be racist to oppose Obama...look up economist Thomas Sowell (black economist who rails against Obama on a weekly basis), Deroy Murdock (black libertarian and tax policy expert who speaks out against Obama), Colin Powell (who once supported Obama but now says has lost his way), Michael Dyson (black left wing NPR host who says Obama is acting like a Republican) and countless others. There are legit and intellectual reasons to oppose President Obama's policies from both the left and the right.
  3. I saw Bruno. Ron Paul also spoke at Tea Party conventions but that doesn't change the fact that Ron Paul is right. Both the left (bernie sanders, dennis kucinich) and the right (ron paul, former representative dick army) want to audit the fed but the fed doesn't want to open their books. And he is also right, don't blame Obama or Bush for the economy...blame Greenspan and Ben Bernanke, Barnanke is king, he sets the economic policy for the nation. So yeah the tea party are idiots, bruno was mean spirited (by the way ron paul has a great record on gay rights) and this conspiracy show is stupid...but Ron Paul's message is correct. The Fed works in secrecy and should have to open it's books and you have to wonder why it doesn't. Maybe wikileaks should investigate.
  4. he's partially correct. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - propped up by Democrats - guaranteed toxic mortgages by Banks who never would have made such risky loans without backing. Most of the deregulation went on before Bush but didn't cause too many problems for years and years. For instance, Credit Default Swaps were deregulated in the mid 90's but were blamed as a big part of the Banking Crisis but no one minded the Default Swaps in the 90's. The Community Reinvestment Act was liberalized in the 1970's by Carter and no one minded that either until the housing crisis happened. that does not excuse Bush's reckless spending and murderous wars which added a lot to the national debt crisis.
  5. I would rather have a Government that does just about nothing. I applaud the Republicans creating gridlock. The Government's only role is to protect the citizens and not intervene in anything else, especially the economy. It is too much borrowing, too much intervention by the Federal Reserve and too much regulation that lead to the Financial Crisis. The Housing Crisis never would have happened at all without all these bad policies by Government. The Constitution is pretty much perfect in my opinion and most Government intervention since 1913 has been unconstitutional. Ask yourself why from 1776 to 1913 the dollar appreciated 92% in value but from 1913 to 2010 it has depreciated by massive levels http://mykindred.com/cloud/TX/Documents/dollar/
  6. I don't think any President tries to ruin the Country. But that doesn't change the fact that some do. I don't think the Iraq war destroyed us as a Nation nor did Vietnam but they both did quite a bit of damage. I think Obama's economic ideas are admirable and are intellectual as a Keynesian but I also think they are very dangerous long term and will probably do quite a bit of damage.
  7. 1. Obama is not an American born citizen (birther movement). This is nuts. The Republicans who said this were stupid, the Governor of Hawaii (a Republican) confirmed he is American. 2. Obama is attempting to change the health care in the country to find a way to euthanize the elderly. This was horrible lies perpetuated by tea party idiots 3. Obama is racist and hates white people. another stupid lie by the limbaugh crowd 4. Obama is attempting to make this country into a Socialist government. this is a mixed lie, he definitely supports Keynesian economics and the he got involved in Tarp and Stimulus which is Government intervention in a free market. However Bush did the same thing and taxes were way higher than anything Obama is proposing now. 5. Obama is going to force everyone to be Muslim. Never heard this one 6. Obama is going to somehow take everyones guns and ammo away. Never heard this one either 7. Obama is trying to make this country part of China. Well he is but so did the Republicans. Actually I take that back, the Fed's involvement in QE2 caused the decline of the dollar which helps exports and actually this week we were doing better than before on the trade deficit. But Obama railed on Mccain in the debates that we borrow too much from China and then he himself ran up the bigger budget deficits than anyone since FDR. I know there is a debate to be had on whether Keynesian spending is good or bad but you can't deny that we are going in further debt to China than ever before. 8. Obama is going to make the country go bankrupt... or I should say more bankrupter then it is now. Yes Bush tried to bankrupt us too but Obama's budgets are reckless and now Moody's is predicting debt shock for the U.S. by 2018. http://www.investors.com/NewsAndAnalysis/Article.aspx?id=532490 9. Obama will take away your children if he disapproves of the way you are parenting. never heard this one but banning cloves, banning caffinated alcohol drinks, keeping the patriot act, keeping warrentless wiretapping, not closing down guantanamo bay and several other things make me think Obama is as bad on civil liberties as Bush was.
  8. I find that goths spend more time worrying about whether other goths are legit than any other subculture. The victorian goths and old school goths spend a lot of time ripping on gravers or ebm fanatics and they all don't want the juggalos going to their clubs because they are "fake". At least that has been my experience.
  9. how so? how would tax cuts for the rich hurt you? The Nation is going to take in between 18% and 20% of tax revenues as a percentage of GDP regardless if the rich are taxed at 60% or 28%. The rich were paying taxes at the top marginal rate of nearly 70% in the 1970's and we got high inflation and high unemployment. In the 1980's unemployment and inflation dropped by the middle of the decade and the rich were only paying at 28% levels (lower than now).
  10. As I posted in the other thread, this is all Democrat propaganda. This is what the Huffington Post and what MSNBC is telling you the same way that Fox is telling their viewers that War is good and Muslims are bad. The Rich paid more in Corporate taxes after the tax cuts than any of the Clinton years. The poor paid less in taxes (actually the bottom 35% of earners paid 0 in taxes during most of the Bush years) as did the middle class than during the Clinton years. In fact, the CBO projects that the tax cuts to the middle class are far more expensive than the tax cuts to the rich (but don't worry - I disagree with the CBO on everything and they've been wrong on everything). The top 1% of rich Americans pay more in taxes than the bottom 60% I hate Neocon Republicans and they hurt the Country but they did not hold the middle class hostage.
  11. We should look at the past to make sure we don't make the same mistakes. But you're only half right in your assertions above. Yes the Iraq war was pointless, Bush's views on scientific research was absurd and his foreign policy was ill advised across the board. Bush had nothing to do with the financial collapse, that was caused by the Housing Crisis which started because of a Global Savings Glut and the Federal Reserve setting interest rates too low which caused malinevestment. Even if you are going to say that Wall Street was deregulated (it really wasn't) and that caused Banks to do what they did - well those deregulations mostly happened during the Clinton years http://www.weeklystandard.com/weblogs/TWSFP/2008/10/bill_clinton_defends_deregulat.asp The economy was incredibly hot during the middle of the Bush administration and unemployment went down to 4.5% but I don't give him credit for that and I don't give Clinton credit for the bubble he presided over either.
  12. Apparently the rest of Canada doesn't agree with Siren http://news.nationalpost.com/2010/08/18/the-best-solution-to-canadas-healthcare-woes-according-to-an-ipsos-reid-polled/
  13. I have been all over the world and can tell you that you're wrong. Period. In Great Britain the NHS is the 3rd largest employer in the world and is growing at an alarming rate. You also sourced the WHO but we had the same health care system in the 1980's and we ranked in the top 10. The reason the US does so poorly in the WHO rankings is because of the explosion of type 2 diabetes in the U.S. which is dramatically higher than other Nations. You also said Bush's tax cuts were irresponsible and you are wrong again, Bush took in higher tax revenues as a % of GDP than the historical 60 year average and took in more corporate tax receipts than any of the Clinton years. Much like the Reagan years, the tax cuts paid for themselves and you are spouting Democrat propaganda. Even Christine Romer, Obama's former Economic advisor, said Bush's tax cuts worked. by the way I hate Bush and Reagan but all the left's vitriol on taxes is b.s.
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