Current location? Milford/Brighton area
Where from? Milford/Brighton area
Gender? Female
Work? Retail, ugh
School? Milford high, OCC for right now, hoping to go to OU
Kids? Hahahahahahahahahahaha, no.
Married? Newp
Single? Nah, got a boyfriend
Hobbies? Anything ridiculous and time-consuming.
How Did You Find DGN? Like I said, and ex who frequents this board. We're cool, so no worries
Other Stuff? Hrm...I love animals. I have a dog, 2 cats, 4 fish tanks(filled with many fish), a chicken (yes, just one, and he's very old), and I share 2 turtles with my boyfriend. I also just had my pet hedgehog pass away recently. :(
Anyway, there's a few more things about me.